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Example sentences for "drugged"

Lexicographically close words:
drudgery; drudges; drudging; drue; drug; drugget; drugging; druggist; druggists; drugless
  1. His last week on earth had been more of a strain on Jimmie than he appreciated; and the night the Ceramic sailed he slept the drugged sleep of complete nervous exhaustion.

  2. At a table a maitre d'hôtel was composing the menu for the evening, against the walls three colored waiters lounged sleepily, and on a platform at a piano a pale youth with drugged eyes was with one hand picking an accompaniment.

  3. Then followed the Doctor, and to his giant will the drugged brain of West was a pliant instrument which he bent to his own ends.

  4. Can it be that we were drugged on that occasion with Indian hemp?

  5. Save that the bed was disordered, showing that West had been sleeping in it, there were no evidences of the extraordinary invasion mentioned by the drugged man.

  6. It is difficult in this case to separate hallucination from reality, but I think, Mr. West, that Fu-Manchu must have exercised an hypnotic influence upon your drugged brain.

  7. Yesterday, returning from London with your daughter, you were both drugged in some way and, occupying a compartment to yourselves, you both slept.

  8. We had coffee at a refreshment-room; it must have been drugged in some way.

  9. He heard the tap of his wife's pipe; there was a faint sweetish odor of drugged tobacco and the scent of cloves in which she saturated herself.

  10. But though the emotional side of his mind lay drugged and insensitive to anything outside, he found himself observing the details of the room where he waited with a curious vividness.

  11. Across his drugged and failing brain there flickered for an instant the blurred shape of a suspicion.

  12. No noises entered from the street; here, the business of being photographed was magnified to a solemnity; one drugged one's victim with pomp before leading him to the camera.

  13. Drugged is their juice For foreign use, When shipped o'er the reeling Atlantic, To rack our brains With the fever pains, That have driven the Old World frantic.

  14. Rise from your graves, drowsy and drugged with death, As men who suddenly aroused from sleep Look round amazed, and know not where they are!

  15. Whoever drinks wine thus drugged cannot shed a single tear all the rest of the day, not even though his father and mother both of them drop down dead, or he sees a brother or a son hewn in pieces before his very eyes.

  16. There were wild mountain wolves and lions prowling all round it--poor bewitched creatures whom she had tamed by her enchantments and drugged into subjection.

  17. She set me on a richly decorated seat inlaid with silver, there was a footstool also under my feet, and she mixed a mess in a golden goblet for me to drink; but she drugged it, for she meant me mischief.

  18. She drugged the wine with an herb that banishes all care, sorrow, and ill humour.

  19. He tampered with the valet, treated him with drugged whiskey, and while the wretched man was in a stupid sleep, stole from him the pass-key to Sir Lemuel Levison's private apartment.

  20. Do you mean to say that you have drugged it?

  21. Every one knew that the child had been drowned; the doctor thought it had been drugged before it was drowned; there was very little to be said about it.

  22. I remembered what the doctor said in Brighton when the inquest was held on the tiny white body, "that it had been mercifully drugged before it was drowned.

  23. The doctors said--for there was an inquest on the tiny body--they said the child had been drugged before it was drowned, but that it had died from drowning.

  24. If the drugged man is a light-weight, he is proclaimed a tailor, if medium weight he is a sheep-herder, and so on.

  25. The cowboy was heavy, and he did not yank aboard as easily as some of the other drugged men, very much to the astonishment of the old-time sailors.

  26. When a drugged and shanghaied sailor comes on board the mate looks him over for dangerous weapons.

  27. After he had spent some time clubbing him, and trying every method known to the hard-boiled mates of former times, he would find a belaying-pin, and beat the drugged man on the soles of his shoes.

  28. I know I was drugged in some way," returned Matt, "and that I had just time to get from Lawrence to Ottawa in a gasoline speeder so as to enter the race.

  29. I made the news as it were a hook to catch me victual and honour among the villagers in a village whose priest drugged my lama.

