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Example sentences for "fanaticism"

Lexicographically close words:
fanam; fanams; fanatic; fanatical; fanatically; fanatick; fanatics; fancie; fancied; fancier
  1. Taborites, fanaticism and courage of the, ii.

  2. As this spontaneous fanaticism met with no encouragement from the church, and was prudently discountenanced by the civil magistrate, it died away in a very short time.

  3. For these, among other evil consequences, seem to have principally excited a wild fanaticism that did not sleep for several centuries.

  4. A jargon of mystical philosophy, half fanaticism and half imposture, a barren and inflated eloquence, a frivolous philology, were not among those charms of wisdom by which man is to be diverted from pleasure or aroused from indolence.

  5. Nor has any denomination of Christians produced, or even sanctioned, more fanaticism than the church of Rome.

  6. Every successive explosion of the Second Adventist fanaticism will leave less of that element behind.

  7. The same fierce spirit of fanaticism moulded their religious views, which were gloomy and austere, as befitted the chosen few in an ungodly world.

  8. The monarchy had also to reckon with the fanaticism of its Christian subjects and with a formidable Spanish national party eager to throw off the foreign yoke.

  9. The preaching of the first angel’s message and of the “midnight cry” tended directly to repress fanaticism and dissension.

  10. Others who were naturally inclined to fanaticism united with them.

  11. Persecution served only to extend the truth; and the fanaticism which Satan endeavored to unite with it, resulted in making more clear the contrast between the work of Satan and the work of God.

  12. In the days of the Reformation its enemies charged all the evils of fanaticism upon the very ones who were laboring most earnestly against it.

  13. About this time, fanaticism began to appear.

  14. The fanaticism was checked for a time; but several years later it broke out with greater violence and more terrible results.

  15. The agony of soul which Luther had so long before experienced at Erfurt, now pressed upon him with redoubled power as he saw the results of fanaticism charged upon the Reformation.

  16. No means were spared to excite the fears, the prejudices, and the fanaticism of the ignorant and superstitious multitudes.

  17. But this caused him only joy as he saw that the power of fanaticism and superstition was being broken.

  18. To combat these forces, Jesuitism inspired its followers with a fanaticism that enabled them to endure like dangers, and to oppose to the power of truth all the weapons of deception.

  19. With that Word he warred against the usurped authority of the pope, and the rationalistic philosophy of the schoolmen, while he stood firm as a rock against the fanaticism that sought to ally itself with the Reformation.

  20. Fanaticism disappeared before this proclamation, like early frost before the rising sun.

  21. It was not the proclamation of the second advent that created fanaticism and division.

  22. And the Wesleys, and others who blessed the world by their influence and their faith, encountered at every step the wiles of Satan in pushing overzealous, unbalanced, and unsanctified ones into fanaticism of every grade.

  23. And now Wittenberg itself, the very center of the Reformation, was fast falling under the power of fanaticism and lawlessness.

  24. Still sometimes it was darkened by excessive fanaticism and the intrigues of the followers of other faiths.

  25. This fallacy is particularly hugged by the Parsis among whom it was originally lent by fanaticism to indolent ignorance.

  26. Then you dream of stalwart sunburnt Turkish soldiery whose bearing speaks of Koran-bred discipline and stubborn fighting, and a fanaticism which takes the place of imagination.

  27. Ambitions and strange freaks of fanaticism flared up among young nations and died away.

  28. He thus infected them with a fanaticism to the full as fierce and effective as that which had urged Mahomed's hordes on their career of conquest.

  29. So it needs no great intuition to discern what were the motives in a simple, guileless, and noble soul for the fanaticism of Madame Hulot's love.

  30. The look with which the Baron rewarded his wife's fanaticism confirmed her in her opinion that gentleness and docility were a woman's strongest weapons.

  31. These "intellectuals" entered the lists against religious fanaticism and casuistic methods, seeking to replace them by liberal ideas and scientific research.

  32. The invincible fanaticism of the Rabbis, the anachronistic education given the children, who were kept in a state of ignorance, weighed heavily upon the heart of the patriot and man of intellect.

  33. Religious fanaticism had never proceeded with so much rigor as during the reign of terror following upon the disorganization of the social life of the Jews by the authorities, and the triumphant assertion of arbitrary power.

