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Example sentences for "consenting"

Lexicographically close words:
consente; consented; consentement; consenteth; consentient; consentingly; consentit; consents; consequence; consequences
  1. The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance.

  2. It was just at this time that Mr. Allworthy, consenting to his nephew once more offering himself to Sophia, came with Blifil to his accustomed lodgings in Bond Street.

  3. I thought the only probable means of freeing you from prison was by submitting to the squire, and consenting to his marriage with the other young lady.

  4. He said despairingly, 'Can you have realized what you are consenting to?

  5. One might write volumes on such a text; but I was firm in not consenting to another meeting.

  6. The question was now submitted for further consideration to various congregations, and finally the consenting bishops were invited to Rome to settle the terms of the doctrinal definition of the new dogma.

  7. I was to be the consenting party to inflict shame and humiliation upon my lord.

  8. I trust that in consenting thus generously to receive this child in your ward and keeping, you will find a reward for your benevolence in her obedience, docility, and gratitude.

  9. It is true that I may be fined a hundred pounds for consenting to perform the ceremony; but it will be hard to collect that money.

  10. For observe, our gaining in riches depends on the men who are out of employment consenting to be starved, or sent out of the country.

  11. For what does the New Testament say, with the consenting voice of all its writers?

  12. The latter may mean the further step of embracing or being entangled in it by consenting to it.

  13. The storm is sure to break where His Jonahs try to hide, and their only hope lies in bowing to the chastisement and consenting to be punished, and avowing whose they are and whom they serve.

  14. I take to 'enter into temptation' as the further step of consenting to it.

  15. In such a one as, you consenting to't, Would bark your honour from that trunk you bear, And leave you naked.

  16. Consenting to the safeguard of your honour, I thought your marriage fit; else imputation, For that he knew you, might reproach your life, And choke your good to come.

  17. First, Thou must abhor his turning thee out of the way; yea, and thine own consenting thereto: because this is to reject the counsel of God for the sake of the counsel of a Worldly-wiseman.

  18. In the work of a surety there is required by the creditor that the surety should stand to what he is bound; and on the surety's side there is a consenting thereunto.

  19. It is the consenting to sin that makes a man a sinner; and the imputation of grace and righteousness that makes [men] gospelly and personally just and holy.

  20. Those who make the act their own, by owning it, or consenting afterward.

  21. Is it not sinful silence, and a consenting to or countenancing of the sins of others, to say nothing against them, as tender of their honour?

  22. Those who by consenting are the causes of it.

  23. For that covenant giveth actual pardon and adoption to those that sincerely enter into it: the very consenting to it (which is repentance and faith) being the very condition of the present reception of these benefits.

  24. Well, Lubeck, well, it is not possible But you must be consenting to this act?

  25. See here, Duke William, your competitors, That were consenting to my daughters scape.

  26. Colonel Jim had wheedled Josephine into consenting that it should take place two months ahead of the time that had been fixed.

  27. The Legislature of New Jersey, alarmed at the decisive step taken by the officers, was at length induced to pay some attention to their situation--they consenting on their part to withdraw their remonstrance.

  28. Motives for consenting to continue in office.

  29. Guardian and Ward consenting, or Guardian consenting for both, it was necessarily brought to pass that Vendale's life became a life of absolute thraldom and enchantment.

  30. As to your being an Impostor, my dear Wilding, that is simply absurd, because no man can be that without being a consenting party to an imposition.

  31. BolĂ­var could not recede without consenting to the mutilation of Columbia, a republic of his own creation.

  32. He "was consenting unto the death of Stephen," anxious for it.

  33. I can see my mother now cooking food in dirtier and dirtier lodgings, darning socks with weaker and weaker eyes when she might have worn pearls by consenting to be a rational person.

  34. And she might have grown pearls, by consenting to be an oyster.

  35. She expected her to be unhappy, and believed it the penalty of the wrongdoings in consenting to the clandestine correspondence; and treated her with melancholy kindness as a victim under sentence.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "consenting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abject; accepting; acquiescent; affirmative; agreeable; agreed; agreeing; amenable; ardent; assenting; complaisant; compliant; consenting; content; cooperative; disposed; docile; eager; enthusiastic; fain; favorable; forward; game; inclined; indulgent; lax; lenient; minded; obedient; passive; permissive; pliant; predisposed; prompt; prone; quick; ready; receptive; resigned; responsive; servile; submissive; subservient; suffering; supine; tolerant; tractable; uncomplaining; ungrudging; willing; zealous