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Example sentences for "implications"

Lexicographically close words:
implicate; implicated; implicates; implicating; implication; implicit; implicitly; implied; impliedly; implies
  1. This concept of an optimum which is not a maximum difference between the leader and the led has very important implications for selection and training.

  2. Comparison with results from other population areas may serve to check certain implications suggested herein.

  3. It is the subsequent, satisfactory experience of the name which furnishes our standard for clearness; in other words, the implications of obscureness are of a functional, and not of a static or structural, kind.

  4. The successful state becomes in it the model for the metaphysical one, and the difference between fact and ideal is amended by dialectically forcing the implications of existence in the direction of desire.

  5. Intelligence adds nothing to the situation except itself; it carries no implications or new significance with regard to conduct.

  6. The insistence at times upon the "mere knowing" is a mechanical element which needs to be removed before the ethical implications can be accepted.

  7. These implications are for the scientist more or less implicit meanings, but they are meanings each of which may be brought into question and tested in the same fashion if it should become an actual problem.

  8. It remains to consider certain implications of this view of economic desire and demand.

  9. But it would be better to use the term "logically-practical" instead of "subjective" with the psychical implications of that term.

  10. It is only in an unquestioned objective world that the exceptional instance appears and it is only in such a world that an experimental science tests the implications of the hypothetically reconstructed object.

  11. Remote and difficult in their first expression in the language of the schools, their implications are to-day on everybody's lips.

  12. But the thorough-going naturalist cast off these implications as the last rags of a creed outworn.

  13. On the other hand, there is a trait of rigorism in Kant, a survival of the ancient dualism, which was not altogether consistent with the implications of his own philosophy.

  14. Its implications were at first by no means understood.

  15. The implications of his own system would have led him to that step.

  16. Its [the principle of the Oneness of Mankind] implications are deeper, its claims greater than any which the Prophets of old were allowed to advance.

  17. If anything could minimize the implications of tragedy evoked by the sight of a revolver among the personal possessions of a lady in England, it would be the even pleasantness of Mr. Singleton's voice.

  18. Even then, Sir William had only one person with whom to share the graver implications in the news.

  19. Ultimately Lady Grant was able to confront the familiar mention of persons ostracized and implications outrageous with that patience women know how to draw upon in dealing with their sick.

  20. Fortunately, the expression "unit character" is being less used by those students of genetics who are more careful in regard to the implications of their terminology.

  21. There are so many supernatural and mystical implications that hang around the term creative that one can not be too careful in stating in what sense the term is to be used.

  22. For when once the formidable theory is really understood, when once its implications are properly unfolded, it is seen to have no such logical consequences as were at first ascribed to it.

  23. The body of this essay is accordingly devoted to setting forth these teachings in what I conceive to be their true light; while their transcendental implications are reserved for the sequel.

  24. All descriptions in words of what is non-logical are bound to be a mass of contradictions, for, having applied any word it is necessary immediately to guard against its logical implications by adding another which contradicts them.

  25. Such a notion as this of creative synthesis contradicts the logical implications contained in the notion of parts.

  26. A description of what is non-logical can only convey its meaning if we discount all the logical implications of the words which, for want of a better medium of expression, we are driven to employ.

  27. Consider red, bearing in mind that, when we are speaking of the fact actually perceived when we see red we must discount the logical implications of our words.

  28. Like all other descriptions and explanations, such an account must, of course, be expressed in terms of abstractions, and so is liable to be misunderstood unless the false implications of these abstractions are allowed for and discounted.

  29. Now these hostile peoples cannot possibly be prevented from using the weapon put into their hands by the existence of a new Zion, with the implications I have just defined.

  30. First let us consider its necessary general implications: the implications which Zionism involves, no matter where or how the experiment were tried.

  31. As the implications spread before Peter, he became more and more astonished at its content.

  32. As Peter mused over these implications of long ancestral lines, it reminded him that he had none.

  33. It became a squalid grove of Ashtoreth; but now, in the autumn evening, all the petty obscenities of white and black sloughed away amid the religious implications of the dark-green aisles.

