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Example sentences for "fanciest"

Lexicographically close words:
fancie; fancied; fancier; fanciers; fancies; fanciful; fancifully; fancifulness; fancy; fancying
  1. Mother gathered the fanciest every fall, dried them, and dipped them in melted alum coloured with copperas, aniline, and indigo.

  2. Harkee, Pero, thou art like one that hath trodden the path between Palos and Moguer so often, that thou fanciest there is no road to Seville or Granada.

  3. Then thou fanciest there is an edge, or precipice, at the four sides of the world, which men may reach, and where they can stand and look off, as from an exceeding high platform?

  4. The boy looked uncomfortable but was forced to submit, vowing inwardly that he would buy her the "fanciest article in the sash line" that Chicago could boast, to make up for the loss of her finery.

  5. Knight had kept his promise to himself to buy Blue Bonnet the "fanciest thing in the sash line that Chicago could boast"--even though it had taken the last penny of his pocket money.

  6. That's our fanciest place where the food starts at ten dollars.

  7. Rabalais hails the fanciest looking cab I ever see and we get driven to town where he buys all of us fur coats in a store I never heard of.

  8. Little knowest thou of the burning of a World-Phoenix, who fanciest that she must first burn out, and lie as a dead cinereous heap; and therefrom the young one start up by miracle, and fly heavenward.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fanciest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.