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Example sentences for "static"

Lexicographically close words:
statesmanly; statesmanship; statesmen; statewide; stati; statical; statically; statics; statim; stating
  1. Progressive accumulation cannot be reduced to static interrelations and interdependence between the two great departments of social production (the departments of producer and consumer goods), as the diagram would have it.

  2. Marx had to establish a dynamic distinction in the course of history between the commodity producer and the labouring man, in order to distinguish the twin aspects of labour which appear static in bourgeois economy.

  3. Static esophagitis results in a swelling of the esophageal walls and a narrowing of the lumen, so that swallowing is more or less troublesome until the esophagitis subsides.

  4. The local esophagoscopic application of a small quantity of a 25 per cent watery solution of argyrol may be required for the static esophagitis.

  5. The presence of organic stenosis at the hiatus may remove the case altogether from the spasmodic class, or a cicatricial or infiltrated narrowing may be the result of static esophagitis.

  6. The ghostliness is subtle, rather than evident, the drama static rather than dynamic.

  7. This knowledge is what transforms action into movement, tempo into rhythm, the static into the plastic, the dead into the living.

  8. It is invariably the product of the static intelligence into which the comprehension of aesthetic movement has never entered.

  9. Even in its pyramidal form, which when used by most painters becomes a static figure, there is a movement at its apex which opens into a shape like a lily.

  10. There is no movement because there is no static foil, no consummation.

  11. His method had been liberated from the exactitudes of static principles, and had become consistent, not with the new colour knowledge, but within itself.

  12. The old static system of copying trees in green, shadows in black and skies in blue did not, as was commonly believed, produce realism.

  13. They are static figures with blurred triangles resembling lace where their legs should be.

  14. Though using the modern methods of simplification, these men revert to a static and dead past.

  15. While he realised its unimportance as a fundamental for constructing volume, he nevertheless felt its need as a complement to colour--the need of the static and the dead to accentuate the plastic and alive.

  16. Therefore they set about to study the influence that one colour has upon another, assuming that lines were more static and absolute and consequently did not change at contact with other lines.

  17. But if the static points of movement present themselves to us with sufficient rapidity they produce the effect of continuous movement, as in the simulacra of the kinematograph.

  18. The planes are consequently static and absolute.

  19. He stated lines, not in their static character, but in their average of fluctuation.

  20. Those seeking for calm will find it in equal degree in both, for in each it is produced by the same method: by the static representation of form rather than by a sequence of movement.

  21. Their misapprehension of painting is analogous to that of Degas who, in picturing the dance, imagined that the spectator, by contemplating its static representations, would experience its rhythm.

  22. Theology and law are both of them static by their nature.

  23. Mental use-values are not static but permanently dynamic; one thought, one discovery, is the impulse to others; they follow the law of an increasing potential function of time.

  24. Electricity produced by friction, that is, developed upon the surface of a body by rubbing it with a dissimilar body, and called frictional or static electricity, was the only kind produced artificially in the days of Franklin.

  25. When the science of static electricity was thus far developed, with a machine for generating it and a collector to receive it, many experiments followed.

  26. It is plain that we have here a one-sided emphasis on the dynamic aspect of reality no less fatal to sound philosophy than the exclusively static view which has been falsely attributed to the Greeks.

  27. The sage always tries to escape from the moving world of becoming into the static world of being.

  28. It forges a static conception of it, and destroys it by arresting it under pretext of seeing it better.

  29. But the mere name system calls up the static idea of a finished building.

  30. Everywhere, when it theorises, it tends to establish static relations between composing unities which form a homogeneous and disconnected multiplicity.

  31. Ancient geometry, for example, is almost always limited to the static consideration of figures already traced.

  32. This is the completely static conception which sees in being exactly the opposite of becoming: we cannot become, it seems to say, except in so far as we are not.

  33. Knowing this, we have to address the relation between a relatively static medium and dynamic media.

  34. The difference between static electricity--when it leaps from one thing to another--and flowing electricity is a good deal like the difference between a short shower of rain and a river.

  35. The electricity you have been reading about and experimenting with in this section is called static electricity.

  36. His observations were published at Venice in 1614, in his 'Ars de Static Medicind', and led to the increased use of Sudorifics.

  37. The 'Art of Static Medicine' was also translated into French by M.

  38. It is even possible to visualize a white world reverting to the condition of Europe in the fifteenth century--thrown back upon itself, on the defensive, and with a static rather than a progressive civilization.

  39. A clever man, but not the compelling personality to control the dynamic forces of Socialism or to coerce the static forces of Separatism.

  40. One such has been named the kinetic system because it comes into play in situations which demand prompt adaptation without hesitancy, and a consequent immediate transformation of static or stored energy into kinetic or active energy.

  41. An apparatus is put in our hands which shows us not only a static condition at a given moment, but the whole life process of an individual, normal or abnormal, his past and his future.

  42. Darwin changed Fate from a static sphinx into a chameleon flux.

  43. Professor Fite's position I regard as conceiving consciousness itself too largely in the category of the identical and the static rather than in the more "conscious" categories of constant reconstruction.

