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Example sentences for "ascertain whether"

  • The symptoms and sizes of stone, when severe, will lead the patient to take such means as are necessary to ascertain the cause of them—to ascertain whether or not stone exists in the bladder.

  • The cavity should now be examined carefully, to ascertain whether or not all the diseased parts have been taken away; it is then dressed daily from the bottom.

  • After almost every operation for stone, particularly when the concretions are numerous, or when they have broken into fragments, a searcher is useful to ascertain whether or not all have been removed.

  • I have examined the paper with a view to ascertain whether any of the effects were probably referable to magneto-electric induction; but, though unable to form a very strong opinion, believe they are not.

  • This substance conducted, and was decomposed; but it contained water, and I was unable at the time to press the investigation so as to ascertain whether a fusible anhydrous arsenic acid could be obtained.

  • In order to ascertain whether or not it was really necessary for the pupa to be thus carefully housed in a silken ball full of air beneath the water, he took out several pupae and put them into some water in a saucer.

  • Reaumur now became anxious to try the effects of the opposite state of temperature, and to ascertain whether exposure to cold would exercise any effect upon the pupae.

  • I returned to the ship after a short cruise in the pinnace sent away with Lieutenant Simpson to ascertain whether a passage for the ship to the eastward existed between Piron Island and South-east Island.

  • The books record a case in which it was necessary to ascertain whether a bite had been made by a large or a small dog.

  • Each bone should be examined separately, to ascertain whether it is a right or left bone or belongs to the same skeleton.

  • They paid twenty-five pounds to get it through, and sent it within thirty-six hours of their arrival in gaol, but they have never been able to ascertain whether it reached its destination.

  • Not content with this the prisoners demanded that they should be allowed to send an independent messenger to the President to ascertain whether he really required a written appeal for revision of sentence.

  • To put on, as a garment, to ascertain whether it fits the person.

  • Very much surprised, she looked at me to ascertain whether I was serious or only jesting.

  • Dolbeau has made some interesting experiments in order to ascertain whether, under any circumstances, a sleeping person might be anaesthetised.

  • In order to ascertain whether an alkaloid is present or not, a method of extraction must be pursued which, while disposing of fatty matters, salts, &c.

  • The residue should be identified by the hydrochloric acid and by the sulphuric acid and bromine reactions; care should also be taken to ascertain whether it excites sneezing.

  • Mr. Darwin also made the following observation:--'Desiring to ascertain whether F.

  • The inconceivability of its negation is the test by which we ascertain whether a given belief invariably exists or not.

  • Should this course have to be continued for some time, it will be advisable occasionally to head him in the desired direction, in order to ascertain whether he will go forward; if he will not, he must again be turned and backed.

  • In selecting a horse great care should be taken to ascertain whether there is the least trace of =unsoundness in his feet and legs=, and especially that variety of unsoundness which occasions stumbling.

  • Before I had time to ascertain whether my shadow was still on duty, or whether the Central Office man had showed up, my whole attention was absorbed by the appearance of two familiar figures on the opposite side.

  • Do you mean," he asked quickly, "that I 'm not to have an opportunity to ascertain whether I left any of my possessions here?

  • Then he had moved toward the same end of the house, pausing at every window and trying the sash to ascertain whether it was fastened.

  • Ay, sir, but I ought to ascertain whether he be safe or not.

  • After leaving Sverdrup, Fosheim and the mate made for Greely Fiord, which they followed eastwards in order to ascertain whether a fiord or sound cut into the land in a southerly direction.

  • It was from here he would be able to ascertain whether the Tegetthoff had been drifted away from its former position.

  • He wished if possible to ascertain whether Hans of the Kane expedition was there.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ascertain whether" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another cause; ascertain the; ascertain what; ascertain whether; blank range; body could; close formation; common cause; dark lady; father used; half minutes; inch high; little blue; living together; may not; more frequent; possessive case; precipitate retreat; reduce from; ship repair; stir until; tea and; voluntary actions; you seem