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Example sentences for "uninvited"

Lexicographically close words:
unintermitting; uninterpreted; uninterrupted; uninterruptedly; uninventive; uninviting; union; unionism; unionistic; unionized
  1. She closed the door behind her—an odd thing for an unexpected, uninvited guest to do, and she closed it quietly, for her very quietly.

  2. And when, after lunch, uninvited she sat down at her piano he winced.

  3. In the spirit of uninvited guests since time immemorial, it had established a toehold with remarkable asperity, and now was digging in for the long winter.

  4. Were the French to come as invaders or enemies, uninvited by the wishes of the people, I should oppose them to the utmost of my strength.

  5. He made no inquiries, supposing that Decherd might have been a passenger on the train; yet he greeted this uninvited guest none too warmly, even in that sanctuary.

  6. She resolved to summon courage on the morrow and to accost this uninvited new-comer upon the scenes of her life.

  7. One of the principal of the two-sworded gentlemen inquired, with an air of surprise, "why the ships of war had come uninvited to the town?

  8. As the only means of punishing the people for the uninvited attack they had made on the boats' crews, Jack ordered the whole village to be given to the flames.

  9. Then the lively Lemminkainen Answered in the words which follow: 90 "Only bad men go for asking; Uninvited good men dance there.

  10. Your uninvited men find themselves talking to the uninvited crowd.

  11. Some one called both teachers from the room just then, and in their absence two uninvited guests, who had been waiting behind the door, hurried in and seated themselves on the floor in the dimmest corner.

  12. While their uninvited guest was thus making himself at home, Baby kept edging and jogging the factor to turn out the intruder.

  13. Consequently, when his dandelions go to seed the seed is blown over into my grass, and every year I get an uninvited crop, which at a dollar a thousand would make me a millionaire.

  14. Mrs. Slocumb now addressed herself to the duty of preparing for her uninvited guests.

  15. This regatta was gazed at from the wharves and warehouses by all the uninvited population of the city.

  16. Maintaining her place as mistress of her household, and presiding at her table, she treated her uninvited guests with a dignified courtesy that ensured civility while it prevented presumptuous familiarity.

  17. And, believe me, sir, for I say it more in pity than anger, he is a man much given to appropriating to himself the coats and breeches of his friends, and going uninvited to balls.

  18. A woman screamed, and every eye turned upon two tardy and uninvited guests, who, leading each other as it were, now entered the scene.

  19. If you are subject to uninvited company, and your means do not allow you to set before your guests as good a table as they keep at home, do not distress yourself or them with apologies.

  20. People that are subject to a great deal of uninvited company, find it convenient in cold weather to bake half a dozen at once.

  21. Having finished her own breakfast she and Peggy had arranged a breakfast tray for their uninvited guest.

  22. I am sure I don't know why, but sometimes it seems as if the wrong things in this life are rewarded, such as my coming here uninvited to see you.

  23. Cortez now made vigorous preparations for his march, uninvited and even forbidden, to the capital of Montezuma.

  24. With a numerous retinue, he set out from his palace to visit his uninvited guests, and to ascertain their object and purposes.

  25. After making their offerings to the god, they will call out, 'Is there any uninvited guest present to whom we can make a gift?

  26. After making offerings to the god they called out, "Is there any uninvited guest present to whom we can make a gift?

  27. A crowd of uninvited are gazing, like myself, between the bars of the huge windows; for the ball is conducted upon exclusive principles, and is accessible only with tickets of admission.

  28. I find myself suddenly whirled round by one of my uninvited visitors.

  29. He came one day uninvited and unexpected, and requested to dine with the Queen.

  30. It was a fluid that had been administered internally: as could be told by the stone jar of hollands that stood upon the floor, within reach of his hand; and which his uninvited visitor upon examination found to be empty.

  31. Richard Scarthe shall make one at this midnight assembly--uninvited though he be.

  32. During all this while, Sir Marmaduke and his people in their behaviour towards their uninvited guests, appeared civil enough.

  33. On the part of these a rigorous etiquette continued to be kept up; and it appeared probable that, beyond what necessity demanded of them, only the slightest intercourse might ever occur between them and their uninvited guests.

  34. The host himself was polite to his uninvited guests--studiously so; but not all his habitual practice of courtly manners could conceal a certain embarrassment, that now and then exhibited itself in incidents of a trivial character.

  35. Have you had occasion, Mr. Bouck, before Dallas, to put in writing criteria to be employed by Secret Service agents in dealing with uninvited callers at the White House?

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uninvited" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    arbitrary; autonomous; discretionary; elective; free; gratuitous; independent; offered; optional; proffered; spontaneous; unacceptable; unasked; unbidden; undesirable; unforced; uninfluenced; uninvited; unsolicited; unsought; unwelcome; voluntary; volunteer; willful