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Example sentences for "plane surface"

  • In drawing on a plane surface, the two planes perpendicular to the paths of the connected points are represented by two lines (being their sections by a plane normal to them), and the instantaneous axis by a point (fig.

  • A parallel projection of a straight line or a plane surface divided in a given ratio is a straight line or a plane surface divided in the same ratio.

  • The cylinder thus equalized, is next cracked or slit down in its side with a pair of shears, laid on a smooth copper plate, detached from the iron rod, spread out by heat into a plane surface, and finally annealed.

  • It consists of a plane surface made of slabs or planks, very slightly inclined forwards, and provided behind and on the sides with upright ledges, the back one having a notch to admit a stream of water.

  • The plate, covered with a pure white enamel, requires always to be polished and smoothed with sandstone and water, particularly if the article have a plane surface; and it is then finally glazed at the fire.

  • Conceive two beings at a great distance from one another on a plane surface.

  • And when the word surface is used it does not mean surface in the sense that a table top is a surface; it is not a plane surface, but a solid space surface.

  • A plane surface is a surface which lies evenly with the straight lines on itself.

  • In intaglio, the ink is taken from a depression; in relief from an elevation; and in flat printing from a plane surface.

  • By means of lowering, the black pony, on which a boy is seen riding, in the following cut, is much more effectively represented, than if the whole subject were engraved on a plane surface.

  • When we examine the prevailing type of supporting surfaces we cannot fail to be impressed with one feature, namely, the determination to insist on a broad spread of plane surface, in imitation of the bird with outstretched wings.

  • They were prepared by using a plane surface at rest, and forcing a blast of air against the plane placed at different angles; and for determining air pressures, this is, no doubt, correct.

  • A little face; a small, plane surface; as, the facets of a diamond.

  • Fine Art) Defn: To represent on a plane surface, as if extended in a direction toward the spectator or nearly so; to shorten by drawing in perspective.

  • Let A be the centre of a plane surface, and B the point to which the shadow of the gnomon reaches in the morning.

  • It is interesting also to find relief-work in terracotta as well as painting on a plane surface.

  • The strong shadows thrown by the cornice, the distance from the spectator, and the height, must combine to confuse the lines of a scene painted on a plane surface, or even of a low relief.

  • A very evident connecting-link between these urns and the later sepulchral stele appears in monuments which show just such urns projected in relief upon a plane surface.

  • A quadrilateral figure is one on a plane surface, and it is contained by four straight lines.

  • The number of superficies is that which is constituted not only by length but also by breadth, as triangular, square, pentangular, or circular numbers, and the rest that are contained in a plane surface or superficies.

  • When the orifice is a sharp-edged orifice in a plane surface, the value of cc is on the average 0.

  • Let a jet whose section is [omega] impinge with a velocity v on a plane surface at rest, in a direction normal to the plane.

  • The principle of momentum gives readily enough the total or resultant pressure of a jet impinging on a plane surface, but in some cases it is useful to know the distribution of the pressure.

  • A Jet impinges on a plane surface at rest, in a direction normal to the plane (fig.

  • This greatly increases the efficiency of the rudder as compared with a plane surface of equal area.

  • Now, suppose that we have a number of circular masses situated upon a plane surface, they will attract each other with a force which may be determined with exactitude; and the greater the masses the greater the force.

  • An ellipse is a curve formed by the section of a cone by a plane surface inclined at an angle to the vertical axis of the cone, greater than the angle between the axis and the generating line.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plane surface" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    amused myself; another time; because his mercy endureth for ever; cooked food; dilute nitric; divine beings; export trade; gave notice; like animal; little pain; military duty; natural increase; one that; plane geometry; plane parallel; plane perpendicular; plane surface; plane surfaces; planetary motion; purple color; rise above; sandy plain; serve them; she looked about her; the princes; through ignorance