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Example sentences for "lagging"

Lexicographically close words:
laga; lager; laggard; laggards; lagged; lagi; lagie; lagoon; lagoons; lagrimas
  1. Round the world if need be, and round the world again, With a lame duck lagging all the way.

  2. Louise went on in the falling darkness with lagging footsteps.

  3. Cherie asked her one morning, noting her lagging footsteps and her deathly pallor.

  4. There were three in the party, one lagging well behind.

  5. I've heard of Music Mountain," continued de Spain, urging his lagging steed.

  6. The party partook sparingly of their lunch, leaving enough for their absent friend, but the lagging hours wore away and they still waited.

  7. The slightest lagging in his gait, a halt, a turning to one side or a whinny was sufficient to bring back on the instant the wandering senses of the rider.

  8. In the present instance his slumber was not interrupted until Hercules, seeing exactly where he was, dropped his walk to a lagging gait.

  9. Every plowing step drove her heart pounding like an engine, and every lagging footfall started her scared thoughts throbbing louder than her heart.

  10. With almost embarrassing slowness now we followed her lagging steps back to the library.

  11. The lagging of the crippled Intrepid held back the Revenge.

  12. He set his back to it all and turned into the bye-street, an old tired man with lagging legs, and the shadows swallowed him up.

  13. On their lagging heels followed two that I did know.

  14. He got up and donned his bath-robe and set off down the corridor with lagging feet, so wretched in mind by this time that it required no great effort of imagination to believe himself ailing in body.

  15. Don approached the gymnasium after his ten o'clock recitation with lagging feet.

  16. Piggy was casually skinning cats, hanging by his legs, or chinning on an almost horizontal limb, as he took his part in the lagging talk.

  17. This belligerent party was composed of two persons, to wit: one mother from the north end of Willow Creek, irate to the spluttering point, and one boy lagging as far behind the mother as his short arm would allow him to lag.

  18. When they did turn, Bud was lagging a step or two behind.

  19. But he had reached his limit; sickness fastened on him, and on the ebb of his fury came lagging old despair.

  20. The captain had to exert force to keep him from lagging behind, as the two went northward through Bread Street.

  21. As Sir Peregrine was the embodiment of lagging weariness, and the goldsmith was himself well fagged, their companion was first within speaking distance.

  22. Washington grew paler and paler, weaker and weaker while the lagging list progressed; and when it was finished, his head fell helplessly forward on his arms.

  23. The sun is sometimes ahead of its schedule; at other times it is lagging behind; and at still other times it is breaking the speed limit in order to overtake itself, or, rather, to catch up with where it ought to be in the sky.

  24. Where was solid water beneath it, is now air, and for the first time it feels the grip of gravity, and down it falls, at the same time being torn asunder from the lagging bottom of the wave and flung forward.

  25. Far off, wool-white winding-sheets of mist were lifting, lagging along the purple hills, clothed with inviolate forest.

  26. Sidenote: The Lagging Brain] Assuming that this is what generally happens, does this feeling of fatigue, this impulse to rest, mean that your mental energy is exhausted?

  27. Suppose that by a determined effort of the will you force your lagging brain to take up the thread of work.

  28. Unwillingly, yet inexorably, his lagging footsteps brought him to her side.

  29. Dantor was with him, lagging a little and pressing a finger to his lips; shaking his head gravely to warn them.

  30. This protective external lagging covering the outer surface of the completed coils is not altogether a benefit for it tends to prevent dissipation of heat.

  31. Hysteresis means to "lag behind," hence its application to denote the lagging of magnetism, in a magnetic metal, behind the magnetizing flux which produces it.

  32. It appeared to me that the lagging moonlight never, never would get to it.

  33. Theron and the stranger in front, Charmides lagging weakly in the rear.

  34. Charmides was left alone in the narrow street, too weary to go as far as the tenement, undecided as to where to turn his lagging steps for a sorely needed shelter.

  35. Oases wells were low, and there must be no lagging by the way.

  36. The behavior of the two lagging wolves would be consistent with the hypothesis that they were either pups or a courting pair of adults.

  37. Upon returning to the lagging members of the pack, this animal usually held his tail vertically, an expression of social dominance (Schenkel 1947).

  38. With lagging steps Barbara went on setting the table.

  39. They went through the gate with Janet's steps lagging more than ever.

  40. She rose to go with him but looked back wistfully several times as she went, with lagging feet, down the hill.

  41. This lagging should be interpreted as an argument for a Martian atmosphere with heat-storing qualities, similar to that possessed by the earth.

  42. Direct temperature effects are also traced in Buenos Aires and other South American cities, lagging from two to three days behind the observed solar fluctuations.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lagging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    afterthought; backward; bind; block; blockade; dalliance; dallying; dawdling; delay; delaying; detention; dilatory; easygoing; gradual; halt; hindrance; holdup; interim; jam; lackadaisical; lag; laggard; lagging; lax; lazy; lingering; loitering; moratorium; obstruction; pause; procrastinating; procrastination; remiss; reprieve; respite; retardation; shuffling; slack; slow; slowdown; slowness; sluggish; stay; stop; stoppage; suspension; tarrying; wait