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Example sentences for "lazy"

Lexicographically close words:
lazily; laziness; lazo; lazos; lazuli; lazzarone; lazzaroni; lbing; ldeke
  1. They've got lazy habits too, and new jobs don't come easy at forty.

  2. It comes floatin' in lazy and natural, and when Cap Spiller goes forward to heave over the anchor he drops it with a splash into real water.

  3. I'd hate to be as lazy as this bunch of hoboes.

  4. This is probably his feeding ground, and he'll keep going round and round in lazy circles.

  5. He abused me, called me a lazy dog, and as he was raising his voice an officer came to see what was the matter.

  6. These lazy dogs of Volontaires, they are always thinking.

  7. Now catch hold of it at once, you blasted lazy beggar!

  8. The Captain then called out to two troopers who happened to pass by: "Stick me that load on that lazy dog's shoulders!

  9. But they are lazy about it in their summer homes, where they only flap up and then dodge down again to hide; so they are easy shooting--too easy to be any sport.

  10. The foolish, lazy men Think they work if they sing all day.

  11. He is a lazy traveller; and then, perhaps, he thinks his nest is so frail that he needs to have the trees in full leaf to protect it.

  12. She wants to lay an egg, too, but has no home, because she is too lazy and shiftless to build one.

  13. Black Joe, going by, called him a lazy old red-skin; and that was true, too.

  14. The tide was rising in the little bay above which they sat, and Broomhurst watched the lazy foam-edged waves slipping over the uncovered rocks towards the shore, then sliding back as though for very weariness they despaired of reaching it.

  15. Queer; I don't care a hoot," he told himself, watching with lazy eyes the smoke from his pipe drift blue between himself and the valley drowsing in the heat.

  16. I'm sick of these beastly tropics--they make you feel so lazy and good-for-nothing.

  17. The snail really seemed to be quite pleased with the attention he had received; and he stretched himself in lazy comfort when the Doctor was done.

  18. Dressed as gorgeously as his wife, looking fresh and young, he seemed rather to be a dissipated lazy man, than the most hard-working of ministers to whom the fate of the state was entrusted.

  19. He was not lacking in ideas, but he was lazy and disliked every effort.

  20. Shall we degenerate into a lazy scepticism, which believes that everything is a little true, and everything a little false--in plain words, believes nothing at all?

  21. Christ's Cross says to him--Thou art ignoble and base, as long as thou art lazy and selfish.

  22. Down South we're too lazy to work over ourselves that way.

  23. See that those lazy niggers of yours don't grub the patch out by mistake.

  24. He saw himself seated on a low stool, watching a funny old clock with a moon-face, whose smiling lips curved up like military mustachios, and wishing the lazy long hands would hurry.

  25. Jude was too lazy on general principles to reduce any one to jelly unless the provocation had been great.

  26. Jude, lazy with the inertness of a too sharply defined ancestry, became rapidly a well-developed parasite.

  27. He knew that it is the industrious, prudent, and persevering who go up hill, and the lazy and worthless who go down.

  28. He was a sullen and morose old fellow, too lazy to work, and had a great deal to say about the cruelty and injustice of the world.

  29. If you want to go with me, all right; if you don't, you can stay behind an' be servants fur them two lazy officers.

  30. Tom is too lazy to do that, and besides, if he were to attempt it, he might be picked up by the jolly-boat.

  31. Atkins will have to do every thing, and them lazy officers will sit around in the shade an' see me work.

  32. Being lazy was not the idea of eternal bliss common to either of these young persons.

  33. They warn us of the folly of trusting to bargain sales of shoddy goods; they warn us against extravagant tastes when times are hard; they warn us against the lazy mood that neglects the stitch in time that saveth nine.

  34. I, in Andaluz as lazy as the other Cristóbal could have used.

  35. It has attached to it as its inseparable comrade a distress and weariness of soul, and a sluggishness in all good works, which plunges the whole man into lazy languor, and works in him a constant bitterness.

  36. The Gurgling Imps of Mummery Mum Stole the whole of a half of a crumb, And a wind arose and blew the Imps Way off to the Land of the Lazy Limps.

  37. The Marats in the hall looked up with lazy indifference at the two men who had come rushing out in such an abrupt and excited manner.

  38. And indeed the zest of adventure, the zest to fight, never dormant, was glowing with compelling vigour now in those lazy eyes of his which were resting with such kindliness upon his stricken friend.

  39. League of the Scarlet Pimpernel which has even caused citizen Robespierre much uneasiness--that will stir up your sluggish blood, you lazy young vermin!

  40. He strode rapidly across the hall: the men on guard eyed him with lazy indifference as he passed.

  41. We have all sorts of characters on board, but the crew is working quite willingly; now and then a drunken or lazy vagabond turning up.

  42. And his lazy acquiescence in life was peaceful and inviting to my own strenuosity.

  43. There was a mistake about the carriage, or, rather, the lazy fellow to whom the order was given forgot it.

  44. You lazy man, have you been dawdling here all this time?

  45. Lucia at first was only too glad to have her cousin to herself, and he too lazy to care what went on about him.

  46. It fretted and yet it entertained him, and he found a lazy sort of pleasure in thwarting the girl's little maneuvers.

  47. I would edite it myself, but am too far off, and too lazy to undertake it; but I wish that it could be done.

  48. I feel too lazy to have at it myself; so beg and pray Mr. Gifford for me.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lazy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    airy; ambling; backward; bum; careless; casual; cautious; circumspect; crawling; creeping; cursory; dallying; delaying; deliberate; dilatory; disregardful; dreamy; drowsy; easy; easygoing; faltering; flagging; flippant; forgetful; gentle; gradual; halting; heedless; idle; inactive; inconsiderate; indifferent; indolent; inert; lackadaisical; laggard; lagging; languid; languorous; lax; laze; lazy; leisurely; lethargic; limping; lingering; loaf; loiter; loitering; loll; lounge; lumbering; mindless; moderate; mooch; moon; oblivious; offhand; parasitic; perfunctory; poking; poky; procrastinating; reckless; regardless; relaxed; reluctant; remiss; shiftless; shuffling; sit; slack; slothful; slouch; slow; sluggish; soft; sponging; staggering; stand; strolling; supine; tactless; tentative; thoughtless; toddling; tottering; trudging; undiplomatic; unenterprising; unheedful; unhurried; unmindful; unprepared; unready; unthinking