  44. The distinction is a distinction of function, not of static existence, and it is this distinction which is represented by the contrast of focus and margin.

  45. Straight" is a term of fixed content just because we conceive space in timeless terms; it is by its very meaning a cross-section of a static order.

  46. Empirically, then, active bonds or continuities of all kinds, together with static discontinuities, characterize existence.

  47. Focus and margin, in short, have to do with movement, with transition, and not with a static field.

  48. As was said before, the sensations are not existences, but representatives or symbols of our nascent activities; they are the static equivalents of this foreshadowing or reference to the future.

  49. IV According to the preceding exposition, the current psychological doctrine of focus and margin is an attempt to reduce the changes in the stimulus to terms of static entities denominated sensations and images.

  50. For unity is asserted only against the perplexities of a manyness which may be static and unchanging, and hence comparatively simple.

  51. It is the subsequent, satisfactory experience of the name which furnishes our standard for clearness; in other words, the implications of obscureness are of a functional, and not of a static or structural, kind.

  52. There is no static balancing of forces, but rather a process in which the conflict is simply a condition for an activity of a different kind.

  53. The more evenly flowing experiences are likewise endowed with a focus and margin, not in the form of static elements, but as a dynamic relationship of what is with what is to be.

  54. For we have only to forget the apparatus by which the net outcome is arrived at, to have before us the experience of the plain man--a diversity of ceaseless changes connected in all kinds of ways, static and dynamic.

  55. Is this to be taken in a static or in a dynamic way?

  56. Indeed, the one who uses static meanings is not even aware that they originated and have been elaborated for the sake of dealing with conflicts and problems.

  57. The fixed or static idea is a fact expressing an established social attitude, a custom.

  58. None the less he helped to effect for psychology the transition from a static and morphological mode of interpretation to one which is distinctively kinetic, physiological, and historical.

  59. The grouping is not merely positional and static as in the kaleidoscope; it is dynamic and vital.

  60. A Distinguishing Mark of Land which appears in a Static State of Industry.

  61. It brings static laws into view and endeavors to show how they act at any one particular stage of industrial evolution.

  62. There is an ideal static shape for every period, and no two of these static shapes are alike.

  63. These are some of the questions which must be answered if a theory of distribution is to have any definiteness of meaning, and they arise whenever we try to establish a static standard of any kind.

  64. It would, however, be a gross mistake to assume that static standards have no application whatever to railway transportation.

  65. It accepts the whole static argument in favor of free trade, and its own assertion begins with a "nevertheless.

  66. So it would be if the reducing of the price to its new static level were an instantaneous operation and the inferior mills were, in the same instantaneous fashion, compelled to close their doors.

  67. Stop making new kinds of machinery and wait for centuries to allow a static adjustment to be made over the whole earth--such would be the order.

  68. Social Economic Statics is a body of principles which act in every stage of civilization and draw society at every separate period toward a static norm, though they do not at any two periods draw it toward the same norm.

  69. How repugnant the conception of a static universe was to Leibniz we have already learned.

  70. For such categories allow only of external relations; they admit only of static existence.

  71. He founds his denial of innate ideas not only upon a static conception of their ready made existence "in" the soul, but also upon an equally mechanical conception of consciousness.

  72. Now the fundamental, or at least a fundamental error characteristic of all these various efforts after a solution is to be found in the fact that they view the World as a static thing rather than as a kinetic process.

  73. A static picture unless so interpreted must be at once valueless and meaningless.

  74. Like a crashing blare of static across the neural band, her wakening mind burst into sudden telepathic activity.

  75. The resulting fraction of a second of mental static afforded Houston a brief respite; it disturbed Pederson just as he was getting his fingers on the butt of his weapon.

  76. Truth, it is stated, must either be satisfactory (valuable) working, or a static logical relation.

  77. This may be neither predominantly valuable working nor a static logical relation.

  78. In his splendid protest against all static theories, he seems to have accepted pragmatism for what it was not rather than for what it was.

  79. At the bottom of static pacifism lies a conception somewhat as follows.

  80. Pacifism may be either static or dynamic; it may seek to keep things as they are, to crystallise international society in its present forms, or on the other hand may base itself on the assumption that these forms will change.

  81. What the static pacifist does not perceive is that he is hopelessly conservative and stationary in a swiftly moving world.

  82. The neglect of any such dynamic conception of world society is revealed in all the proposals of the static pacifists.

  83. Equally static is the proposal for immediate and universal disarmament.

  84. Similarly static is the proposal that all nations wait, or be compelled to wait, a set term before beginning hostilities.

  85. To unite all these nations into one federal state, with a Senate, a House of Representatives and an impartial Supreme Court, is not only a static but a mechanical proposal.

  86. The belief that all wars may be averted by arbitration is equally a static conception.

  87. The comparatively static character of industrial life in France has no parallel in England or the United States.

  88. Three essential causes for the development of French syndicalism are pointed out in it: namely, political disillusionment, the economic weakness of the labor elements, and the comparatively static character of French industry.

  89. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "static" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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