  30. Kim jeered at him for being so drugged as to have lost the ringed fire-tongs which are the Saddhu's distinguishing mark.

  31. Cowan, the doctor, was called, and declared that the stranger had been drugged and was suffering from some narcotic.

  32. Leithcourt evidently wished to escape from his visitor, and that's why he drugged him.

  33. A while ago she had wished to look on the praefect of Rome as he lay in a drugged sleep, desiring to assure herself that all was well with him; then the advent of the Cæsar had interrupted her.

  34. It still bore the imprint of the massive figure as it lay inert in the embrace of drugged sleep.

  35. But she was still between him and that door, between this raving, bloodthirsty maniac and a helpless man who was lying wounded and in a drugged sleep on a bed of sickness.

  36. When the raging tempest of rebellion was at its height earlier in the day, he had lain in a drugged sleep, unconscious of the shouts, the threats, the groans which had resounded from palace to palace on the very summit of the Palatine.

  37. I, who went into the gin-mill with the other sailors, was foolish enough to drink, and was drugged and crimped as they were.

  38. From down the hall came hysterical meanings as Lilas Lynn struggled in a drugged and drunken breakdown.

  39. He has been drugged by her charms, and--now he's paying the price.

  40. But Michael had for the time put aside all speculation and drugged his imagination with animal exercise, allowing himself no time to think of anything but the present.

  41. The sensuousness of her abandonment drugged all but the sweet present and the poignant ecstasy of possession.

  42. He opened a door and stood aside, waving one thin yellow hand between the first two fingers of which smouldered the drugged cigarette.

  43. That Mrs. Irvin, probably in a drugged condition, lay somewhere in that mysterious inner room Kerry felt fairly sure.

  44. Her dyed hair was disarranged, and her dark eyes stared glassily before her; but even in this half-drugged state she bore herself with the lithe carriage of a dancer, swinging her hips lazily and pointing the toes of her high-heeled slippers.

  45. Why should you respect her--" Silence fell upon the drugged speaker.

  46. Unhesitatingly Crowfoot led them amid the mass of drugged men, and the sinking firelight revealed on his leathery face a ghost of a shriveled smile.

  47. Hanged if I don't believe you've drugged them some way!

  48. You were the only one who might have given us trouble, for your chief was bound and gagged, and your mates were drugged by your own hands.

  49. But what crude, unrestrained, unfermented--even raw and drugged liquor, must the literary taster put to his unwilling lips day after day!

  50. But I'd like you to remember one thing--about how I warned you not to drink the drugged water and how I brought you some good water.

  51. Perhaps that water was drugged and was given to us to put us to sleep.

  52. Or is it this supper, better drugged than that of last night?

  53. They drugged me--hence my long sleep," thought Toussaint.

  54. Then once again they were drugged and the house ransacked, but this time the attention of the intruders seemed directed toward Dr.

  55. For the Lord our own God Hath doomed us to perish, Hath drugged us with waters of bale— To Him(379) have we sinned.

  56. According to the message, the implication was that there would be nobody in the express car at that time except a drugged messenger.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drugged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anesthetized; apathetic; arctic; asleep; autistic; benumbed; blase; blunt; bored; catatonic; chill; chilly; cold; comatose; cool; dead; debilitated; dispassionate; doped; dormant; dreamy; droopy; drowsy; drugged; dull; enervated; frigid; frosted; frosty; frozen; heartless; heavy; high; icy; immovable; impassive; inanimate; inert; insusceptible; jaded; lackadaisical; languid; languorous; leaden; lethargic; lifeless; listless; lumpish; moribund; napping; nirvanic; nodding; numb; objective; oblivious; obtuse; out; passionless; phlegmatic; pooped; sated; senseless; sleepy; slow; sluggish; somnolent; soporific; soulless; spiritless; stagnant; stoned; stuporous; supine; torpid; unconscious; unemotional; unfeeling; unimpassioned; unloving; unresponsive; unsusceptible; unsympathetic; untouchable; vegetable; wan; weary; yawning