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Example sentences for "uninfluenced"

Lexicographically close words:
unincorporated; unincumbered; uninfected; uninflammable; uninflected; uninfluential; uninformed; uninhabitable; uninhabited; uninhibited
  1. The ages that are to be will try you, with minds, it may be, less prejudiced than ours, uninfluenced either by desire to please you or by envy of your greatness.

  2. One cannot but ask if Sidgwick supposed that his own contributions were uninfluenced by his "personal feeling and experience.

  3. It is apparently due to an intellectual movement, perhaps not uninfluenced by Greek thought, and chronologically the latest of the elements composing the Old Testament scriptures.

  4. He was a plain man, not uninfluenced by his pagan surroundings, and perhaps he was careful to adapt his message to the lips of the Gentile messenger, and therefore did not more definitely use the sacred name.

  5. But there were other things which made them great, but which among us have no existence; such as industry at home, equitable government abroad, and minds impartial in council, uninfluenced by any immoral or improper feeling.

  6. He stood quite apart from the philosophers and Encyclopedists; his character had been formed by a strange and unhappy life; he was uninfluenced by society or public opinion.

  7. Sanctioned by your approving voice, and by that of your representatives in both houses of Congress, the spirit of that measure has continually governed me, uninfluenced by any attempt to deter or divert me from it.

  8. I cannot therefore, as so many desire, look upon Faraday's religious belief as the exclusive source of qualities shared so conspicuously by one uninfluenced by that belief.

  9. Hence an iron strength seems to belong to the logic which claims for the brain an automatic action uninfluenced by consciousness.

  10. The thought 'eludes all mental presentation;' and hence the logic seems of iron strength which claims for the brain an automatic action, uninfluenced by states of consciousness.

  11. These articles can now be read uninfluenced by personal or party feeling, and with the sole motive of learning the truth.

  12. And certainly, the blue eye of woman, like the sea, is not uninfluenced by the atmosphere.

  13. These glimpses of a native tropic life, entirely uninfluenced by European civilization, are most interesting.

  14. The surgery and medicine are totally uninfluenced by European science, and are of the most antiquated and barbaric description.

  15. Feeling which has no knowledge of this misty bliss, and therefore no yearning for it, is uninfluenced by the categorical moral law.

  16. Can he, guided only by his own reasonable thoughts and conclusions, determined entirely by his own inner impulses and uninfluenced by outer circumstances, choose one or the other of two conflicting possibilities?

  17. For this purpose the only conclusive dreams are those derived from demonstrably uninfluenced persons.

  18. Her bearing indicates a deeply religious mood, free from all pietistic flavour, her speech is singularly uninfluenced by her guide's jargon compounded of Bible and tract.

  19. Uninfluenced by any theory he had faith in truth and adopted it as the guide of his conduct.

  20. Sanctioned by your approving voice and by that of your representatives in both Houses of Congress, the spirit of that measure has continually governed me, uninfluenced by any attempts to deter or divert me from it.

  21. Still greater is the difference between the mast cells and the other two cell groups; for so far as present investigations go, they are quite uninfluenced by substances chemiotactic for the neutrophil or eosinophil cells.

  22. He whose mind remains uninfluenced by an acquaintance with the phænomena of development, must indeed lack one of the chief motives towards the endeavour to trace a genetic relation between the different existing forms of life.

  23. It is more than probable that had the bison remained unmolested by man and uninfluenced by him, he would eventually have crossed the Sierra Nevadas and the Coast Range and taken up his abode in the fertile valleys of the Pacific slope.

  24. He therefore concluded that about one marriage in a thousand takes place, in which the parties have the same surname and have been uninfluenced by any relationship between them bringing them together.

  25. These rigors or chills were uninfluenced by very large doses of quinine or other antiperiodics, but were apparently controlled by full doses of chloroform given in advance of the expected hour of recurrence.

  26. Buying price is higher than selling price in that case partly because his economic power has ceased to sustain the value of the wheat, and the price would not correctly express the value if it remained uninfluenced by that fact.

  27. No one is uninfluenced by the expectations and feelings of others.

  28. But if either of you happens to have a preference for another route, I beg that you will say so, uninfluenced by my remarks.

  29. Gothic, and uninfluenced in any way by Italian models.

  30. Sanctioned by your approving voice, and by that of your Representatives of both Houses of Congress, the spirit of that measure has continually governed me uninfluenced by any attempts to deter or divert me from it.

  31. Uninfluenced by the sudden floods to which the other rivers of which we have been speaking are subject, its rise and fall are equally gradual.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uninfluenced" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    arbitrary; autonomous; candid; detached; discretionary; disinterested; dispassionate; elective; equitable; fair; free; gratuitous; impartial; impersonal; independent; indifferent; just; lofty; neutral; objective; offered; optional; proffered; selfless; spontaneous; unaffected; unasked; unbiased; unbidden; unforced; uninfluenced; uninvited; unmoved; unprejudiced; unselfish; unsolicited; unsought; voluntary; volunteer; willful