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Example sentences for "approving"

Lexicographically close words:
approven; approver; approvers; approves; approveth; approvingly; approximate; approximated; approximately; approximates
  1. He thought it altogether novel and unprecedented for a President or a Presidential candidate to think of approving bills whose constitutionality may not be entirely clear to his own mind.

  2. In a day or two Douglas's orders came on to have resolutions passed approving the bill; and they were passed by large majorities!

  3. It would be understood, of course, that his approving your idea would in no way guarantee the acceptance of your script.

  4. One thing to be remembered, however, is that the picture spectators of today have been gradually educated up to expecting and approving many things which the spectators of a few years ago would have looked upon as too "highbrow.

  5. She scored an approving mark at that place with her thumbnail--and read the list in fluent broken English.

  6. Teresa made another approving mark with her thumb-nail; and Carmina purchased tickets.

  7. Mr. Soloman bows, makes an approving motion with his hands, and lays at her disposal on the table, a small roll of bills.

  8. Nor was she at first sensible of the sacrifice,--sensible of anything but the glow of a noble spirit and an approving conscience.

  9. Vargrave; and the approving sound went round the table.

  10. Lord John said just now, out of some book or out of his own head-- One self-approving hour whole years outweighs Of stupid starers and of loud huzzas.

  11. He measured the sugar-plums in a little cubical tin box; and this, it was affirmed, he heaped up to the top and pressed down before he poured out the contents into the open hands of his approving customers.

  12. It should not be forgotten, therefore, that judging means approving as well as condemning, and in case of children probably much more of the former than of the latter.

  13. Christendom, appeared to entertain no hope but in Providence; and exclaimed with bitterness, when approving the issue of the pacific negotiations, “We have nothing left but to supplicate Heaven to watch itself over the Christian world.

  14. The girl warranted the approving gaze which Mr. Craig gave to her.

  15. He looked calculatingly at Mr. Kyle, who was on his hands and knees, and was cocking an arch and provocative look upward, approving the grins of the men near him.

  16. David in the person of Christ, prayeth against his persecutors; more especially the traitor Judas: foretelling and approving his just punishment for his obstinacy in sin and final impenitence.

  17. Act of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, Approving the Propositions concerning Kirk government and Ordination of Ministers.

  18. Act approving the deposition of the Ministers by the Committees.

  19. Commission was given at this Assembly to present some articles to the Councel and Estates, for approving and establishing by their authoritie the Presbyteries, the Synodall, and generall Assemblies.

  20. Act approving an old Register of the Generall Assembly.

  21. Act approving the Overtures of the Assembly at Aberdene, for ordering the Assembly-House.

  22. Wrapp'd in her arms the foster-mother gave A tearful blessing, while on bended knee Together they implored the approving smile Of Him, who gives ability to make And keep the covenant of unending love.

  23. Approving the purchase of supplies made by the treasurer and directing their distribution.

  24. Since neither the President nor the Secretary of Defense had disapproved the Army's racial policy nor suggested any modifications, Royall told Forrestal he wanted him to go on record as approving the Army position.

  25. Suffice it to say that they all draw forth the approving commendations of the spectators, from Mr Prothero, master, to Tom, serving-lad.

  26. But he did lean forward, in spite of his manners, and caught Willet's approving look, for which he was very glad.

  27. Willet and the Onondaga gave Robert approving looks, and the young Frenchman flushed with pleasure.

  28. But the next instant Sully was not shouting approving words.

  29. Just the suspicion of an approving smile lighted up the face of the clown for the moment, for he dearly loved this little motherless daughter of his, who had been his care since she was a child.

  30. But while the threats were on my lips there was in my heart a mighty questioning, from which I did not seem to escape, perhaps because I had not thrown a stone but stood by an approving spectator merely.

  31. His father, while approving of this plan, pointed out that Tyre and Sidon being themselves on the coast of the sea could never be as good customers as inland cities, sea fish being considered, he thought mistakenly, preferable to lake.

  32. But neither Sir Francis nor Lady Isabel rebuked her temerity, and they even exchanged amused, approving glances when the slim, upright figure moved lightly across the room to the big grand piano.

  33. The mention of a premiere in literature gains no approving smile from any one and Marie Therese sits down in tears.

  34. Now, counseling such a course to a man in an essay on "Self-Reliance" is quite a different thing from entirely approving of it in a concrete example.

  35. The Republicans left no stone unturned in their efforts to place on the Federalist candidate, President Adams, all the odium of the Alien and Sedition laws, in addition to responsibility for approving Hamilton's measures and policies.

  36. Good," said the giant with an approving nod, though a perplexed expression still lingered on his face.

  37. And you were ready for us," said Chingatok, with an approving smile.

  38. That's weel, vara weel," said Mr Macdougall, with an approving cough.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "approving" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acquiescent; affirmative; agreeable; agreeing; assenting; backing; compliant; consenting; content; eager; etiquette; favorable; favoring; good; permissive; pro; prompt; ready; submissive; supporting; ungrudging; willing