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Example sentences for "required"

Lexicographically close words:
requests; requiem; requiems; requies; require; requirement; requirements; requires; requirest; requireth
  1. Hence tables, memorial couplets and hemistichs are required to ascertain the station, without which precaution journeys are apt to end badly.

  2. Then Ghanim arose and going to the market, bought all they required of meat and vegetables and wine and what not, and brought them to the house; whereupon both sat down to eat and ate their sufficiency, when he set on wine.

  3. Thereupon the old woman took all she required of aromatic roots and placed them in water which she boiled over the fire till the black essence of them was extracted.

  4. The Chamberlain promised all they required and bade his pages be ready to march, whereupon the Wazir Dandan sent with him tents and bade the tent-pitchers set them up at a day's journey from the city.

  5. She thought of a score of trivialities it might be about; but the letter was still unopened when David Gemmell called to talk over some cases in which he required her counsel.

  6. You could not have believed that she required to be watched.

  7. It required some time for Hubbard to pick the lock of the box, for it was strangely constructed, and, not having been disturbed for many years, the lock was considerably rusted.

  8. The officer demanded his name and address also, telling him that his presence would be required in court on the morrow to testify against the culprit.

  9. They were praying for rain which is rare in this country, and which is now required for the crops.

  10. A native came to me with the toothache, begging assistance, but the tooth required extracting and I could do nothing for him.

  11. Zych permitted the girl to dress in a sheepskin overcoat and high-legged boots when at home, but required that for church she should be dressed not like the daughter of a poor wlodyczka,[84] but like the panna of a mighty nobleman.

  12. Because he required us to dismount and apologize on foot.

  13. A sluice would be required in the middle of these banks so that the water may be let out whenever it became offensive by the river running dry, to be filled again when the water rose.

  14. This, including what is required at the pearl fishery, amounts according to my calculation to no less than 12 casks.

  15. Many vessels will be required to transport not only these animals but also those that will be sold during the next southern season.

  16. This may be considered as the fifth favour bestowed on the inhabitants, but it does not extend to the palmyra planks and laths required by the Company for the ordinary works in this Commandement or for the Castle.

  17. The tents of the King could only be communicated with by paths laid with fascines which required to be renewed every day, as they sank down into the soil.

  18. It was one too that required no physical exertion.

  19. It would be evidence to prove at least that Altman had taken the initiative in boarding the Fleury without first dispatching his intention of doing so to the nearest port, as required by the law.

  20. It is almost needless to point out how in this, and the next line, the poet, by artful management of accent and careful selection of onomatopoetic words, gives the required assonance to the lines.

  21. The substitution of accent for quantity is not all that is required to make the best verse.

  22. The treble rhyme is very seldom used, and ought wholly to be exploded from serious subjects; for it has a certain flatness unworthy the gravity required in heroic verse.

  23. THE JUDGE SEES A GHOST Charley Norton's good offices did not end when he had furnished judge Price with a house, for Betty required of him that he should supply that gentleman with legal business as well.

  24. He appeared to meditate on the mental effort that was required of him, then he took a long breath.

  25. It required some eight closely written pages for Charley to explain why existence would be an unsupportable burden if he were denied the sight of her.

  26. It occurred to me that we required small arms.

  27. Adjoining the third there will be required a well-lighted cabinet for her study.

  28. We had left him well that day, Maurice and I, and had gone to Palma to buy things we required for our encampment.

  29. He also required adherence to the strictest rhythm, hated all lingering and dragging, misplaced rubatos, as well as exaggerated ritardandos.

  30. Unheard-of trouble was required to get a stove, wood, linen, and who knows what else.

  31. In short, I shall see you all next winter--well housed; my sister remains with me, unless she is urgently required in her own country.

  32. In horrible agitation and uncertainty he instantly required the presence of Burrus and Seneca.

  33. But such a work as Mr. Carlyle did for Cromwell we may confidently anticipate will never be required for the name of John Stuart Mill.

  34. These consist of dikes of stones about one and a half or two feet high, which are piled across a creek some distance below high water mark.

  35. Sometimes they go as far as Amaqdjuaq, which, as the older natives report, was formerly a summer settlement.

  36. Next to the stocking is a slipper, which is made of birdskin, the feathers being worn next to the foot.

  37. Although in some seasons numerous herds are met, in others scarcely enough animals are killed to afford a sufficient stock of skins for the winter clothing.

  38. Disorders of women are considered as a punishment for the neglect to observe the regulations referring to their behavior at certain periods, which regulations were established by Sedna.

  39. Instead of soft reindeer skins her bed was made of hard walrus hides and she had to live on miserable fish, which the birds brought her.

  40. Its western part seems to have been particularly fitted for winter stations.

  41. At last the smaller bays are sufficiently frozen to permit a new way of pursuing the game.

  42. If an animal that is with young is killed the fetus must not be taken and used for food (Hall II, p.

  43. I know not if he is the father of all terrestrial animals, but he is certainly their patron, and withholds them at times from the Eskimo.

  44. For this reason the floe never extends beyond that narrow entrance.

  45. Then a woman and a man (the mirqussang) sit down in the snow.

  46. If these fastenings should become loose, they are tightened by winding a small thong round them and thus drawing the opposite parts of the thong tightly together.

  47. Two men are required for the work, one pulling the lashing over the notch, the other pressing down the load and lifting and lowering the thong in order to diminish the friction, thus making the pulling of the other man more effective.

  48. Generally speaking, two conditions are required for winter settlements, viz, the existence of an extensive floe and smooth ice.

  49. Other nobles were subsequently required to take the oath, and it was gradually administered to all the different Estates.

