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Example sentences for "ology"

Lexicographically close words:
ologies; ologique; ologist; ologists; ologus; oltra; oltre; olum; olus; oly
  1. There are certain problems in archæology that seem to possess a real romantic interest, and foremost among these is the question of the so-called Venus of Melos.

  2. What in other hands would have been mere archæology is here transformed by quick artistic instinct and made wonderful for us, and human and full of high interest.

  3. On the stage, literature returns to life and archæology becomes art.

  4. By means of this central organization, all the desiderata for African archæology are obtained, and the best methods are put in practice for excavations, the organization of museums, and the publication of antiquities.

  5. Arab archæology is represented by memoirs of M.

  6. From one point of view it is a misfortune in the study of archæology that, with the progress of excavation, fresh discoveries are continually being made.

  7. FURTWÄNGLER, Professor of Archæology in the University of Berlin.

  8. The archæology of Oriental art is most interesting.

  9. Wilson's "Archæology of Scotland," to which we are indebted for this specimen.

  10. Modern archæology differs from the old antiquarianism especially in this,--that whatever it contributes to knowledge is required to be scrupulously true.

  11. These seats are unique in early American archæology and form a puzzle to the antiquarian.

  12. Now, whoever knows anything of Roman archæology knows that the most learned and careful antiquarians give us certain marks by which the remains of martyrs may be identified.

  13. The Burrs are still giving their exhibitions of toe-ology to very small audiences in this city.

  14. Beyond the limits of history and archæology there extends a boundless period of human existence.

  15. In the matter now under consideration, prehistoric archæology interests chiefly as demonstrating, in a practical manner, the state of the people who occupied Erin long before the beginning of authentic history.

  16. He was one of the founders of the British School of Archæology at Athens.

  17. That branch of arch\'91ology which has to do with finger rings.

  18. Annals of Archæology and Anthropology (Liverpool Institute of Archæology).

  19. Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archæology (London).

  20. Will and Spinden, The Mandans (Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology, Harvard University, vol.

  21. University of California Publications in American Archæology and Ethnology (Berkeley).

  22. Indian Ceremonies from the Sixteenth Report of the Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology (Cambridge, Mass.

  23. History is too young to have noted its origin--Archæology knows not its time.

  24. These sagas, epics, and vedas do supply, in addition to archæology and philology, a third source of information about those vanished times.

  25. Their archæology is still largely an unworked mine.

  26. In 1835 Mr. Gowler, who wrote extensively on the archæology of English phrases and nursery rhymes, ingeniously attempted to claim whole songs and tales, giving side by side the Saxon and the English versions.

  27. If there is any ology left, of any description, that has not been worn to rags in this house, all I can say is, I hope I shall never hear its name.

  28. So far as they were Semitic what applies to the Assyrians applies to the Babylonians also; the differences between them being matters of history and archæology rather than strict ethnology.

  29. The archæology of their alphabet is too little known to enable us to connect it with any foreign one; as well as too scanty to exhibit its evolution as a home growth.

  30. Archæology would have tried to submit it to the good taste of the past, a proceeding which rarely promotes good taste in the present.

  31. Too much archæology and too much science might have ended in making Venetian art academic, instead of letting it become what it did, the product of a natural ripening of interest in life and love of pleasure.

  32. This process may be compared to our method of flattening upon a plane surface the figures which surround a Greek vase, but in modern works of archæology it is customary to give a sketch of the real form beside the flat projection.

  33. In times past Scottish Archæology has already gained much from digging; and in times to come it is doubtless destined to gain yet infinitely more from a systematised use of this mode of research.

  34. But since the commencement of the present century Archæology has been equally active in Europe.

  35. From a systematised application of the same means of discovery, in fit and proper localities, with or without previous ground-probing, Archæology is certainly entitled to expect most valuable consequences.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ology" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    area; arena; art; concern; discipline; domain; field; ology; province; science; specialty; sphere; study; technics; technology