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Example sentences for "dormant"

Lexicographically close words:
dorg; dorgs; dories; dorm; dormancy; dormer; dormers; dormi; dormice; dormir
  1. The supposed cause has been merely the precipitating stimulus which has brought to expression a dormant weakness of germinal origin.

  2. In the last broods of the fall, males and females appear and fertile eggs are produced which lie dormant through the winter to start the cycle of the next year.

  3. Dormant capacities must have proper environment to call them forth, but on the other hand no kind of environment can evoke responses if some degree of aptitude is not present.

  4. Budding is usually done in late summer with mature buds of the season growth which remain dormant until the following spring.

  5. The French experience with the eastern black walnut and the related Arizona walnut as rootstocks is interesting, as is the discussion of one method of propagation, where dormant whole-root grafts are started in pots under glass.

  6. Occasionally dormant budwood taken in winter is held in cold storage until the bark of the stock slips in the spring.

  7. MCKAY: I'd like to get back to this opinion here on the question of frozen ground, dormant roots and the effect it has on the top of the tree.

  8. Dormant spray with "Scalecide" in middle April against the canker worms and mites.

  9. It is perfectly dormant when the other young walnuts are in practically full leaf.

  10. Dormant buds are not the cause of bird's eyes in maple.

  11. Dormant cuttings have broken dormancy, sent out new leaves, formed an abundance of callus on the basal end, but failed to develop any roots, and finally after several months have died.

  12. This controversy passed away with the occasion, nothing surviving it save the dormant letter of the statute.

  13. These administrative changes, and especially the brief existence of united "Illyria," stimulated the dormant nationalism of the Croats and their jealousy of the Magyars.

  14. A train of old associations, dormant during five years, had thus been instantaneously awakened in his mind.

  15. There is an aroma in the air then that breathes new life into jaded nerves, and stirs the drop of old Norse blood, dormant in most American veins, into quivering ecstasy.

  16. Little by little, his friends were able to awaken his dormant interest and get him to work again on Cyrano.

  17. The innate energy of those dormant talents of "the Darling of the English" was roused and he made his name the brightest that adorns Anglo-saxon history.

  18. The lyceum had awakened his dormant powers.

  19. Loeb found that, by merely drawing a silk thread through a dormant or slowly developing tumor, he could transform it into a rapidly growing one.

  20. As Swanson's appeals took effect, the early religious teaching of his uncles, which had probably lain dormant in his mind, asserted its influence.

  21. He gave rich gifts to the learned, he had copies of books made to be presented to poor students, arousing dormant talents and becoming the protector of his countrymen, far and near.

  22. He did not consider that the dormant fire of persecution, if once rekindled, would sooner or later blaze around the head of the persecutors.

  23. The plants being all the while in a dormant state, it is remarkable how little they suffer.

  24. He takes great care to keep his plants in a dormant state during winter; but about the end of March and April, he applies linings, and brings them into a growing state, shifting all those not intended for fruiting that season.

  25. Skinks that are dormant in hibernation survive for periods of months without drinking, with but little loss of weight.

  26. On only a few occasions have natural hibernating sites or the dormant skinks in them been observed by zoologists.

  27. Some were not fully dormant when found but could only gape and twist when uncovered.

  28. In early fall, even before the advent of cold weather, they are hard to find apparently having begun their retirement into the sheltered situations where they spend the winter, even though they may not be fully dormant at that time.

  29. I wake thy valour that has slept Amid the tears thine eyes have wept; As drops of oil in worship raise The dormant flame to sudden blaze.

  30. For as the fuel food supplies That bids the dormant flame arise, Thus when the warrior grasps his bow He feels his breast with ardour glow.

  31. Speech, form, and trust which naught may move Thy secret strength and glory prove, As smouldering ashes dimly show The dormant fires that live below.

  32. All the love that had lain dormant in her heart for years was given to him.

  33. These contributions to human welfare have been derived from knowledge; from knowing how to employ those natural agencies which from the beginning of the race had existed, but had lain dormant or run uselessly away.

  34. The dormant energies of the mind can be aroused, and the soul can be put into mysterious communion with external nature only by the magical power of sensation.

  35. There is such an emotion as patriotism, Mr. Waite, but it seems to be dormant in this people.

  36. In this great crisis there came to her the wisdom and forethought that lay dormant in her nature.

  37. Elisabeth endeavoured to simulate the sudden awakening of a dormant memory.

  38. The old feeling of being at war with Christopher, which had laid dormant for so long, now woke up again in her heart, and inclined her to defy rather than to plead.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dormant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apathetic; asleep; benumbed; blase; bored; catatonic; comatose; covert; cryptic; dead; debilitated; dormant; droopy; drugged; dull; enervated; esoteric; extinct; flat; foul; groggy; heavy; hidden; idle; immobile; inactive; inanimate; inert; jaded; lackadaisical; languid; languorous; latent; leaden; lethargic; lifeless; listless; logy; lumpish; lurking; meditative; moribund; motionless; muffled; mystical; neuter; neutral; numb; oblivious; obscured; occult; out; paralytic; paralyzed; passive; phlegmatic; pooped; possible; potential; procrastinating; quiescent; quiet; sated; sedentary; slack; sleeping; sleepy; slow; sluggish; slumbering; smoldering; somnolent; stagnant; standing; static; stationary; submerged; supine; suspended; tame; torpid; unconscious; underlying; vegetable; veiled; virtual; wan; weary