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Example sentences for "domain"

Lexicographically close words:
doltish; dolts; dolus; dom; domage; domaine; domains; domanial; domat; dombe
  1. Under the reserves and conditions to be determined by common agreement,[1780] the present Convention applies to all works which at the moment of its coming into force have not yet fallen into the public domain in the country of origin.

  2. If the translating right is allowed to fall into the public domain by non-exercise within ten years, the performing right falls with it.

  3. The Berne Convention, article 14, provides that-- "The present convention applies to all works which at the moment of its coming into force have not yet fallen into the public domain in the country of origin.

  4. Stimulation of muscular contractility by the oesophageal electrode has been recommended, but the prospects of success hardly justify the risks of serious injury in the domain of the pneumogastric nerve.

  5. At any rate, it is unknown in the domain of ordinary chemistry.

  6. Although it was not then, and is not at the present day, strictly relegated to the domain of surgery, hereditary syphilis, like its parent disease, was generally treated of by the practitioner of that branch of medicine.

  7. But there seems to be no valid reason for separating the disturbances purely in the domain of the nervous system from the other pathological processes originated or aggravated by morbid dentition.

  8. Simultaneously, almost, all the coast places from Barnegat to the end of New York Harbor’s farthest flung domain signaled and telephoned and wired that the menacing ships had disappeared.

  9. Presence, that is, out of the sanctuaries and domain of Iahvah, and by adhering to the Name of the God of Israel in oaths and compacts of all kinds, and by a scrupulous loyalty to such engagements (Ps.

  10. My domain hath become to Me like the lion in the wood; she hath given utterance with her voice against Me; therefore I hate her.

  11. My land, and My domain ye made a loathsome thing!

  12. This should be attended to at once; for the present laws permit individuals to locate large areas of the public domain for speculative purposes; and cause an immense amount of trouble, fraud, and litigation.

  13. The pioneer settlers on the arid public domain chose their homes along streams from which they could themselves divert the water to reclaim their holdings.

  14. Some of these remedies must lie outside the domain of all government.

  15. Some must lie outside the domain of the Federal Government.

  16. In the past great tracts of the public domain have been fenced in by persons having no title thereto, in direct defiance of the law forbidding the maintenance or construction of any such unlawful inclosure of public land.

  17. The railways of the country should be put completely under the Interstate Commerce Commission and removed from the domain of the anti-trust law.

  18. His pale eyes, staring dully from his pale face, saw in the royal prerogative the only visible witness of God's will in the domain of England; the atmosphere of him was corruption and death.

  19. The rights of the Indians were wholly disregarded, and the domain of the French at the north was infringed upon.

  20. To this domain was given the general title of Virginia.

  21. New York, at the time of William's accession, had been under the control of Andros, who at that epoch commanded a domain two or three times as large as Britain.

  22. The Titans themselves were dwarfs beside these mighty agents of destruction whose domain extends for thousands of miles beneath the earth's surface and which in their convulsions shake whole continents at once.

  23. We may instance the Hawaiian group, which is wholly of volcanic origin, with the exception of its minor coral additions, and represents a stupendous activity of underground agencies beneath the domain of Father Neptune.

  24. Conjoined to the Domain are the gardens of the Acclimatization Society, which are beautiful and interesting on account of their botanical and zoological contents.

  25. There is a mayor and City Council, with Harbour Board, Highway Board, Domain Board, and Improvement Commissions.

  26. Later in the day the Prince was taken to the Domain cricket-ground, where he reviewed five thousand returned soldiers and cadets and again received an ovation.

  27. On the grassy slopes of the wide Domain beside the river, backed by an assemblage of ten thousand delighted school-children, the Prince reviewed the men who had been keeping the route through the city.

  28. Of the cities and villages now so thickly scattered over the lost domain of the Iroquois, a single one might boast a more numerous population than all the five united tribes.

  29. Napoleon added considerably to the domain of Malmaison by purchasing the noble woods of Butard, which joined it.

  30. From the eleventh century they were consuls and podestas in Orvieto, and they appeared later in various places as captains of the Church in the numerous little wars with the cities and barons in Umbria and in the domain of S.

  31. Sermoneta, the center of the domain of the Gaetani family in the Roman Campagna, was an ancient city with a feudal castle, situated in the foothills of the Volscian mountains.

