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Example sentences for "specialty"

Lexicographically close words:
speciall; speciallie; specially; specials; specialties; speciation; specie; speciem; specierum; species
  1. Mott began his medical and surgical studies at the age of nineteen, first in New York City, and afterwards in the hospitals of London, where he made a specialty of the study of practical anatomy by the method of dissection.

  2. The same system has changed the whole aspect of the teaching profession, resulting in the demand for a competent training in some specialty for every teacher.

  3. Such pictures of snow-clad landscape were a specialty of Buerkel's art, and in their simplicity and harmony are to be ranked with the best that he has done.

  4. These woodland recesses were the peculiar specialty of Diaz, and he but seldom abandoned them to paint warm, dreamy pictures of summer.

  5. He made a specialty of old nags, and was perhaps the most important master of the brush that the English school produced at all.

  6. He will make a specialty of volcanoes and monarchs.

  7. A young man from a high school near here, who made a specialty of mathematics and pimples, and who could readily tell how long a shadow a nine pound groundhog would cast at 2 o'clock and 37 minutes p.

  8. The Ullstein Company makes a specialty of books for one mark each.

  9. Of course most German girls get married, but they must have some specialty to fall back on in case of the men going to war, or in the case of the loss of a husband, when they may be left with many little children to support.

  10. There were a number of soldiers here without legs, but the home makes a specialty of helping soldiers without arms, and this is the far more difficult task.

  11. When a girl has learned any specialty she must serve the State in that capacity whenever she is called upon to do so.

  12. There are nearly a score more of these handy little editions, lists of which may be obtained by writing to the various publishing houses, especially to those that make a specialty of schoolbooks.

  13. His specialty was human nature, his strong point observation, his method essentially modern.

  14. A most interesting place, Abyssinia--rather a specialty of mine.

  15. Alligators are rather a specialty of mine," remarked Mr. Deeley.

  16. I could go on indefinitely; abbreviations are rather a specialty of mine.

  17. Cooper was of the quiet type, whose specialty was defense.

  18. As a player he has never been surpassed in his specialty of making long and brilliant runs, not only around, but through the ranks of his opponents.

  19. His specialty was everything--versatility; and he was handy under the least expected circumstances, on shore as well as afloat.

  20. Furniture makers long ago made a specialty of the wood for their San Francisco trade.

  21. Some large mills make a specialty of sawing this species.

  22. I worked there in my own specialty with pleasure.

  23. So Lee that afternoon, from school, came into Kreeger's Specialty Shop where I was working and said, "Mother.

  24. Now, I am working at Kreeger's Specialty Shop, 800 and something Canal Street in New Orleans, La.

  25. Webster's "Wounded Heron," which was awarded a specialty medal as being one of the best pieces in the entire exhibition.

  26. Illustration: The Leaning Towers of Bologna] Bologna seems to have a specialty of leaning towers, though the school histories and geographies always use that of Pisa to illustrate those architectural curiosities.

  27. The specialty of Florian's is the sabaion doro, made with the yellow of an egg and a small glass of Malaga.

  28. Turin is one of the many places on the map of Europe famous for a specialty in the eating line.

  29. Aside from this its specialty is churches, which are numerous, curious and beautiful, but except for the opportunity for viewing them the lover of the romantic and picturesque will not want to linger long within the city.

  30. Unfortunately, there are comparatively few binders who make a specialty of this kind of work.

  31. The binders who make a specialty of library work do all this as a matter of course.

  32. What a pity it is that the writers of northern tales so rarely understand the life they have made a specialty of depicting.

  33. Felix, mentioned before, also makes a specialty of his family soup, which is excellent.

  34. Its specialty was marrow on toast and broiled mushrooms, and game.

  35. So far it has been used mostly for garnishment of other dishes, and it is only recently that the Hof Brau has been making a specialty of them.

  36. The Hof Brau restaurant is now making a specialty of abalone's, but it takes sentiment to say that one really finds anything extra good in them.

  37. In addition to abalone's the Hof Brau makes a specialty of little Oregon crawfish.

  38. A specialty there is fish which is always brought fresh from the nearby Clay street market as ordered, consequently is perfect.

  39. The kitchen was presided over by old Billy Jackson, an old-time Southern darkey, who made a specialty of fried chicken, cream gravy, and corn fritters.

