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Example sentences for "fancie"

Lexicographically close words:
fanatical; fanatically; fanaticism; fanatick; fanatics; fancied; fancier; fanciers; fancies; fanciest
  1. But none of these, how ever sweete they beene, Mote please his fancie nor him cause t'abide: His choicefull sense with everie change doth flit; No common things may please a wavering wit.

  2. I doe not like the fancie in his hat; That gules is warre and will be ominous.

  3. This gentleman has a notable fancie and talkes poetically.

  4. I grow immortall with my hopes and fancie More than the worlds most pretious Empire in Our first embrace.

  5. Tis the Mode to express our fancie upon every occasion; to shew the turne and present state of our hope or feares in our Affection.

  6. He seeke me out some unfrequented place Free from these importunities of love, And onelie love what mine owne fancie likes.

  7. This childe of fancie that Armado hight, For interim to our studies shall relate, In high-borne words the worth of many a Knight: From tawnie Spaine lost in the worlds debate.

  8. But being widdow, and my Glouster with her, May all the building in my fancie plucke Vpon my hatefull life.

  9. Is't possible friend Lisio, that mistris Bianca Doth fancie any other but Lucentio, I tel you sir, she beares me faire in hand Luc.

  10. It is engendred in the eyes, With gazing fed, and Fancie dies, In the cradle where it lies: Let vs all ring Fancies knell.

  11. Oh then belike you fancie riches more, You wil haue Gremio to keepe you faire Bian.

  12. Tell me where is fancie bred, Or in the heart, or in the head: How begot, how nourished.

  13. Or I am mad, or else this is a dreame: Let fancie still my sense in Lethe steepe, If it be thus to dreame, still let me sleepe Ol.

  14. But now he's gone, and my idolatrous fancie Must sanctifie his Reliques.

  15. No longer shall you gaze on't, least your Fancie May thinke anon, it moues Leo.

  16. I wil not eate my word, now thou art mine, Thy faith, my fancie to thee doth combine.

  17. So let her rest: and Madame list to me, For I am bold to counsaile you in this; Although we fancie not the Cardinall, Yet must we ioyne with him and with the Lords, Till we haue brought Duke Humphrey in disgrace.

  18. And, whilst most others, give their Fancie scope, Enjoy thy selfe, in Silence, and in Hope.

  19. Poore soule I know too well the sower of loue, O that Iarbus could but fancie me.

  20. On this hypocritical Quean Wit waited: next him, a Conceited fellow, and one that over-swayed the Fancie of man with his pretty tricks and gambals.

  21. But ere I go farther, take something of my Ryming fancie with you.

  22. When Springs greene prime arrayd me with delight, And euery power with youthfull vigor fild, Gaue strength to worke what euer fancie wild: I neuer feard the force of winters spight.

  23. Thou shalt see that Alexander maketh but a toy of love and leadeth affection in fetters, using fancie as a foole to make him sport or a minstrell to make him merry.

  24. For now he means to crave her love, And now he seeks which way to proove 30 How he his fancie might remove, And not this beggar wed.

  25. And yet he loues a man as well as you, Onely this difference, she cannot fancie too.

  26. Nought but truth O King, Tis Ida is the mistresse of your heart, 340 Whose youth must take impression of affects, For tender twigs will bowe, and milder mindes Will yeeld to fancie be they followed well.

  27. A wife God shield sir Bartram, that were ill To leaue my wife and wander thus astray: But time and good aduise ere many yeares, May chance to make my fancie bend that way, What newes in Scotland?

  28. Wer't not a fault Past pardon, to raise fancie 'bove thy vault?

  29. And raise my fancie to discourse thy power?

  30. The Presse hath gathered into one, what fancie had scattered in many loose papers.

  31. And action tis doth give A soule to courage, and make vertue live: Which doth not dwell upon the valiant tongue Of bold Philosophie, but in the strong Undaunted spirit, which encounters those Sad dangers, we to fancie scarce propose.

  32. Each wild beast, That should the silence of our cell infest, With clamor, seeking prey; Wee'd fancie were Nought but an avaritious Courtier.

  33. Yet his fancie sees And courts your beauty, joyes as he had cleav'd Close to you, and then weepes because deceiv'd.

  34. For the religion of fancie declines into a mad superstition, when it[2] adores that Idoll which is not secure from age and sicknesse.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fancie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fancied resemblance; fancied that