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Example sentences for "modern thought"

  • This sign of redemption, as a certain herald of modern thought remarked, weighs like a mountain upon the mind of our day.

  • Scarcely had these words been uttered when a champion of modern thought, Prof.

  • Fixed dogmas may then at the very most, according to the great master of modern thought, be of pedagogic value to a minor, until he be grown to maturity.

  • This modern method of separating knowledge and faith is, as we all know, a prominent feature of modern thought.

  • Far be it from me to decry these excellent results of "modern thought"; still, the fact remains that the issue is thereby confused, and will continue to be thus confused for some time to come.

  • The way in which "their bread is buttered" is bound to enter considerably into their calculations, and also they have often even less leisure for the study of modern thought than a steady (temperate) working man.

  • Too much prominence cannot be given to the later conclusions of modern thought so eloquently set forth by Prince Kropotkin.

  • Mechanism in modern thought in modern physical science the central doctrine of Hobbes fundamental in Spinoza applied to mind by the associationalists of J.

  • He was alive to the movements of modern thought.

  • The argument of Job, to be treated as you treat the legends of Arthur, as freely and with as much light of modern thought as you find fit.

  • Such is the sequence of the most influential names at the turning-point of modern thought.

  • We are aware that "the tendency of modern thought" is to hypostatize force and intelligence, and conceive them as entities.

  • There is a weighty and solemn lesson in this illustration of the "tendency of modern thought"--a lesson which even Strauss intended to teach the age, viz.

  • Meanwhile, if the universe be good at heart, if reason be indeed its soul, the tendencies of modern thought must be leading mankind to some predestined end.

  • Nobody has anything to say against their "version" of Christianity, because it is, to all intents and purposes, identical with the sane ideals supplied by modern thought.

  • The New Theology is an untrammelled return to the Christian sources in the light of modern thought.

  • I do not need to refute this argument; the trend of modern thought is already doing so most effectually.

  • Our orthodox friends are finally driven by modern thought, which is growing bolder every day, to the only refuge left for them.

  • It is convenient to compare Shaw and Chesterton because they are antithetic in temperament and opinion and represent two opposite currents of modern thought.

  • Urania still absorbed the attention of Mr. Wendover, who strolled by her side and listened somewhat languidly to her disquisitions upon various phases of modern thought.

  • The idealistic philosophy of Germany, invariably terminating in pantheism, is another proof of the atheistic tendency of modern thought.

  • Let us here take notice that "modern thought" ignores final principles altogether, and pretends that arguments from design have no value in science.

  • Telesio of Cosenza, Bruno of Nola, Campanella of Stilo, Vanini and Vico of Naples are the chief among these novi homines or pioneers of modern thought.

  • Whoever may have been its author, it expresses in noble and impassioned verse the sense of danger, the audacity, and the exultation of those pioneers of modern thought, for whom philosophy was a voyage of discovery into untravelled regions.

  • Telesio, says Bacon, was the prince of the novi homines, or inaugurators of modern thought.

  • The Apologia is the history of a great battle against Liberalism, understanding by Liberalism the tendencies of modern thought to destroy the basis of revealed religion, and ultimately of all that can be called religion at all.

  • You say that I have probably followed the trend of modern thought--and I presume that you mean the trend of modern thought in religious matters.

  • They were not exempt from the ignorances and erroneous opinions of their day, yet they did much to overcome them and succeeded better than is usually acknowledged in introducing the era of modern thought.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "modern thought" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fertile soil; give pain; good tone; modern astronomy; modern business; modern chemistry; modern civilisation; modern civilization; modern critics; modern culture; modern education; modern knowledge; modern legislation; modern life; modern maps; modern money; modern nations; modern painting; modern physics; modern poetry; modern poets; modern science; modern thought; modern usage; present arms; thick woods