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Example sentences for "forte"

Lexicographically close words:
fort; forta; fortalice; fortasse; fortassis; forted; fortemque; forteresse; fortes; forth
  1. In 1654 it took the name of Villa do Forte da Assumpca, but it was generally spoken of as Fortaleza.

  2. Not that I should be ashamed of the name, if it agreed with the facts, but because I prefer to keep free from titles which are not due to me: Ne si forte suas repetitum venerit olim Grex avium plumas, moveat cornicula risum.

  3. He refused to write at command, pleading that spontaneity of inspiration is essential to art, and quoting Vida's dictum: Nec jussa canas, nisi forte coactus Magnorum imperio regum.

  4. With a heavy bow, in forte passages, only slight assistance is needed from the hand.

  5. But his fortitude gave way and he confessed when he had seen the preparations for pressing him to death with the peine forte et dure, a board loaded with heavy weights.

  6. But even less attractive than this must have been the peine forte et dure.

  7. The preparation of buckskin for piano-forte makers is at this time quite an important trade, and the improvements made in its dressing of late years have kept full pace with the other improvements in the piano.

  8. Perhaps we cannot present our readers a more interesting article on manufacturing, than to give an idea of piano-forte making.

  9. And here we find piano-forte cases in all stages of progress; the materials for some just gathered together, and others finished or finishing; some of the plainest styles, and others of the most elaborate carved work and ornamental designs.

  10. This is another extremely important thing in piano-forte making; the covering of the hammers is one of the most peculiar branches of the business.

  11. Horace Walpole, who deals with men rather than manners, with sayings rather than doings, and whose forte is epigram and not description, has little to tell us about the drinking customs of his day.

  12. Bourdaloue's great forte was vigorous argument and unsparing denunciation, but he is said to have been lacking in the power of influencing and affecting his hearers.

  13. Or is it better to learn the piano-forte than to learn the laws which subserve the preservation of offspring?

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    ability; allegro; area; bag; booming; bump; caliber; calibrate; capability; capacity; crescendo; deafening; dolce; dower; dowry; endowment; equipment; faculty; field; flair; forte; fortissimo; full; genius; gift; goods; instinct; largo; legato; line; loud; loudly; lustily; makings; manner; metier; parts; pealing; pianissimo; piano; piercing; pizzicato; plangent; potential; power; presto; pursuit; qualification; resounding; resource; ringing; scherzo; skill; sonorous; speciality; specialization; sphere; staccato; stentorian; style; talent; technicality; thing; thunderous; type; vocation; way; weakness