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Example sentences for "indulgent"

Lexicographically close words:
indulge; indulged; indulgence; indulgences; indulgencies; indulgentiam; indulgently; indulges; indulging; indult
  1. Yet this is not true: the king was jovial there, and was as indulgent a husband as he was a father.

  2. He was a kind husband and an indulgent father; but he was provident as neither.

  3. He knows perfectly well that, if he is as strict as he would wish to be, he shall be able to do nothing at all with the run of men; so he is as indulgent with them as ever he can be.

  4. Never man had kinder or more indulgent friends than I have had, but I expressed my own feeling as to the mode in which I gained them, in this very year 1829, in the course of a copy of verses.

  5. And we ought to be indulgent of all that Rome taught now, as of what Rome taught then, saving our protest.

  6. Come, then, indulgent Ruler of the year, Sweet Spring!

  7. I think one ought always to be indulgent towards other people, as I always think, if we had not been well taken care of, we might also have gone astray.

  8. I know that I have a most indulgent and sweet-tempered mother; but, having to deal with violent spirits, she has too often forfeited that peace of mind which she so much prefers, by her over concern to preserve it.

  9. Never had any patient, said she, a more indulgent and more humane physician.

  10. Madame de St. Severan was very kind and indulgent to her; yet Marie never felt towards her as she did to her "cher pere.

  11. I remember a very amusing instance of this sort of contest between his indulgent fondness and his sense of what was due to his guiding authority as a father.

  12. The writers the most indulgent to the memory of Gallus, and even Julian himself, though he wished to cast a veil over the frailties of his brother, are obliged to confess that the Caesar was incapable of reigning.

  13. In this mitigated persecution we may still discover the indulgent spirit of Rome and of Polytheism, which so readily admitted every excuse in favor of those who practised the religious ceremonies of their fathers.

  14. Never did writer more intrepidly hoax his readers, never were readers more indulgent to an author's gasconades.

  15. They no longer existed: the self-indulgent indolence to which he had given himself over, so soon as all social contact with the world was at an end for him, had done its part in effecting their decay.

  16. Alice," said she, in a voice of indulgent reproof, "who are you thinking of?

  17. In the course of four years after their quarrel, Trailcudgel found himself, and his numerous family, in the scene of destitution to which we are about to conduct the indulgent reader.

  18. You will find me more indulgent than you imagine.

  19. She will be kind and indulgent to the young; and the young will respect and love her, and gladly assemble near her chair, and be amused and unconsciously instructed.

  20. She had sometimes fancied that, perhaps, his errors were not so great as he believed them, that he would confess them when he found only his kind, indulgent aunt at home, and so peace and hope gradually dawn for both him and her.

  21. What mystery can there, or ought there, to be about her, when she has such an indulgent friend as yourself to bring all her troubles to?

  22. My disobedience, my ingratitude for all his too indulgent love, killed him--I know it did.

  23. It is strange how often we find those parents who have been over-indulgent to childhood, unusually harsh to the faults of youth.

  24. How could he ask his ever kind and indulgent parent to discharge a debt incurred by such a thoughtless act of unnecessary extravagance?

  25. How would my sister Lovelace have reproached herself for all her indulgent folly to this favourite boy of her's, had she lived till now, and been present on this occasion!

  26. A consuming malady, and a consuming mistress, to an indulgent keeper, are dreadful things to struggle with both together: violence must be used to get rid of the latter; and yet he has not spirit enough left him to exert himself.

  27. But you would soon find that you have an indulgent mother, were she at liberty to act according to her own inclination.

  28. Say not that those are cruel, who suffer so much for my fault; and who, for eighteen years together, rejoiced in me, and rejoiced me by their indulgent goodness!

  29. The rebellion of 1798 threw back for ten years the progress of the indulgent measures so long practised towards Ireland.

  30. Universal suffrage has done that which royalty was too indulgent or too timorous to do--it has ceased the dallying with treason.

  31. The Foreign Office was most indulgent in the amount of liberty which it gave to him.

  32. But there was this difference: whereas Lord Rosebery reprimanded Burton for his frequent absence from his post, Lord Salisbury was very indulgent in the matter of leave.

  33. Holding in her imperial hands the register of cardinal sins, she fancied that she could be indulgent for six of them, and keep all her severity for the seventh, lewdness, which in her estimation could not be forgiven.

  34. I thank you first, my good teacher, for having been so indulgent and affectionate with me; for you every new acquisition of mine was a labor, for which I now rejoice and of which I am proud.

  35. And it may be such dreams are given In mercy by indulgent Heaven, To solace them that mourn: The absent bless our longing sight, The future shows than truth more bright, And phantoms of expir'd delight Most passing sweet return.

  36. How calm and placidly they rest Upon the Heaven's indulgent breast, As if their branches never breeze had known!

  37. I am always indulgent when proper respect is paid to me.

  38. Clare, for you have always been only too indulgent to me.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "indulgent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.