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Example sentences for "five acres"

  • To understand it the reader should bear in mind that the farm contained five hundred twenty-five arable acres divided into seven fields, each of which contained about seventy-five acres.

  • All free men in possession of five acres or more could vote, ballots being cast at the parish churches.

  • He had finally elected Barbados when informed, falsely, that he would receive a grant of five acres of land after his term of servitude expired--a practice long since abandoned.

  • He was from the sparsely settled north, where his father don Alfonso de Valera had planted forty-five acres of grape arbor in the mountains.

  • Prior to his death, he had bought thirty or thirty-five acres of land, on which he planted a vineyard and an orange-orchard; and these his wife inherited.

  • About 1865, the City began to sell part of its public land, in lots of thirty-five acres, employing E.

  • Cottier's holding of five acres, and his services.

  • He ought to have five acres in his holding, more if it be the custom on the land, and too little it is if it be less: because his work is often required.

  • And of the lands of divers persons called the Lammas Meadows in Cock Mead, which contain eighteen acres or thereabouts, and in Bury Mead, which contains forty-five acres or thereabouts, including a parcel of land of the Rev.

  • On the last day of the month, two warrants of emancipation passed the seal of the territory, together with a grant of twenty-five acres of land to Ensign Cummings of the New South Wales corps.

  • Our domain at present consists of ten hundred and forty-five acres of good land, watered by living springs.

  • The settlers had built for themselves small log-houses, and cleared from one to five acres each on their heavily timbered land, and raised corn, potatoes, and other garden vegetables.

  • Comstock had given one thousand dollars in money, with which to enlarge the little farm to thirty-five acres, buy a horse, and furnish the little folks with hats, etc.

  • The industrious wife of this poor man whose face is speckled with shot scars, is anxious to get four or five acres of land to work herself, and support herself and blind husband.

  • The area of the parallels is ten acres each;—total, thirty-five acres.

  • It is situated near the village of Coleraine, Hamilton county, Ohio, on the right bank of the Great Miami river, and encloses an area of ninety-five acres.

  • The work indicated by the letter G contains ninety-five acres.

  • It is formed by two irregular lines of embankment, and an exterior ditch, cutting off a jutting point of the second terrace; and has an area of twenty-five acres.

  • AS previously stated, an area of thirty-five acres in the southeastern corner of Jerusalem is surrounded by an extra wall.

  • The Mosque of Omar is surrounded by a wall, some thirty feet high, which cuts off thirty-five acres, or one-fifth of the city.

  • The top of the rock presents a level surface, has an area of five acres, and is surmounted by a massive stone wall built close around on the edge of the cliff.

  • A man owning seventy-five acres of land in Japan is counted among the "great landholders".

  • And he must give up four or five acres of the best land round the cottage to the widow--just enough for her to manage--and she can keep a dairy.

  • The Emperor, hearing of this, granted him forty-five acres, on which he built the temple of Kume-dera.

  • In 1689 he gave some seventy-five acres of land, including the tract lying from Orchard to Thomas, and from Centre to Pond streets, "the income from which was to be used for the support of a school and a schoolmaster.

  • I usually raise about twenty-five acres of cowpeas, and the rest of the cleared land I use for meadow and pasture.

  • We bought one hundred and twenty-five acres.

  • I am not a believer that "Five Acres" or "Ten Acres" suffice for a farm.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "five acres" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being subject; five acres; five centimes; five cubits; five degrees; five different; five gallons; five guineas; five guns; five inches; five leagues; five mile; five million; five pairs; five parasangs; five persons; five pound; five sail; five shillings; five ships; five stories; mechanical flight; more liable; presidential election; technically termed; well defined