  32. Nowhere did this brave company of knights pay their reckoning; in the domain of Ferrara they lived on the duke; in other words, at the expense of his subjects.

  33. It was a singular drama which was being enacted in the domain of S.

  34. It is not known from what domain he and his immediate successors derived their title of marquis; they were, however, powerful lords in Lombardy as well as in Tuscany.

  35. The letter plainly discloses other and deeper concerns of the writer; such, for example, as the future possession of his domain of Pesaro.

  36. He now invested his daughter with the castle, the city, and the domain of Nepi.

  37. The domain of the Sforza at that time embraced the city of Pesaro and a number of smaller possessions, called castles or villas; for example, S.

  38. The war kept Alfonso away from his domain much of the time, and consequently he made Lucretia regent during his absence.

  39. We have naturally got beyond the mad imbecility of the closed era, and the whole domain of human physiology is henceforth freed from legal barbarisms and theological terrors.

  40. We are the first who have delimitated the domain of poetry.

  41. Outside the all-important domain of finance, the attention of Minghetti and his colleagues was principally absorbed by strife between church and state, army reform and railway redemption.

  42. For a few months after the occupation of Rome pressing questions incidental to a new change of capital and to the administration of a new domain distracted public attention from the real condition of Italian affairs.

  43. So was Genoa, which in 1755, after Paoli's insurrection against the misgovernment of the republic, ceded her old domain of Corsica to France.

  44. They fought the battles of the republic with success against the Visconti, and widely extended the Florentine domain over the Tuscan cities.

  45. The acquisition of a vast domain in the New World had greatly developed the maritime activity of Castile, and Spain was as formidable on the ocean as in the Mediterranean.

  46. In actual practice the whole domain of imperial strategy was withdrawn from the intervention of the naval officer, as though it were something with which he could not have anything to do.

  47. This has the great advantage of removing the conclusions arrived at from the domain of mere opinion into that of admitted fact.

  48. The poor man understands that it is the exclusive domain of the very rich, that he has no place there, and that if he appears on its sacred pavements he is apt to be looked upon as an audacious intruder.

  49. The next day when he suggested that they explore their lonely domain together, Grace readily consented to accompany him.

  50. Beyond the realm of men lies ever with its joy and sorrow, its vicissitude and change, the domain of the human heart.

  51. Its vague wording was as follows: "The General Confederation of Labor has the exclusive purpose of uniting the workingmen, in the economic domain and by bonds of close solidarity, in the struggle for their integral emancipation.

  52. It is, as it were, a specialization of function carried over into the domain of public life and made dependent upon industrial specialization.

  53. To bring all IDEAL systems within the domain of science, and give good physical or natural explanations of all his capital points, is as bad as to have Forbes take the glacier materials.

  54. The reviewer proposes to pass by the orthodox view, according to which the phenomena of the organic world are "the immediate product of a creative fiat, and consequently are out of the domain of science altogether.

  55. The latter were in dismay when they saw the movement which was taking place in the domain of intellect, and thought that immobility and darkness were the best safeguards of the Church.

  56. It can rise out of the waves and on wing visit the domain of the birds.

  57. This noisy chieftain boasted so much of his dynasty and domain that the Government was induced to send up an expedition into his territories to see if he had spoken the truth, and nothing but the truth.

  58. In both cases we find ourselves in the domain of pure geometric conceptions (length and direction of straight lines, movement of a point along these), whose reciprocal relationships are ordered by the laws of pure geometric logic.

  59. Here, a transition of substance from the domain of levity to that of gravity takes place even more strikingly than in ordinary (physical) assimilation (Chapter X).

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "domain" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acres; ally; ambit; area; arena; art; bailiwick; beat; border; borderland; champaign; chieftaincy; circle; circuit; class; colony; commonweal; commonwealth; compass; concern; county; demesne; department; discipline; domain; dominion; duchy; dukedom; element; empire; establishment; estate; expanse; extent; field; grounds; habitat; hemisphere; hierarchy; honor; jurisdiction; kingdom; land; locality; lot; mandate; manor; march; monarchy; nation; nationality; ology; orb; orbit; pale; parcel; plat; plot; polis; polity; possession; power; precinct; principality; property; protectorate; province; pyramid; quadrat; range; realm; realty; region; republic; round; satellite; science; settlement; specialty; sphere; state; study; sultanate; superpower; technics; technology; tenement; terrain; territory; universe; walk; zone