  50. While their religion and laws were thus respected, they were required to respect Christianity.

  51. A papal brief even ordered the removal from the cathedral of the sanbenitos of the assassins and strenuous efforts were required to procure its revocation.

  52. Still it required considerable time to accustom the nobles and people to unquestioning submission to a domination so absolute and so foreign to their experience.

  53. In the fifteenth century, the Neapolitan Jews were required to wear as a sign the Hebrew letter Tau (Wadding, Annal.

  54. They were virtually the equals of the Justicia, for the assent of a majority was required in all judgements and all precautions were taken to secure their independence.

  55. It required no effort whatever to keep ourselves afloat; the gentle undulation of the waves soothed and rested us.

  56. It required much skill and artistic taste to properly adjust each to its place.

  57. To this is required the advice of a steward, because it is their daily work.

  58. What token of faith was required of the Israelites at their departure?

  59. It is a thousand pities that children must be required to write anything about "Macbeth" when they have read it; but it is evident that under existing conditions they will be required to produce something on paper.

  60. From this follows the deduction that no criticism can profitably be required until the child is old enough to form an opinion, and that at no stage should comments be asked which are beyond the child's intellectual development.

  61. The best justification such a selection can have for its inclusion in the list of required books is that it may fairly be used for this careful analytical work without prejudice to the effect of the piece as a whole.

  62. How far the relation of books in the required reading to books read voluntarily may profitably be insisted upon in class must depend largely upon the particular pupils involved.

  63. Books read in the class-room, books studied, discussed as a part of formal and required work, are felt to be remote from daily existence and almost as something a bit unreal.

  64. If teachers were required to train school-children in the symphonies of Beethoven or in the pictures of Titian, everybody would realize that some special aptitude on the part of the instructor was requisite.

  65. Students must not be required to perform tasks which are in the nature of things impossible.

  66. Little logic is required to disturb this definition.

  67. The opening statement was made in order that the class should understand the selection to be not from any required reading, but from some work presumably entirely unfamiliar.

  68. In teaching literature it is not only wise but it is easy to discover and to a large extent to influence whatever reading pupils do of their own will outside of the required work.

  69. The publications of Caxton are about sixty in number, and I am sure that more than six pages would seldom be required for any one work, and that many articles might be properly treated in less than two pages each.

  70. He expressed, however, great contempt for the coat and breeches, and masonic emblems, in which he had been required to drape the figure.

  71. Less flour is required when they are to be served as a sauce over chicken, steak, or made dishes.

  72. This is approximately the heat required to raise one pound of water 4° Fahrenheit.

  73. If a sufficient amount of natural spawn could not be obtained, to provide the amount required one generation old, it might be run through the second generation before being used.

  74. When the basket is filled with the required quantity of mushrooms, which is usually determined first by weight, the surplus paper is folded over them.

  75. It represents the amount of heat required to raise a kilogram of water 1° Centigrade.

  76. Surely it could not be argued that there can be no eruptions from a sun-spot, seeing that the force required to drive matter through it must be less than when it is expelled from depths very much greater than the depths of the spots.

  77. It may be taken as certain that the strain required would be greater than this, as it has not been found possible by any ordinary mechanical means to separate molecules in chemical union.

  78. And very possibly time only is required for the sun to become an oblate spheroid, the same as his dependent planets.

  79. She knew the need of discipline in effecting her rough, overland marches, and she therefore required strict obedience of her followers.

  80. The last act required masters of vessels to swear that they would make diligent search of their craft to prevent the stowing away of servants or slaves eager to escape from their owners.

  81. If the claimant apprehended a rescue, the officer making the arrest could be required to retain the fugitive in his custody for the purpose of removing him to the state whence he had fled.

  82. Two German companies in one of the Massachusetts regiments also entered protest, making it a condition of their enlistment that they should not be required to perform such discreditable service.

  83. The sentence passed upon Captain Drayton required the payment of fines and costs together amounting to ten thousand and sixty dollars, and until paid the prisoner must remain in jail indefinitely.

  84. The money required for the purchase of land was to be obtained partly through contributions and partly through sales of the farms first marketed.

  85. And to this end, the officer aforesaid is hereby authorized and required to employ so many persons as he may deem necessary to overcome such force, and to retain them in his service so long as circumstances may require.

  86. The Acting Committee was required to keep a record of all its doings.

  87. The Bible was read with eagerness by those whose ignorance required prompting at every word.

  88. Probably at least a dozen specimens would be required from each sect, to exhibit clearly the characteristics of the common songs.

  89. However, as Jahn justly remarks, the respect for the eccentricities of Beethoven's last quartets was so great, that no one ventured to think there could be a mistake here which required rectifying.

  90. Some additional explanation is, therefore, required with the notation.

  91. Schubert, in his pianoforte sonatas, has not unfrequently altered the theme so much that its second exposition does not bear the required resemblance with its first; it becomes another theme, which is not wanted.

  92. The former has not only the advantage that it advances the student more rapidly, but also that it leaves him the time required for other studies, reading, and recreation.

  93. Pleyel required for his orchestra not only a number of large field-guns, but also several alarm-bells.

  94. Some terms, however, required an explanation to render them fully intelligible to those travellers who are but little acquainted with music.

  95. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "required" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolute; binding; bound; compulsory; conclusive; decisive; entailed; essential; final; imperative; imperious; imposed; incumbent; indicated; indispensable; inevitable; involuntary; irreducible; irrevocable; mandated; mandatory; must; necessary; needful; obligation; obligatory; obliged; order; peremptory; perfect; prerequisite; prescriptive; regulation; required; requisite; standard; staple; supposed; ultimate; vital; wanted