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Example sentences for "sluggish"

Lexicographically close words:
sluggard; sluggards; slugged; sluggers; slugging; sluggishly; sluggishness; slugs; sluice; sluiced
  1. Beyond that, and lower still, a lilied pond widened out of the sluggish brook with a cool and rustic spring-house at one end.

  2. But he was a strange man,--a genius, as I soon discovered, to rouse the most sluggish nature to enthusiasm.

  3. Quite different from its heavy and sluggish looking sister is this sprightly, slender, fragile-flowered mullein.

  4. Preferred Habitat - Cool Northern bogs; in or beside sluggish water.

  5. There was the busy hum of insect life from the adjacent woods, a deep murmur from the sluggish tide of the great Caribou River which drained the country for miles around.

  6. There lay a frowning, rock-bound chasm at their feet, and deep down in the heart of it a broad, sluggish stream.

  7. Keeko turned from the sluggish waters, black with the reflection of the barren walls of the gorge.

  8. For all these easier conditions, however, the journey was a hard beat up against the sluggish flow of the river.

  9. Between these points it lay there, a broad, sluggish stretch of water upon which the old fort looked down from the rising foreshore.

  10. Five minutes later they were out of the saddle and standing with others on the grassy river bank watching the steady approach of two canoes, paddling their way up against the easy, sluggish stream.

  11. I could have stretched myself in the soft grass and slept with a will; every bone and muscle in my body protested against further movement, and I was sluggish with a full stomach.

  12. Time and again we were forced to halt in the lee of a wooded point, where with threshing of arms we drove the sluggish blood back into our numbing finger-tips.

  13. The morbid modern craze for intricate and composite emotions was not likely to reach an out-of-the-way Hungarian village that slept peacefully on the banks of the sluggish Maros, cradled in the immensity of the plain.

  14. Only from far away came the murmur of the sluggish waters of the Maros, and from its shores the call of a heron to its mate.

  15. I lie awake while thou sleepest, I weep while thou singest, I am faint with fasting while thou art sluggish and torpid from pure repletion.

  16. The sun had not yet melted the snows of the distant Armenian hills, which later on would cause a rapid flood to the river, and we progressed very slowly in the low, sluggish waters.

  17. The dungeon-floor was coated with pollutions, travelled over by a sluggish shallow stream, with which the fairy floated.

  18. The sudden feel of sluggish current warned Rick they were at the creek mouth.

  19. On their right, the marsh stretched inland along the sluggish creek bank.

  20. The waters of the classic Ilm are sluggish and slimy in places, and in places clear and brooklike, but always a dull dark green in color.

  21. Lilies were rocking on the sluggish reaches of the streams, and where the current quickened, tall wheels were lifting water for the fields in circles of brimming and spilling pockets.

  22. An idea had sprung to life in his sluggish brain.

  23. He was strangely sluggish and strangely silent.

  24. The pursuit of the new remedy for stimulating a sluggish brain took him to a public house, kept by the professional pedestrian who had the honor of training him when he contended at Athletic Sports.

  25. A sluggish reluctance to face change of any kind possessed him.

  26. The slightest hint in the pages which were still to be read might set his sluggish brain working in the right direction.

  27. I had been so much used to horses that, perceiving her humour, I had the sagacity to turn her head homeward, and she then went on again, though with a sullen and sluggish pace.

  28. The sluggish and perverted mind of the multitude, slow to open to the incursions of reason, having once so opened, having received this book, stands upon it and makes an outcry if it is disparaged.

  29. Possibly the cold sluggish natures of all these creatures protects them against the toad's secretion, which would be poison to most warm-blooded animals, but I am not so sure that all fish enjoy a like immunity.

  30. The water whispered and chuckled against the boat's sides in lazy undertones, as it floated down the sluggish stream.

  31. The river was low, and sluggish from the long drought with consequently easy passage to the opposite bank.

  32. The irksome and disgraceful situation to which Clodius had reduced him, could not but at length arouse even his sluggish nature to hatred and anger.

  33. The right was protected by the Chickahominy, the left rested on White Oak Swamp, a network of sluggish streams and impassable swamps, screened everywhere by tangled thickets.

  34. The Valley army had already marched far and fast; and although Dabney hints that inexperienced and sluggish subordinates were the chief cause of delay, there is hardly need to look so far for excuse.

  35. The march from the White House was more sluggish than the current of the Chickahominy.

  36. From these highlands flowed great sluggish streams that carried large amounts of sand and silt.

  37. Crocodiles sunned themselves on the banks of sluggish streams and lakes.

  38. They are very sluggish when their body temperatures are low and become more active as these temperatures rise, but only to a certain point.

  39. A fly settled on his back--a damp, sluggish fly that had survived the winter--and it crawled horribly up his spine.

  40. The dramatic had happened, touching the most sluggish imaginations.

  41. I found afterwards that they were idle rascals who deserved punishment, and always went about their duty in a lazy, sluggish way.

  42. There's no pleasure in being slow and sluggish about doing a thing, and a great waste of time.

  43. On the left flowed the dark and sluggish Teche.

  44. The inhabitants are honest, frugal folk, somewhat sluggish of intellect and indifferent to things lying beyond the narrow limits of their own little world, but shrewd enough in all matters which they deem worthy of their attention.

  45. Though Berlin is said by geographers to be built on the Spree, we might live a long time in the city without noticing the sluggish little stream on which the name of a river has been undeservedly conferred.

  46. I could reckon on my guards being sleepy and sluggish then; and, moreover, seeing that during several days I had given them no trouble, they would be quite unprepared for any violent outbreak.

  47. Twas four o'clock before the action became general, so sluggish were our vessels in coming into line, and the firing continued till nightfall, by which time we on the Breda had suffered severely.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sluggish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.