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Example sentences for "fancier"

Lexicographically close words:
fanaticism; fanatick; fanatics; fancie; fancied; fanciers; fancies; fanciest; fanciful; fancifully
  1. In all other respects he remained the man he had been when he first bought me, but as a gem-fancier his hobby became a passion which deepened into a mania and colored, or discolored, all he did.

  2. My uncle was a fancier of time-keepers and had one in every room, and no two alike in ornamentation, all beautifully decorated.

  3. Ability to mature for the fall shows is a decidedly practical quality that the fancier breeds into his chickens.

  4. There is no reason why a farmer should not be a poultry fancier if he desires, but in that case his special interest in his chickens would throw him out of the class we are at present considering.

  5. Mendel's law as yet offers little to the fancier and less to the commercial poultryman.

  6. The truth of the matter is that the fancier fails to appreciate the spirit of pure science.

  7. As to the bird fancier who is a bird stealer, I have said enough in a former chapter to show that he can very easily be got rid of where there is any real desire to protect the birds.

  8. Every complete manual on poultry gives for each breed a note of the faults which constantly appear, and which the fancier has to watch carefully for and guard against.

  9. A tulip-fancier like him will not tarry one hour, not one minute, not one second, to set out to see the eighth wonder of the world.

  10. They therefore began to chat also about other things, and the tulip-fancier found out to his great astonishment what a vast range of subjects a conversation may comprise.

  11. In his prison cell the most adventurous life which ever fell to the lot of any tulip-fancier was reserved for him.

  12. The Hatred of a Tulip-fancier From that moment Boxtel's interest in tulips was no longer a stimulus to his exertions, but a deadening anxiety.

  13. Cornelius was happy, as thoroughly happy as a tulip-fancier would be to whom one has not spoken of his tulip.

  14. As chance would have it, the cell formerly inhabited by the illustrious Barneveldt happened to be vacant, when the clemency of the Prince of Orange sent the tulip-fancier Van Baerle there.

  15. The unfortunate tulip-fancier then felt that he had no more resources, and no more friends, and resigned himself to his fate.

  16. Rosa was all attention to what he would say, much more on account of the importance which the unfortunate tulip-fancier attached to it, than that she felt interested in the matter herself.

  17. It is to procure this gratification in his dwelling that the bird-fancier rears it, and deprives it of its liberty; and he thus enjoys the pleasures of the woods in the midst of the city.

  18. A bird fancier will distinguish the two sexes even in the nest.

  19. One must be a very great bird fancier to wish to have this bird in the house.

  20. By this means the bird-fancier may obtain whatever kind of singer he prefers.

  21. If you speak to a bird-fancier or bird-catcher about any of them, you might as well talk of a bird in the wilds of America, for they know nothing of them.

  22. An old fancier in a fur cap, iron-rimmed spectacles, and goloshes that look like two dread-noughts, walks about by the waggons of birds and pails of fish.

  23. There is no relying on that bird," a fancier will say, looking into a siskin's beak, and counting the feathers on its tail.

  24. I cannot help remarking, that my poor tobacco-fancier paid dear for his quid, in giving for it seven long years of servitude in Botany Bay.

  25. My first glance satisfied me that I had my tobacco-fancier before me; but I was perfectly satisfied he had no recollection of his friend of the Meadow Walk, and with this confidence I could enjoy a little fun.

  26. His father is, or was, a bird-fancier and seller of penny articles on the streets, besides being a professional pugilist.

  27. As a bird-fancier he contributed little, almost nothing, to the general fund on which this family subsisted.

  28. Few of these old unregistered breeds would attract the eye of the fancier accustomed to judge a dog parading before him in the show ring.

  29. Avoid the various advertised nostrums, and rely rather on the friendly advice of some fancier or your veterinary surgeon.

  30. Why, are you setting up as a dog-fancier in your old age, colonel?

  31. Here are the cards of the other gentlemen who were kind enough to think that I might wish to set up for a dog-fancier in my old age.

  32. I have not become a dog-fancier in what you are pleased to call my old age!

  33. My lark is reading very nicely this morning," a bird-fancier will say.

  34. I have heard a lark-fancier say that the cage holding a good lark should have a fresh cloth cover every year--the old ones being allowed to remain.

  35. Mr. Herbert Young, a most excellent cat fancier and authority on the subject, is of opinion that if a tortoiseshell male cat could be found, it would not prove fertile with a tortoiseshell female.

  36. Reverting once again to the pigeon fancier by way of analogy, take, as an instance, what is termed the silver-coloured pigeon, or the yellow.

  37. This the experienced fancier well knows, though the tyro often destroys that which will ultimately prove of value, simply from ignorance.

  38. This dye is expensive, and scarlet flowers are best made with the plumage of the red ibis, which can generally be had of a bird-fancier or bird-stuffer, who will give directions how it should be applied.

  39. He had always held the old dog-fancier safe; but now that he was about to marry and settle down into respectability, he foresaw occasions when Josh Heckett might be very objectionable.

  40. The old dog-fancier came marching into the room, followed by a gentleman Gertie had never seen before.

  41. The child pleaded so hard, and seemed so terrified, that Ruth contented herself with sending a message by a trustworthy person to the old dog-fancier that his grand-daughter was in a good home.

  42. She was woman of the world enough to have gathered, from Gertie's innocent confessions, what manner of man this old dog-fancier was.

  43. You imagined that a dog-fancier would specialize in cats?

  44. He promised to engage the services of a dog-fancier friend of his.

  45. Seizing upon these, the fancier can guide the quick succeeding generations so as to cause the form to depart in the course of a few years very far from its original aspect.

  46. Lastly, our fancier might wish to make a breed with the two sexes differing from each other, and both from the parent-species.

  47. But our fancier would be compelled to match, generation after generation, his pale blue males with slaty females, for he wishes to keep the latter of this colour.

  48. As with pigeons characters of all kinds are usually transmitted to both sexes equally, the fancier would have to try to convert this latter form of inheritance into sexually-limited transmission.

  49. The bird-fancier stared after the small figure as it walked away into darkness.

  50. Frankly say so, and recommend a brother fancier that you know has.

  51. As a man and bee-fancier he was on the point of following straight at once, over wall and fence; but the constable was also strong within him.

  52. The bird-fancier might here make as beautiful a collection as I have ever seen.

  53. The horse-fancier may invest a few hundreds very profitably in the purchase of some really good brood mares.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fancier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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