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Example sentences for "consents"

Lexicographically close words:
consenteth; consentient; consenting; consentingly; consentit; consequence; consequences; consequent; consequential; consequentially
  1. If he consents to connect himself with other men in the prosecution of the same purpose, at least he chooses to remain free to contribute to the common success after his own fashion.

  2. A commercial people which consents to furnish its government with the necessary funds, is sure to possess a fleet.

  3. Glaucus consents to Circe's blandishments for a season, but becoming disgusted with her treachery and cruelty, he endeavors to escape from her.

  4. Hunding enters, regards the stranger with suspicion, notes the resemblance between him and Sieglinde; but he consents to harbor him for the night.

  5. Secondly: General Schuyler, out of personal respect for Sir John, and from a regard to his rank, consents that Sir John shall retain for his own use a complete set of armor, and as much powder as may be sufficient for his domestic purposes.

  6. After some persuasion the ferryman consents to row him across the waters of death to the abode of his ancestor.

  7. Ishtar in mingled rage and shame appeals to her father Anu to send a great bull against the hero, and Anu at length consents to do so.

  8. At length Ea hearkens and intercedes with Nergal, god of the Netherworld, who consents to release the spirit for a little while.

  9. Letter from the Count de Montmorin to Mr Jay, stating that the Count de Florida Blanca consents to become security for fifty thousand dollars, on condition M.

  10. So will I grow, so live, so die, my lord, Ere I will yield my virgin patent up Unto his lordship, whose unwished yoke My soul consents not to give sovereignty.

  11. The main consents are had; and here we'll stay To see our widower's second marriage-day.

  12. Consents bewitched, ere he desire, have granted, And dialogued for him what he would say, Asked their own wills, and made their wills obey.

  13. She consents to relinquish the stage; surely I could wean her too from intimate friendship with a woman whose genius has so fatal an effect upon enthusiastic minds.

  14. That is the true reason why he consents to our glove-shop.

  15. Thoroughly unhappy, indifferent to anything that might happen, Welf consents to wed the elderly Matilda, with whom he settles down to live at Spoleto, sullenly resigning himself to his fate.

  16. However, in January the matter is made up, and King George consents to receive Lambertye at last--at the very time when Queen Mary Beatrice threatens once more to trouble relations just settling down again, with her visit to Luneville.

  17. Queen, eagerly, "remember well there were more consents than mine to that fatal union, that most unhappy act of a most unhappy life.

  18. At least," said George Douglas, "you must will to remain till my uncle consents to dismiss you.

  19. Another boss printer, after much urging on my part, consents to give me a trial the following Monday at three dollars a week.

  20. A set of revolving spools is designated, and he secures a pretty young girl of about sixteen, who comes cheerfully forward and consents to "learn" me.

  21. Peredur consents on her promising to refrain from injuring the countess, and stays with her three weeks.

  22. She refuses; but consents when they threaten leaving her to her enemies.

  23. They are most easily recognised; and if a soul consents not to its own delusion, I do not think that Satan will be able to deceive it, provided it walks in humility and singleness of heart.

  24. Afterwards the desire for power and vengeance prevails, and he consents to take the oath of the Oprichnik band.

  25. The latter now feels some qualms of conscience, but the hot-headed youth forces a challenge upon him, and he consents to fight.

  26. He consoles her with the shoes, and she consents to become his wife.

  27. But he is, with mock gravity, pressed hard to do so, and, after repeated guarantees of good faith, he finally consents with great reluctance and misgivings.

  28. A man convicted of undue intimacy with a widow is expelled from the caste, unless she consents to his leaving her and going back to the caste, and he provides her with adequate means to live separately.

  29. If the family visited consents to the match, the headman is sent for, and a move is made to the toddy-shop.

  30. The devotee who consents to undergo this ceremony dances in front of an image or representation of the goddess, and, when he is worked up to the proper pitch of frenzy, a metal wire is passed through the middle of his tongue.

  31. The tortoise consents to be eaten, under the condition that the Khruth accepts a challenge to a trial of speed, and arrives soonest on the other side of the lake, the bird to go through the air, and the tortoise through the water.

  32. So she consents if he'll bring her an angel of money.

  33. It is not for five cents a day, simply to distinguish himself, that a man consents to be killed; if you want to electrify him touch his heart.

  34. Absolute will consents not to the wrong; but the will in so far consents thereto, as it fears, if it draw back, to fall into greater trouble.

  35. And this Examinate further saith, That at the said Feast at Malking-Tower this Examinate heard them all giue their consents to put the said Master Thomas Lister of Westby[Q4a] to death.

  36. The boys sing the first two verses alternately; the girl at first refuses and then consents to go.

  37. The witch in this game takes away a child when the eldest daughter consents to give her a light.

  38. Will you bring me immediate news whether or not Tanner consents to go?

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "consents" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.