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Example sentences for "racket"

Lexicographically close words:
raciness; racing; rack; racke; racked; racketeers; racketing; rackets; racketty; rackety
  1. I can't stand the racket as I once could.

  2. You didn't stay long enough, I guess, to get what you were feeling for; you started in on the new racket too soon.

  3. The light in some fashion interfered or dispels the racket that spawns the darkness.

  4. I'm sick of the confidence racket we've been pitting against ourselves.

  5. A similar racket was produced when the boy strained his lungs, but his straining ear could detect no other result.

  6. The echoes were not so loud as when Fred had fired, but the racket was sufficient to make him confident it would reach the ears of the boy, if he were not asleep or injured.

  7. That's evident, by the way you racket downstairs.

  8. Jo would whistle and make a great racket getting ready.

  9. The shouts and gesticulations, heard and seen hitherto, were nothing to compare with the racket that arose now.

  10. On previous nights there had been something of the same, though never such a racket as now.

  11. Then followed a scene of wildest excitement; that rushing to and fro observed by Piet Van Dorn and his brother as they came within sight, and heard the racket of shouts which had so mystified them.

  12. So we were glad when the racket stopped, and we could get down and stroll about a little; and we soon found that Inchigeelagh is a very quaint village.

  13. I guess I have heard more of this racket within the last half hour than I have done in the last two weeks.

  14. You understand that as I shall have to work this racket alone I must do it in my own way: otherwise we shall have complications.

  15. Amanda flung down her racket and followed it from the courts without pausing to shake hands with her successful rival.

  16. Billie shouldered her racket and waved to Amanda.

  17. As Amanda slowly raised her racket for the serve, there was a pleased look on her face.

  18. I can bust the insides out of a ball when I hit it, but my racket and the balls, they seem to be just born enemies.

  19. Amanda swung her racket and regarded Billie with malicious triumph.

  20. What a racket they had made in the heyday of their unchastened youth!

  21. Miss Abigail was in an upper chamber, sweeping; but on hearing the unusual racket below, she scented an accident and came ambling downstairs with a bottle of the infallible hot-drops in her hand.

  22. I was thinking what a present that'd be to take back to Mother Earth when a lot of racket interrupted.

  23. The racket (which is of no specified size, shape or weight) is strung with strong fine gut and weighs as a rule about 6 oz.

  24. Chief Craig must have heard the racket because he came out of his office and helped me stand and look at the box.

  25. Knocked off by a two-bit racket boss who thought he was being crossed.

  26. If you make a racket there, Pong will dump a pot of boiling water over you.

  27. The boy was too far away, the racket too loud, for their voices to reach him in a warning shout.

  28. Yet I must confess that it is a different sort of racket from any I've ever heard up North on the Fourth.

  29. I got into a little racket down on the river one time, and the sheriff was lookin' fer me.

  30. Soon quiet settled down upon that scene of carnage; a stillness that was almost uncanny after the terrible racket that had made night hideous.

  31. For two days after their arrival, the guns kept up a furious racket night and day.

  32. He held up a tennis racket and a shotgun.

  33. Nor were the mules silent, mistaking the racket for an early reveille and call to feed.

  34. Amidst the racket an occasional shout was heard from some person who had failed to provide for bad weather--"My roof leaks!

  35. The racket was still in full blast when we returned and were shown to rooms.

  36. Then the mother of the boys ran out from a grocery store to see what the racket was about and seizing them by the back of their necks she shook them apart, boxing their ears.

  37. She had returned to her eyrie after quelling the racket in the hall, and now she leaned a little forward so that I could see her face.

  38. Until that appalling racket was set loose I had been regarding this midnight visit to the farm as a natural and enticing adventure, altogether in keeping with the dramatic movement preluded by the chime of the stable-clock.

  39. Freedom's a good thing; and people are selfish when happy; they don't set up a racket to attract others into their private paradise.

  40. After a week or so the males seem to have fought all their duels, when the rush and racket I have already described begins.

  41. I have always indulged a faint hope that the glass was such a surprise to the cat, and made such a racket about her eyes and ears as she sprang against it, that she beat a hasty retreat, and that the bird escaped through the break.

  42. The cook came out of his little tent alongside the big dining tent, to see what the racket was about, and when he got his eyes on the fruit he was powerful mad.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "racket" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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