  34. In the place of inspiration, or prophetic understanding, which carries the implications of a transcendent source of truth and goodness, we have a sharply limited, subjective wisdom and insight.

  35. Taking largely for granted our understanding of the Gospel, we might concern ourselves with its relations to society, the detailed implications for the moral and economic problems of our social and industrial order.

  36. Many of them are incapable of realizing the implications for conduct and belief which it entails.

  37. Or let a man filled with this new life desire to understand it; see what its implications are regarding the nature of God, the nature of man, the place of Christ in the scale of created or uncreated Being.

  38. Inquiry must now be made into the implications of this diagram analytic of the process of production.

  39. The implications of both fictions are the same.

  40. In order to demonstrate the pure implications of capitalist reproduction we must rather consider it quite apart from the periodical cycles and crises.

  41. On the contrary, this change is of paramount importance, but its implications are rather different from those ascribed to it by Tugan Baranovski.

  42. I hope I shall not find you a very silly scientist," she replied, with several implications of superiority in both words and tone.

  43. Stunned by the significance, the far-reaching implications of his experiment, Morton remained standing while Weissmann turned on the light.

  44. That its call may be heeded, that its implications may be recognized and its potentialities progressively unfold, is my earnest prayer, and the supreme longing of my heart.

  45. Their present status, their circumscribed resources, debar them, however great their eagerness, from responding completely and decisively to the full implications of this threefold obligation.

  46. The implications of the phraseology of this part of the Constitution are therefore significant: * Article VI, paragraph 2.

  47. Our entry into space has put us at the threshold of fundamental and far-reaching discoveries in the biological realm which have profound implications for other areas of human thought and endeavor.

  48. In this respect, the examination of planetary surfaces--specifically Mars--presents practical implications for current research on the problem of chemical evolution.

  49. This finding has important implications for reducing the spread of agricultural crop diseases and for protecting persons suffering from allergies.

  50. Together we explored the implications of the above.

  51. Their loadedness with variations, changes, uncontrollables, and our negative feelings about the implications of viewing human beings as predictable left the strict scientism of positivistic method wanting at this stage of man's knowing.

  52. He had seen at once the implications of his idea.

  53. Consider the implications of what you're saying, Rick.

  54. This article presents on the whole a distinct advance over the position taken in the earlier essay, "Some Implications of Anti-Intellectualism," which was reviewed in the last chapter.

  55. Philosophy has dreamed the dream of a knowledge which is other than the propitious outgrowth of beliefs that shall develop aforetime their ulterior implications in order to recast them .

  56. The logical approach to philosophy strictly involves certain implications which have been overlooked by many of its critics.

  57. The implications of this definition do not appear at first sight, but they become clearer as the discussion proceeds.

  58. This ingenious reading of functionalism out of the practical judgment is, after all, merely a drawing forth of the psychological implications previously placed in it.

  59. The implications and effects of, and the correctives for, this third attitude will occupy us up to the end of this book.

  60. Yet it is plain that, even exclusively within the implications of this deeper conviction, there is no necessity to postulate unmixed evil in the disposition of any soul.

  61. But deep and penetrating as has been her influence and manifold her consequent implications with the existing national and social life of mankind, the Church is essentially Catholic, and only incidentally national.

  62. Having once caught the idea from these impassioned leaders, Denck proceeded directly to work it out and to develop its implications in his own fashion.

  63. On the other hand, there have always been men who have not granted any such compelling implications to self-consciousness.

  64. The Determinist has often been too ready to take the meanings and implications of words from his opponent, instead of checking the sense in which they were used.

  65. To imagine therefore that Determinism, after annihilating the moral agent, remains compatible with morality, simply means that the logical implications of the doctrine have never been fully explored.

  66. And if Determinists do not realise this, it is because the logical implications of their doctrines have never been fully explored.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "implications" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.