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Example sentences for "thunderous"

Lexicographically close words:
thundered; thundereth; thunderheads; thundering; thunderings; thunders; thunderstorm; thunderstorms; thunderstruck; thundery
  1. For at the precise moment that an oil-can exploded with a thunderous crump twenty yards or so beyond the trench, there was a sudden noise of ripping canvas, an agonised shout, and the heavy crash of a body encountering china.

  2. The next instant the ground quivered as if an earthquake had occurred; a thunderous roar shook the air, while the blast of the explosion nearly knocked them down.

  3. Another thunderous roar; another belching, choking cloud of dust and death, and a house on the other side of the square collapsed.

  4. The drums were thunderous now, but the beat was not the war beat.

  5. The yells, the shots, the cries, and the thunderous drumming created an uproar in which I loaded my weapon and emptied it with a sense of curious detachment.

  6. The drums came up to the very edge of the clearing, and their thunderous voices boomed with a full-throated bellow across the open space in a deafening volume of sound.

  7. The stony walls reverberated yet with the thunderous echo.

  8. Six feet away Miki's blazing eyes saw his comrade smothered under a gray mass, and for a moment or two he was held appalled and lifeless by the thunderous beat of the gargantuan wings.

  9. But I heard behind me a thunderous roar, "Heah Ah is!

  10. Suddenly, in the brief silence that followed the two thunderous reports, a pistol shot rang out sharply, and I saw Captain Whidden spin round and fall.

  11. Suddenly, in the brief silence that followed the two thunderous reports, a single pistol-shot rang out sharply and I saw Captain Whidden spin round and fall.

  12. Illustration: Suddenly, in the brief silence that followed the two thunderous reports, a pistol shot rang out sharply and I saw Captain Whidden spin around and fall.

  13. A dead silence followed the dying out of the last thunderous echoes, then a child whimpered, another, and the women took up the whining note.

  14. He sat up straight to relieve the thunderous humming in his head, then comprehending that the amazing sound was a reality, he strove to solve the source of the bewildering tones.

  15. And still the thunderous cyclones move on through a hundred streets.

  16. A dead quiet had crept over the astonished house; but at the close of the first stanza a thunderous burst of applause broke forth that shook the whole building.

  17. Then came a thunderous voice from below: "Open the door, or we will break it down.

  18. This is it," he cries; and doors and windows give way before the thunderous mob; and then the scenes are terrible.

  19. A thunderous roar broke on the evening stillness.

  20. The war went its thunderous way unheeded by her.

  21. As relentlessly as they had gnawed away at the first tree, they worked at the second until it, too, fell with a rush of air, the snap of breaking branches and a thunderous thud that shook the valley.

  22. Then with a rush and a roar, and a thunderous sound that rolled away through the forest, it fell and was no more a tree, but only a stick of timber.

  23. The short address was greeted with thunderous applause.

  24. One thing is certain and that is that none of the delegates present were opposed to this enemy alien deportation, or if they were they didn't or couldn't make themselves heard above the thunderous approbation.

  25. The thunderous "Aye" which tabled this resolution might well be recorded in letters of gold.

  26. Illustration: Tom swerved the jet car in front of the runaway truck] There was a wrenching crash of metal, a shrill scream of skidding tires, climaxed by a thunderous roar.

  27. Again the metal enclosure vibrated and there was another thunderous blast.

  28. At noon, the laborers being well sunk in the ground, the cannon again vomited fire and smoke, and with thunderous reports launched their heavy bullets at the towers.

  29. Then comes a long scraunch, and a thunderous rattle of blocks; a sail goes with a report like a gun; the vessels bump a few times, and then one draws away, leaving the other with bows staved in.

  30. The ruddy-faced old gentleman roared out that adjuration in so thunderous a way that the good-looking boy who was passing the decanter started and nearly turned it over.

  31. These, concealed among the steep boulders, proceeded to pour a thunderous and fiery welcome on all who approached.

  32. Dizzy, sick with the monstrous caroming through space, deafened by the thunderous roaring of the up-draft, Stern was still able to retain enough of his scientific curiosity to peer upward.

  33. Below there, he heard thunderous crashes as wrecked walls and floors went reeling down.

  34. A furnace or something of the kind had given way in the basement with a thunderous report.

  35. Then there was a thunderous report, as the clay bird flew through the air, and was knocked to pieces by the impact of the shot.

  36. With the vast crowd silent and breathless, he had walloped the ball, over the left-field fence, and jogged around the bases, thrilling to the thunderous cheers of his comrades.

  37. Butch Brewster started to speak when the thunderous tread of John Thorwald sounded in the corridor.

  38. We should request that you permit a thunderous silence to originate in your cozy retreat, for the period of at least a hour!

  39. From the stands came the thunderous cheer of the excited Bannister cohorts, firmly believing that the slender youth, so ludicrously fragile, among those young Colossi, was to try for a goal.

  40. In thunderous chorus they chanted: "One more Job for the undertaker!

  41. Again, he saw a blue wave dash with such thunderous force against a gray obstruction that it seemed to clear the earth of it and leave nothing but trampled sod.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thunderous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.