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Example sentences for "impress"

Lexicographically close words:
impregnates; impregnating; impregnation; impresario; imprescriptible; impressa; impressario; impresse; impressed; impresses
  1. Many centuries have elapsed since their first settlement, and yet the Khivan customs still retain the impress of the early heroic age.

  2. I had before been of opinion that the desert can only impress the mind with an idea of sublimity where both fancy and enthusiasm concur to give colouring and definiteness to the picture.

  3. This fact is of importance, and will again be brought forward,--we mention this to impress the fact upon the mind of the reader.

  4. I will send an embassy to him, and impress him with my greatness.

  5. She would doubtless impress upon us that a dead master is in divers respects preferable to a living one.

  6. Impress it upon your contributors that they cannot be too short; and that if not dwarfish, they must be wild--or at all events not tame.

  7. I wish I could imagine how it would impress a jury!

  8. However disconnected the two sides of his character might be, his clothes bore the impress of both of his natures to perfection.

  9. But my greatest happiness must be, from within quiet walls, to impress upon the souls of others what will there blossom and bear fruit.

  10. To us mortals it is impossible to think of thee with the confidence which thy true-hearted words would impress upon us: haec omnia deposui,--I have deposited all this.

  11. And now I hold the third generation to my heart, and before I am called away I would like to impress my life and the sufferings of your mother as a lesson on you.

  12. I meant rather, how did the house impress you as a house?

  13. Impress on your class that many Greeks and most Romans were frightfully stupid, and if they disbelieve you, read Ctesiphon with them, or Valerius Flaccus.

  14. Every successive act of research or travel will impress him more and more deeply with this truth, which, for the sake of his own peace and liberality, it would be well that he should carry about with him from the outset.

  15. Here there is an ever-burning lamp, and they contrive to impress a belief that this is kept alight by supernatural means.

  16. Every one should impress this on his recollection, but especially those who reside on the coast, or upon an island into which the noxious wind has penetrated.

  17. Mr Denham says he won't close his eyes until he knows his cargo's shipped, so be sure and impress upon Garland that he must send word at once.

  18. Even this argument did not impress the group.

  19. Blake wondered how the innovation would impress Genevieve.

  20. On her seven husbands' tombs she doth impress 'This Chloe did.

  21. The speeches of Agamemnon and Andromache, together with the chorus already quoted from the Troades, all bear the impress of the Stoic philosophy.

  22. Hence it is rather his brilliant sketches of a vicious society, his fiery outbursts of rhetoric, his striking sententiae that primarily impress the reader: expende Hannibalem: quot libras in duce summo invenies?

  23. Such an education, which leads the youth beyond mere outside shew, will impress their minds with a profound reverence of the Deity, universal benevolence, and a warm attachment and affection towards their country.

  24. Alexander placed extra guards in various parts of the encampment, as if to impress the whole army with a sense of the importance and solemnity of the occasion.

  25. According to these, the Messiah was to be a prince of peace whose sublime and holy spirit would impress itself upon all flesh, would banish all wars, and make of Jerusalem the grand center of international brotherhood and love.

  26. The second volume has been devoted to the Roman trial, and a distinctively Roman impress has been given it.

  27. The first volume of this work has been devoted to the Hebrew trial of Jesus, and a distinctively Hebrew impress has been given to all its pages.

  28. It was not unnatural that the dominant idea should impress that unreasoning moment between sleeping and waking; but Cecil's fervent faith knew no doubts, and thus it was that Du Meresq dead influenced her as much as when living.

  29. Then she would ride with her Colonel, who acquitted himself more creditably in a hunting-field; but, as she was not allowed to start with him alone, it was necessary to impress Harry into her service.

  30. My power of reading Greek at sight appeared to impress him much, as by force of contrast with his insane patients it well might.

  31. Of that journey I remember little more, except eating savoury jelly at Waterloo Station--so oddly do trifles impress one in the most critical moments of life.

  32. There had not been time for Paul to impress this upon him, and it was natural enough that the boy, startled and frightened, should not have noted all that was said.

  33. It seemed suddenly plain that William's sole intention must have been to impress him with the necessity of doing what he was told to do.

  34. This ancestor relates to Gilgamish the story of a great flood resembling in general outline the narrative in Genesis, but stamped with the impress of the Chaldean religion.

  35. Said Mr. Wylie: "You impress me strongly, Hanford, and I want my associates to hear you.

  36. It was his evident endeavor this evening to impress his distinguished guests with the tremendous importance of the Atlantic Bridge Company and its unsurpassed facilities for handling big jobs.

  37. It is difficult to impress people with two facts in connexion with teaching language to the average child who was born deaf, or lost hearing in early infancy.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impress" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    impress upon; impression upon