  40. The specialty of the Hof Brau is abalone's, and they have as a feature this shell fish cooked in several ways.

  41. Lazzarini also makes a specialty of snails, and they are well worth trying while you are experimenting with the unusual things to eat.

  42. There are two cloak-and-suit houses that make a specialty of costly garments.

  43. There are several dealers who make a specialty of thus wintering lily bulbs,[A] and if you buy from one of these, I advise spring planting.

  44. I incline to think that there is a fortune in store for the energetic young man who finds a favorable locality for growing this vegetable near any one of our large cities and who makes a specialty of the work.

  45. For a number of years, while engaged in market gardening and fruit growing in Western Michigan, the writer made a specialty of raising cauliflowers for the Grand Rapids and Chicago markets, planting from three to five acres a year.

  46. At the New York experiment station in 1888, a variety called "Early," from the English Specialty & Novelty Seed Co.

  47. All the varieties headed well, except one called "Early," from the English Specialty and Novelty Seed Co.

  48. Diesel engines were his specialty and he felt sure that this knowledge would quickly get him into submarine work where he wanted to be.

  49. It was a trip of two days on which March was to act throughout as navigation officer, still his specialty despite his training in every other job on the ship.

  50. For many centuries carving in stone and wood has been a specialty in Scandinavia.

  51. Pisa; has an extensive trade in olive-oil, silk, and capers, the specialty of the province.

  52. His learning in his specialty was deep and thorough, his interest in his subject amounted to a passion, he had an easy gift of speech; and so, when he talked about animals it was a pleasure to listen to him.

  53. It has samples of half-a-dozen different kinds of marsupials--[A marsupial is a plantigrade vertebrate whose specialty is its pocket.

  54. You know, in these days, when a country begins to introduce the tea culture, it means that its own specialty has gone back on it.

  55. Then their personnel machines must have whirred rapidly, electronic brains searching for the nearest available Planeteer officer with an astrophysics specialty and astrogation training.

  56. Some perfumers make more or less a specialty of the manufacture of fumigating pastilles.

  57. He today owns seven hundred and twenty acres of rich and productive wheat land and has always made a specialty of raising that crop, for which the soil and climate are particularly adapted.

  58. He remained at home until he attained his majority, since which time he and his brothers have carried on farming together and have long made a specialty of dairying.

  59. He makes a specialty of raising wheat, to which the soil is splendidly adapted, and he is also successfully engaged in stock raising, keeping high grade cattle, horses and hogs upon his farm.

  60. He makes a specialty of raising Durham cattle and he is also engaged in raising Percheron horses and high grade hogs.

  61. He has made a specialty of stock raising and is now engaged extensively in handling Percheron horses, Durham cattle and Oxford sheep.

  62. He now makes a specialty of dairying and has an excellent herd of Holstein cattle.

  63. He has here six hundred and forty acres under cultivation and he makes a specialty of the growing of wheat and of stock raising, in both of which branches of business he is meeting with excellent success.

  64. He erected substantial and commodious buildings on the property and now has a well improved farm on which he makes a specialty of the raising of alfalfa.

  65. He has made a specialty of raising wheat and also of raising stock.

  66. In 1865 he turned his attention to farming, making a specialty of the raising of wheat, which he hauled to Wallula, selling it for from thirty-five to fifty-five cents per bushel.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "specialty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    adjunct; appurtenance; area; arena; aroma; arrangement; art; aspect; attribute; badge; bag; bond; brand; business; cachet; calling; career; cast; character; characteristic; circumstance; component; concern; configuration; constituent; contents; course; craft; curriculum; cut; debenture; deed; detail; differential; discipline; domain; earmark; elective; element; factor; feature; field; figure; fixings; flavor; forte; game; gift; gust; hallmark; handicraft; humanities; idiosyncrasy; impress; impression; indent; indenture; index; individualism; ingredient; item; keynote; lifework; line; lineaments; makings; manner; mannerism; mark; marking; metier; minor; mission; mold; mould; moulder; mouldy; mystery; nature; number; occupation; odor; ology; part; particularity; peculiarity; policy; practice; profession; property; province; pursuit; quality; racket; recognizance; savor; science; seal; seminar; shape; singularity; smack; speciality; specialization; specialty; sphere; stamp; study; style; subject; taint; tang; taste; technicality; technics; technology; thing; token; trade; trait; trick; type; vocation; walk; way; weakness; work