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Example sentences for "electrified"

Lexicographically close words:
electricians; electricities; electricity; electrics; electrification; electrify; electrifying; electrised; electro; electrochemical
  1. He snatched his glass, and the next moment electrified us all by the vehemence of his directions to the helmsman and others of the crew.

  2. Gilbert made many interesting contributions to magnetism, which we shall notice in another lecture, and he also found that sulphur, glass, wax, and other bodies share with amber the property of being electrified by friction.

  3. An electrified body will attract all light bodies.

  4. Now to come back to our electrified bodies.

  5. This brass cylinder standing on a glass column has become electrified by friction with cat's-skin.

  6. Now this is only roughly analogous to the case of the electrified bodies, but the analogy will nevertheless aid us in our study.

  7. If precautions are taken to properly insulate conductors, all bodies which differ in any way, either in structure, in smoothness of surface, or even in temperature, are apparently electrified by friction.

  8. And now a new light was struck by the discovery of electricity, and, in every sense of the word, both playful and serious, both for good and for evil, it may be affirmed to have electrified the whole frame of natural philosophy.

  9. There are some very important electrical phenomena which have been left out of consideration altogether—namely, the repulsions and attractions exercised by electrified bodies.

  10. It may seem strange that, if this is so, they should become electrified when rubbed together.

  11. Thus on the supposition of the preceding pages, if a positively electrified particle could be turned in 4 space, it would become a negatively electrified particle.

  12. And when this twisting motion in one direction or another was conveyed to the particles of small masses which were free to move, many curious effects were produced analogous to the movements of electrified bodies.

  13. Having now formed a conception of the state of the particles in an electrified poker, suppose another poker likewise held by an insulating handle is brought near the first.

  14. But the latest achievements (1910) of the old German aeronaut have put all previous records into the shade and electrified the whole world.

  15. The Alpha rays constitute ninety-nine per cent, of all the rays and consist of positively electrified particles.

  16. Our trolley roads, our subways, many of our electrified railroads, the incandescent lamps in our homes and offices, all use a system of power transmission of this man's invention.

  17. It touches the electrified surface at a few points, takes a minute charge from these by contact.

  18. If we take away the rod again the ball will return to its neutral or non-electric state, showing that the charge was temporarily induced by the presence of the electrified rod.

  19. In rubbing the wax on his coat he has electrified it, and the dry dust or bits of wool are attracted to it by reason of a mysterious process which is called "induction.

  20. Mr Crookes regards them as a stream of airy particles electrified by contact with the cathode or negative discharging point, and repelled from it in straight lines.

  21. Hence, too, it is that the electrified amber or sealing-wax is able to attract a light straw or pithball.

  22. Such a message, from such a man--a man not apt to look back when he had set his face forward--electrified the democratic spirit of the country.

  23. A thrill of patriotic enthusiasm electrified the nation, who were unanimous in applauding the king in defying the French, and mocking at their ambassador's humiliation.

  24. These haughty words (we are told) electrified the Chamber, and a committee to examine the papers on which the ministers relied to prove their case was immediately appointed.

  25. Middleton electrified him by calling out: "He whom of all men living I should desire my daughter to espouse!

  26. In this paper[7] he states that besides ordinary oxygen there are two other conditions in which it may exist one of these is ozone, or positively electrified oxygen, the other antozone or negatively electrified oxygen.

  27. Electrified by the passionate words of Djalma, so beautiful in his excitement, her courage failed, and she perceived that an irresistible languor was creeping over her.

  28. A sympathetic shock had electrified and mingled those three hearts.

  29. He went to his old home in Montpelier, where he was spending the days with his friends, when the country was startled and electrified by the news that Fort Sumter had been fired on in Charleston harbor and that civil war had begun.

  30. It seems but a short time ago that the country was electrified by the news of the great battle, off Cherbourg, France, which sent to the bottom of the ocean the most destructive cruiser the Southern Confederacy ever launched.

  31. There was a ring in that music that electrified the soul and filled the limbs with renewed vigor.

  32. Another cause which might be supposed to modify the action of gravitation between two bodies would be the interposition of masses of matter between them, a cause which materially modifies the action of electrified bodies.

  33. The mutual action of electrified bodies, for example, is affected by their relative or absolute motion.

  34. What happens when an electrified body touches one that is non-electrified?

  35. These rays are known as Becquerel rays, and have the further power to render air a conductor of electricity, and thus to discharge any electrified substance placed near them.

  36. The small negatively electrified portion of the atom consists of particles called “electrons,” and these electrons are believed to be indivisible units or atoms of negative electricity.

  37. It does; for it will be found that light substances, after touching the electrified body, will recede from it just as actively as they approached it before contact.

  38. In electricity or magnetism, it is the influence exerted by an electrified or magnetized body through a non-conducting medium without any apparent communication of a current.

  39. Does an electrified body exercise any other influence than an attractive one?

  40. The command electrified the horse, and he dashed forward again faster than ever.

  41. Further investigations by Lord Kelvin, Beattie, Smolan, and Rutherford confirmed the fact that, like the Roentgen rays, the uranium rays not only acted upon the photographic plate but discharged electrified bodies.

  42. A positively electrified body is one that has lost some of its corpuscles.

  43. In the splendid aria, 'Bel Raggio,' the solfeggi and fioriture that she lavishes on the audience were executed with such marvelous tone and precision that she electrified the house.

  44. I am electrified by its wonderful logic, rythm and melody.

  45. Every electrified object will attract an object which is not electrified, and two objects which are oppositely electrified will attract one another also.

  46. You will observe that as a surplus of electrons arrives upon the earth from the sun, the earth is naturally a negatively electrified body, but I need hardly say that the earth does not keep all the electrons which arrive upon it.

  47. These electrons, being negative particles of electricity, would repel each other just as any two similarly electrified bodies do.

  48. Incidentally the electron explains how they produce an aurora in the heavens, and how it is that the earth has become a negatively electrified body.

  49. But two objects which are similarly electrified will repel each other.

  50. As a sudden blow may bring back a lost identity to the victim of amnesia the discovery electrified the man and he straightened into an abrupt erectness.

  51. When in the state of powder it is snow-white in colour; it becomes electrified when rubbed; it is very stable, and soluble even in the cold in nitro- glycerine.

  52. It possesses the property of becoming electrified by friction.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "electrified" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    charged; electrical; electrified; electrifying; electrostatic; excited; galvanic; hot; hydroelectric; live; photoelectric; shaken; shocked; shook; staggered; startled; static