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Example sentences for "procrastination"

Lexicographically close words:
proconsuls; proconsulship; procrastinate; procrastinated; procrastinating; procreant; procreate; procreated; procreating; procreation
  1. And everlasting procrastination required them day after day to steel their hearts anew against that Terror which followed its furtive ways beneath the leaden waters of the Channel!

  2. What duplicity was that which the girl had paraded concerning her procrastination when Lanyard had surprised her on her knees out there on the landing?

  3. The duke understood the art of procrastination so well, that September was far advanced before the place was wholly dismantled; and then he was seized with an ague, which obliged him to quit the army.

  4. It's that rogue Procrastination who has robbed me!

  5. Procrastination took the opportunity when the boy's attention was most engaged with the sweetmeats, to draw out Time's fairy purse, and rifle it of its precious contents.

  6. Out of breath and out of heart, poor Lubin stopped panting at last; Procrastination had had a fair start, and carried off his spoil in triumph.

  7. The procrastination of the French commander had given the Mexican government time to elaborate the defense.

  8. General Forey explained his extraordinary procrastination by complaining that the minister of war had failed to supply him with a sufficient amount of ammunition.

  9. I must confess that I am disappointed, vexed, harrassed, fatigued with the strange procrastination of the Buriton affairs which are now verging to the end of the second year.

  10. MY DEAR MADAM, If ever the excuse of procrastination be allowable it is when we ourselves are expecting a letter to which we are entitled in the due course of correspondence.

  11. Footnote 55: Besides the complications arising out of the procrastination of Russia, in carrying out the Treaty of Paris, an international difficulty had lately arisen in Switzerland.

  12. Procrastination is the thief of time, 1385.

  13. Procrastination is the thief of time: Year after year it steals, till all are fled, And to the mercies of a moment leaves The vast concerns of an eternal scene.

  14. You're expecting Grace Mason, Procrastination Boggs, and Laura Polk, aren't you?

  15. Old Procrastination Boggs," Laura teased, "has been so busy trying to figure out the time so as to keep her clocks straight that she hasn't known what was going on around her.

  16. We constantly feel a shock like that which surprises the reader of Young's 'Night Thoughts' when he finds it asserted, in all the pomp of blank verse, that Procrastination is the thief of time.

  17. He assumes that his readers know that procrastination is an evil, and tries to gain a little piquancy by paradoxically pointing out the objections to punctuality.

  18. Procrastination is the ton, because any thing abrupt is ungraceful.

  19. This was the masterly procrastination of the sovereign, when his provinces were in a blaze.

  20. Viglius wrote that if the King did not make his intended visit soon, he would come too late, and that every week more harm was done by procrastination than could be repaired by months of labor and perhaps by torrents of blood.

  21. Procrastination was, however, to have its perfect work, and Lord John, chilled and indignant, told Lord Aberdeen on January 3 that nothing could be less satisfactory than the result of the recent Cabinets.

  22. None but those who are themselves slaves to the habit of procrastination will believe that I could be so foolish as to put off writing this sermon till the Saturday evening before it was wanted.

  23. I determined to watch carefully over his temper, and to guard him particularly against that habit of procrastination which had been the bane of my life.

  24. Procrastination would probably be best, though in procrastination there was risk.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "procrastination" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.