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Example sentences for "doltish"

Lexicographically close words:
dolour; dolours; dolphin; dolphins; dolt; dolts; dolus; dom; domage; domain
  1. Clara, her hat awry, her doltish body sagging in the rain--shuffled down the dirt road once more.

  2. She listened, her doltish face opening its mouth, her little eyes blinking.

  3. Have I not dinned that argument in those doltish Peloponnesians’ ears until I have grown hoarse?

  4. Had I the tongue of Nestor and the wisdom of Thales, would those doltish Dorians listen?

  5. Then the haven at last: the white-stuccoed houses of Oropus clustering down upon the shore, the little mole, a few doltish peasants by the landing gaping at the great trireme.

  6. Such air as these Germans had was a blackguard air of doltish ugliness--dull, gross, incurable.

  7. What demon let loose your tongue, you who keep a doltish silence whenever I speak to you?

  8. I'll bet that if he does get a place down there, it won't be a week before he does some doltish thing which will make the count dismiss him.

  9. He soon proved a heavy clog upon the little party, being doltish and taciturn, lazy in the extreme, and a huge feeder.

  10. Balder glanced at these things with a reverence almost timid; and, turning back to what lay so inert and doltish on the sacred bed, he could not but sigh.

  11. She almost touched him, but though his spirit recoiled, the doltish flesh would not be moved.

  12. She acquired the doltish ways of a sheep; she dared not do anything of her own impulse, for all she did was misinterpreted, misjudged, and ill-received.

  13. She caught the old mercer in a moment of doltish calm.

  14. As soon as she was seated alone in the shop, she became dejected, watching with a doltish expression, the people passing through the dirty, dark gallery.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doltish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    asinine; blockish; bovine; crass; dense; doltish; dull; dumb; fat; gross; lumpish; obtuse; opaque; pinhead; slow; sottish; stolid; stupid; thick; unteachable; wrongheaded