  34. In verbose monologues, he combats the superstitions and fanaticism of the orthodox.

  35. It is this almost incredible disposition to adhere as with religious fanaticism to methods transmitted from father to son and to resist as pernicious every attempt at innovation that makes a precise analysis of rugs possible.

  36. The political and commercial importance of the city, as well as the religious fanaticism of the people, aided them.

  37. Irreligion is followed by fanaticism, and fanaticism by irreligion, alternately and perpetually.

  38. Since the destruction of the republic, Florence has produced only one great man, Galileo, and abandoned him to every indignity that fanaticism and despotism could invent.

  39. Under the influence of such feelings, and impelled by fanaticism and love of power, they would not stop at emancipation.

  40. It grew out of a spirit of fanaticism which was daily increasing, and, if not met in limine, would by and by dissolve this Union.

  41. To what is a course so blind to be attributed, but to that fanaticism of party zeal, openly avowed on this floor, which regards the preservation of the power of the whig party as the paramount consideration?

  42. Every indication makes us fear that a pause in fanaticism is about to follow, to allow the government time to consolidate her late acquisitions and usurpations of power.

  43. Ebert, Scheidemann and Landsberg, Socialists though they were, lacked any trace of that fanaticism which marks so many Socialist leaders.

  44. He was particularly fitted for leadership of the government's opponents by the absence from his makeup of the blind fanaticism that characterized the majority of these, and by an utter unscrupulousness in his methods.

  45. Many were honest fanatics, and some of these, chief among them Liebknecht, carried their fanaticism to a degree calling for the serious consideration of alienists.

  46. Few in numbers when they boldly threw their challenge, they encountered the shock of local fanaticism heightened by their offensive.

  47. The first British emigrants were Puritans looking for that religious liberty, under a new shining sun, which was denied to them by their native land in those days when fanaticism was unfortunately too much triumphant in many countries.

  48. He reminded her of the long and unavailing struggle of the emperor to bring back Germany out of heresy, where the obstinacy of the Romanists had been as mischievous to him as the fanaticism of the Lutherans.

  49. The chancellor and the clergy were springing at the leash like hounds with the game in view, fanaticism and revenge {p.

  50. Hooper, when the unfortunate garment controversy was brought to an end, had shown by his conduct in his diocese that in one instance at least doctrinal fanaticism was compatible with the loftiest excellence.

  51. Recollect, furthermore, that the private member may be interested in his proposal with the fanaticism of the faddist--the relentless purpose of the philanthropist, the vehement ardour of the reformer.

  52. At this thrust there was a terrible hubbub in the House, and that fanaticism with which the Mason holds to his institution was aroused; indeed, for a little while, the scene was Bedlam-like in its passion and anarchy.

  53. In many instances this devotion to mirioks amounts to fanaticism of the most pronounced kind.

  54. As she noted the lean and pallid face, the deep-set eyes in which the light of fanaticism burned steadily, courage, hope, both left her.

  55. They were not all like the Bishop of Cuzco, with hearts so seared by fanaticism as to be closed against sympathy with the unfortunate natives.

  56. It is true, their fanaticism - or their policy - showed itself in a milder form than was found in the descendants of the Prophet.

  57. I do not believe that fanaticism exists as it used to do in the world, judging from what I have seen, in this so-called fanatic land.

  58. The religious fanaticism of the native tribes of the Soudan was, however, only one of the many causes of the insurrection which broke out after the appearance of the Mahdi.

  59. There appears to have been less fanaticism among the troops stationed in Scotland than in any other part of the army; and their general, George Monk, was himself the very opposite of a zealot.

  60. But with Wildman's fanaticism was joined a tender care for his own safety.

  61. His troops moved to victory with the precision of machines, while burning with the wildest fanaticism of Crusaders.

  62. Their fanaticism recoiled upon themselves, and undermined their own system.

  63. Thus did he stimulate the martial fanaticism of a warlike and heroic people with the promise of future happiness.

  64. We despise the incapacity of leaders as much as we abhor the fanaticism which animated their labors.

  65. Their Mohammedan fanaticism had been stirred by the Turkish, Austrian, and German press, and their pride quickened by the thick crop of rumors that the Allies were finally about to acknowledge defeat.

  66. This was all the more remarkable because it demanded cool thinking at critical moments, not the excited religious fanaticism for which the Turk had been noted.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fanaticism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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