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Example sentences for "piano"

Lexicographically close words:
pianist; pianistic; pianists; pianner; pianny; pianoforte; pianofortes; pianola; pianos; pianta
  1. There was a tiny upright piano in the sitting-room, and at the fireplace a deep thick rug, and an immense leather arm-chair.

  2. Duncan sat on the piano bench--gloomily sawing at a violoncello.

  3. His earliest composition for the piano is dated April, 1810.

  4. An old battered piano which he had used was also shown.

  5. A relative often took him to visit a pianoforte warehouse, and there, and on an old worn-out piano at home, the child studied his first exercises without a master.

  6. The ballroom was already quite filled with dancers and it seemed very bewildering and delightful to the young girls, if it was only a summer hotel with a piano and two violins and a flute for an orchestra.

  7. She had never liked the strange woman and had preferred not to take piano lessons of her, after one glance at those hard, cruel eyes and the fierce walrus teeth.

  8. Elinor was playing softly on the square piano between the front windows and Mary Price was reading a book.

  9. He peered at me for a moment or two as though taking my measure, and then went to the piano and gave vent to a particularly low comic song.

  10. And Haigh turned to the piano and rattled off half a dozen other goodish ballads.

  11. We couldn't get a piano on one occasion, so the proprietor of the hall lent us his harmonium.

  12. The heavy chords of a piano accompaniment rolled threateningly through the music rooms up-stairs, and Gay shrugged her shoulders impatiently.

  13. Roberta did not take coffee, and at the Major's request had gone to the piano to play a dashing fantasie that he always called for on such occasions.

  14. The person sitting at the piano had barely grown out of childhood.

  15. On the table a double lamp was burning, the piano was open.

  16. She tried to impose by her talent, and on a certain occasion she sat down at the piano as if by chance and displayed cascades of melody before him; but what?

  17. The piano was accompanied by a guitar, on which thrummed at intervals a tall, slender youth, with hair cut close to his skull and with scars on his face.

  18. I do all right in a town until the piano begins to get respectable and the rules of order are tucked snugly inside the decalogue, then I slip my belt, and my running gear doesn't track.

  19. Aline closed the piano angrily; but instead of obeying this last piece of advice, she remained seated upon the stool with the sulky air of a pupil in disgrace.

  20. Clemence made no reply, and her sister-in-law, who expected she would say something to keep the conversation alive, returned and seated herself at the piano with a pouting air.

  21. Will you come to the piano and play for us?

  22. But that evening when Mrs. Le Roy opened the piano and asked her to play, Beatrix begged to be excused.

  23. Yet she looked at the pearl keys longingly as she swept past the grand piano on the count's arm.

  24. The idea of a piano on a ranch would certainly astonish the natives.

  25. Or, instead of using the phonograph, sit down quietly at the piano and play these hymns, with just enough emphasis for the children to catch the rhythm, and they will soon be standing at the piano singing with you.

  26. Leslie and Sylvia no longer newly married people are sitting by the piano and opposite to them on the sofa are Isobel Saunders and Albert Woodcock.

  27. Two girls were seated at the piano trying some duets.

  28. At about 10-30, Lady Beaufort got up and played God save the queen on the piano and several of guests joined in the chorus on their violins and harps, soon after which, the people began to depart.

  29. Presently Albert advances to the piano and asks Sylvia to sing a song.

  30. I shant expect him till late" answers Helen and so saying she partakes of her tea alone, which done she goes to the piano and plays a few merry sonatas.

  31. I play the piano a little, and I sing, just simple old songs, you know, and that is all.

  32. My own piano has not come yet, but there is the dearest old funny thing here which belonged to the Misses Aytoun.

  33. The great, black, ebony piano had fascinated her.

  34. The men were all in raptures, the women were all angry and jealous, and Leonora's modest withdrawal from the scene as soon as she arose from the piano was felt by all as a relief.

  35. I assure you I have not injured the piano one bit," she said.

  36. I did not know that there was a woman in the house who could wake the soul in the piano like that," said Lady Lancaster to herself, when the girl was gone.

  37. So I should have been if some fool had not commenced to play on the grand piano in the drawing-room.

  38. The piano against the wall near the window.

  39. Later on she must have heard the fugues in a dream, for the door opened; it passed over the carpet softly; and she heard Ned saying that he hoped the piano had not kept her awake.

  40. But to go to the piano would be like a hostile act.

  41. It annoyed her that he should go to the piano the moment she left him, and that he should play dry intellectual Bach, for he knew that Bach did not interest her.

  42. The sound of the piano would reach her bedroom!

  43. In expelling the piano from the orchestra Rossini at the same time, did away with those interminable recitatives accompanied by piano or piano and double bass which separated the musical pieces in the works composed by Rossini's predecessors.

  44. In reward for his fatigues the director engages to pay to the Maestro Rossini the sum and quantity of 400 Roman scudi, as soon as the first three representations which he is to direct at the piano shall be terminated.

  45. On rising from table the maestro, at the request of his host, went to the piano and sang Figaro's cavatina, 'Largo al fattotum della cita.

  46. Now, too, Rossini banished the piano from the orchestra, where it had been allowed to remain long after its expulsion as an orchestral instrument from the bands of Germany and (thanks to Gluck) of France.

  47. Elisabetta was the first Italian opera in which recitative was accompanied by the stringed quartet in place of the double bass and piano previously employed.

  48. In the afternoon this restlessness drove him to the piano in the deserted dining-hall, and his fever sought to work itself off in a fury of practice.

  49. When he went almost mechanically to the piano on the last afternoon, all these slumbering forces wakened in him found vent in a rhapsody of synagogue melody to which he abandoned himself, for once forgetting his audience.

  50. Scouts watched his afternoon advance upon the piano in an empty hall, and the word was passed to the little army of music-lovers.

  51. Loerke, who was sitting hunched on the piano stool, blinked and did not answer.

  52. Then she went to the little piano in the corner where stood the statue of Andromeda, and began to play softly.

  53. He was also subconsciously aware who it was that played the piano beyond there with such pleasant skill.

  54. She leaned her arms on the piano in front of her and laid her forehead on them.

  55. The aim is to make the performer at the piano the object of interest, therefore place no diverting objects, such as pictures or ornaments, on a line with the listener's eye, except as a vague background.

  56. See that your piano is so placed that the pianist has an unbroken background, of wall, tapestry, a large piece of rare old sills, or a mirror.

  57. Clyde Fitch, past-master at interior decoration, placed his piano in front of broad windows, across which at night were drawn crimson damask curtains.

  58. Avoid placing ornaments or photographs on a piano which is in sufficiently good condition to be used.

  59. The vase on the piano is Empire and antique, decoration of green and gold.

  60. You can always make an ebony or mahogany piano case more in harmony with its setting by covering it, when not in use, with a piece of beautiful old brocade, or a modern reproduction.

  61. I sat under the piano beside Malta and Bella, and we never stirred till the music was over; then we went quietly away.

  62. Then everybody laughed at the boy, and the Italian said the performance would begin by a grand procession of all the animals, if some lady would kindly step up to the piano and play a march.

  63. As soon as Miss Laura sat down to the piano to sing or play, we came from all parts of the house.

  64. Do not load the top of a piano with books, music, &c.

  65. Coils of piano wires, thus sprinkled, will keep from rust for many years.

  66. Have your piano tuned about every two months; whether it is used or not, the strain is always upon it, and if it is not kept up to concert pitch it will not stand in tune when required, which it will do if it be attended to regularly.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "piano" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    piano nobile; piano playing; pianoforte arrangement; pianoforte concerto; pianoforte playing