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Example sentences for "acquisitions"

Lexicographically close words:
acquires; acquireth; acquiring; acquis; acquisition; acquisitive; acquisitiveness; acquit; acquite; acquited
  1. Our friend had, it is true, a memory which faithfully retained the acquisitions made in early life, but, in some way or other, was continually enlarging them.

  2. Among the new acquisitions of Guiscard, the science of Salerno, and the trade of Amalphi, may detain for a moment the curiosity of the reader.

  3. Again, Rousseau maintains that, whatever acquisitions an individual or a society may make, the right to this property must be always subordinate to the right which the community at large has over the possessions of all.

  4. For Greek and mathematics he had an aversion, but made up for this deficiency by considerable acquisitions in English literature.

  5. Russia made new acquisitions of Eastern territory, and England remained a passive spectator of the spoliation.

  6. It was the policy of Russia at this time to compensate for its own encroachments on the Western frontier of Persia, by helping that country to new acquisitions of territory on the East.

  7. Little could she think of remote acquisitions of territory in Georgia, whilst the eagles of Napoleon were threatening her very existence at the gates of Moscow itself.

  8. The conduct of the former had been insolent and offensive—designed perhaps to goad the weaker state into open resentment, and to furnish a pretext for new wars, to be followed by new acquisitions of Eastern territory.

  9. In the mid-eighties, American corporations were spending two and three times more on mergers and acquisitions than on research and development.

  10. Wait till he wakes up tomorrow and discovers he just donated all his high-tech acquisitions to their employees.

  11. She knelt at the feet of the Pope, and allowed him to retain his acquisitions in Romagna and elsewhere; and as his first object, the enrichment of his domain, was accomplished, he lost no time in carrying out the second.

  12. In a few years they were followed by swarms of their countrymen, who disposed of their acquisitions in Upper Italy to the highest bidder, and were remunerated by grants of land in Naples for their exertion on behalf of Sergius the king.

  13. The combination, indeed, of their native habits and their new acquisitions might have moved them to laughter, if the men of the twelfth century had been awake to the ridiculous.

  14. The ardour which had been excited in the bosom of Henry for making acquisitions in the new world, expired with this first effort.

  15. If there is any thing certain in human affairs, it is that valuable acquisitions are only to be retained by the continuation of the same energies which gained them.

  16. Eugene Aram possessed talents and acquisitions that might have classed him among the most respectable of human characters, if his moral qualities had been equal to his intellectual.

  17. The design was carried into execution in the course of the ensuing day with very great success, their acquisitions amounting to about forty guineas in cash, and one hundred and fifty pounds in Bank notes.

  18. Then immediately the Argives voluntarily joined with him, and the Phliasians received a garrison, and in short nothing among all their new acquisitions held firm to the Achaeans.

  19. Do not willingly relinquish the acquisitions already made.

  20. He is obliged to be all the while, not only learning, but putting his acquisitions into definite shape for use, and the very act of using these acquisitions in teaching a class, fixes them in his own mind, and makes them more surely his own.

  21. But you will be false to the honorable sisterhood, false, I am sure, to all the teachings you have received here, if you entertain for a moment the thought that no further intellectual acquisitions are before you.

  22. A man who devotes himself to solitary reading and study, but never tries in any way to communicate his acquisitions to the world, or to enforce his opinions upon others, rarely becomes a learned man.

  23. The distinction between the common inheritance of the nations and their own subsequent acquisitions in manners and in language is still far from having been wrought out in all the variety of its details and gradations.

  24. It seemed to be necessary to him, as to an ambitious conqueror, to push on from achievement to achievement, without stopping to secure, far less to enjoy, the acquisitions which he made.

  25. Their new acquisitions gave them additional cause for solicitude; like a miser, they trembled in the midst of their treasures.

  26. Warlike, ambitious, and daring, he was constantly engaged in enterprises for the enlargement of his own territory, though his crafty policy was scrupulous not to aim at extending his acquisitions in the direction of his royal brother.

  27. The contributions to geographical knowledge grew with the slow acquisitions of empire.

  28. A knife, the gift of Laudonniere, was the only other weapon which he bore; but this was one of those very precious acquisitions which the Indian had already purposed to bury with him.

  29. Add to this his untiring diligence and perseverance, and the advantages of his position and employment at various capitals in the old world, and the story of his vast acquisitions is told.

  30. He had no doubt but many aliens would become very valuable acquisitions to this country; but he had no idea of admitting them into the Government.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acquisitions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accomplishment; acquisition; attainment; edification; education; enlightenment; illumination; instruction; learning; sophistication