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Example sentences for "consente"

Lexicographically close words:
consensu; consensual; consensus; consent; consentaneous; consented; consentement; consenteth; consentient; consenting
  1. But yet they woulde not consente that those Soldiers of Culhua should come into their Cittie, fearyng that they (vnder colour of friendshippe) woulde remayne with the towne, for why, the Mexicans had vsed the lyke sleyght.

  2. Chololla is a city as Tlaxcallan, and hathe but one person who is gouernour and general Captayne, chosen by the consente of all the Citizens.

  3. The firste daye of that appoyntment (quod shee) is vppon Wednesdaye, whych is the Daye ordeyned for my Consente of Maryage accorded betweene my father and Counte Paris, but the Nuptiall solemnitye is not before the X.

  4. And so the French teacher who visited a clientele of pupils became a familiar figure in the London of the later sixteenth century.

  5. She likewise composed devotions and prayers in French--a habit which she retained after she had been queen for many years.

  6. In the Appendix will also be found a copy of a letter of Jones, addressed to John Wendell--which as a composition may be considered as one of the most remarkable of all his epistolary effusions.

  7. The original painting by Paton is owned by the heirs of Lord Amherst, whose ancestral estate included Flamborough Head, off which the famous battle was fought.

  8. Arnott of Edinburgh, a descendant of the Paul family.

  9. In his absence on shore at L'Orient Captain Landais, acting under the advice of Arthur Lee and Commodore Gillon, of the South Carolina navy, took possession of the Alliance on the 12th of June.

  10. Robinson was in y^e falte who charged them never to consente to those conditions, nor chuse me into office, but indeede apointed them to chose them they did chose.

  11. Andrewes hath taken some paines in it, and makes it appear to be less then I thinke he will consente to give them for so good an use; so you neede not fear, that for taking bond ther to save you harmles, you be safe and well.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "consente" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.