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Example sentences for "consensus"

Lexicographically close words:
conseillers; conseils; consell; consensu; consensual; consent; consentaneous; consente; consented; consentement
  1. More recently, however, political instability - five different governments over the past few years - has hampered Kathmandu's ability to forge consensus to implement key economic reforms.

  2. The consensus of the above, aside from the eccentricities and errors involved, is reducible to Salt fork or Negracka r.

  3. The Philippists, however, succeeded in satisfying him by the Consensus Dresdensis, of 10th Oct.

  4. It appointed a committee to draw up a consensus of the confessions of all Reformed churches.

  5. The council is to meet every third year; the members recognise the supreme authority of the Old and New Testament in matters of faith and practice, and accept the consensus of all the Reformed confessions.

  6. The Consensus pastorum Genevensium, of A.

  7. Nitzsch remained over, as he declared that he could find expression for his religious convictions in neither of the two confessions, but only in a consensus of both.

  8. He proves the evangelical Protestant character of the doctrines thus developed by quotations from the consensus of both confessions.

  9. They can also point to the consensus of the most respected church fathers and church teachers of later times.

  10. Of course there was no positive proof of their identity, but the consensus of opinion pointed to the C Bar outfit, and the decent element among the range men had held significantly aloof from Matlock ever since.

  11. He it was who had assisted in the fleecing of poor Braun, and the general consensus of opinion was that "he only got what was coming to him!

  12. The consensus of divinatory meanings attached both to the greater and lesser symbols belongs to the third part.

  13. The consensus of divinatory meanings is on the side of change, as the cards do not deal especially with questions of money.

  14. The principle of consensus or "solidarity," which secures harmony and order in the development, is as important as the principle of the three stages which governs the onward movement.

  15. The law of consensus or cohesion is the fundamental principle of social statics; the law of the three stages is that of social dynamics.

  16. In fact, where a combination of good and bad omens occurs, it is customary to hold a long consultation until the consensus of opinion inclines one way or the other.

  17. The whole system is patriarchal, no coercion being used unless it is sanctioned by the more influential members, approved by the consensus of opinion of the people, and in accord with traditional custom.

  18. If he can not secure it through an appeal to customary law supported by the consensus of opinion of the relatives on each side, he takes justice into his own hands and kills his opponent or orders him to be killed.

  19. I have attended many and many a ManĂ³bo arbitration at which the wrongdoer, after being condemned by the consensus of opinion, was asked over and over whether he recognized his fault and whether he received the sentence with good will.

  20. He was overruled, however, by the consensus of opinion of his companions, and the march was resumed.

  21. Thus, there is a general consensus amongst critics of the destructive school to omit the words [Greek: kai tines syn autais] from St. Luke xxiv.

  22. We are at liberty in the meantime to note how apt an illustration is here afforded of the amount of consensus which subsists between documents of the oldest class.

  23. It is my belief that we do not have at present a shagbark that will anything like meet the pecan of the South, yet the consensus of opinion of the people I know who have eaten both, decides in favor of the shagbark.

  24. There are many data, however, on the adaptability of the pecan to the shagbark and the consensus of opinion is that ultimate results are poor.

  25. No legacy would make me more proud than leaving in place a bipartisan consensus for the cause of world freedom, a consensus that prevents a paralysis of American power from ever occurring again.

  26. There is a consensus among the four Central American democratic Presidents that the Sandinistas have not complied with the plan to bring peace and democracy to all of Central America.

  27. It seems to be the consensus of opinion of a score or more of European and American pomologists who have known Choisy that it is the handsomest and most delicious of all Duke cherries--one of the very best of all dessert cherries.

  28. Inasmuch as the consensus of opinion is that both names apply to a single cherry this Station has decided to list Republican only.

  29. The whole consensus of theologians is against you.

  30. Stated without rhyme or metre and adapted to our case: the consensus sapientium is to the effect that the consensus gentium amounts to an absurdity.

  31. The consensus gentium and especially hominum can probably amount only to an absurdity.

  32. Meyer, of the Hooper Institute of Medical Research of the University of California, may be accepted as focusing the consensus of unbiased opinion on the subject.

  33. They don't seem to know anything here; but the consensus in Hatboro' is that he was running away.

  34. Any one of these indications, or any two, or perhaps three, might be misleading; but not the general consensus of all.

  35. These arguments, launched against so-called "scientific classifications," are no less hostile to the worthy undertaking of a practical system in such conformity to the consensus of modern science as the conditions permit.

  36. Organization based on consensus is one of the marked tendencies of modern thought and purpose, and is not likely to be overcome by dissenting or disintegrating philosophical counter-tendencies.

  37. The discussion also brought out the consensus of opinion that the libraries would be more satisfactorily served if all publications were sent out under the direction of the superintendent of documents.

  38. For life beyond the grave there is no consensus of mankind, no Catholic opinion held semper, et ubique, et ab omnibus.

  39. Had the Legion endorsed this resolution, the general consensus would have been, "There are the soldiers getting together to make demands.

  40. No one can lay claim to originating the idea of a veterans' association, because it was a consensus among the men of the armed forces of our nation.

  41. Some botanists do not regard it as a separate species but call it a variety of red ash, but the consensus of opinion is that it is a distinct species, though there appear to be connecting forms grading from red ash into green ash.

  42. Nevertheless, the consensus of opinion among sawmill men is that turkey oak ought to rate below red oak.

  43. But the consensus was that it wouldn't be at all surprising.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "consensus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acclamation; accord; accordance; agreement; chorus; concert; concord; concordance; concurrence; consensus; consent; harmony; unanimity; understanding; unison; unity