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Example sentences for "ebullition"

Lexicographically close words:
ebrietas; ebriety; ebrius; ebry; ebullient; ebullitions; ecarte; eccellenza; eccentric; eccentrically
  1. I told her in an ebullition of feeling that I can hardly account for to myself.

  2. In the first ebullition of feeling, moved by his pity for these two beings, he had wished to compel his friend to undertake the inquiry, but now he had scruples.

  3. He ladled the soup and dispensed the mutton-chops with a gaiety and boyish glee which were really the stored-up effervescence of weeks, the ebullition of the long-repressed delight which he took in his promotion.

  4. The effect being thus real, Pylarini and Timoni laid down at the outset the doctrine that the smallpox matter inserted in minute quantity was a ferment, which produced an ebullition in the mass of the blood.

  5. He cavilled at Willis's doctrine of the ebullition or fermentation of the blood without actually rejecting it; for he held practically the same view of the salutary or depuratory nature of fever, which was indeed the Hippocratic view of it.

  6. If you show yourself in future the amiable and sensible woman which you can be, he will forget this foolish ebullition and make you the offer his passion inspires.

  7. He was going to say "authentic," but was arrested by an ebullition of unparalleled fury in the baby, who became fairly crumpled up with indignation, presumably at being unable to hold more than a definite amount of milk.

  8. Adrian cut her speech across with an ebullition of sound sense--a protest against extremes--a counterblast to hysterical judgments.

  9. Just as there are people who put their fingers down their throats in the morning to make themselves ill, so Don Roque was not happy until he had had this ebullition of wrath.

  10. As for Monte Cristo, after this ebullition he closed his eyes as if dazzled by internal light.

  11. Suddenly and at the same moment, the ebullition ceased and the compound changed to a dark purple, which faded again more slowly to a watery green.

  12. I sent out for a fresh supply and mixed the draught; the ebullition followed, and the first change of colour, not the second; I drank it and it was without efficiency.

  13. Defn: To be a state of ebullition or violent commotion; to be hot; to boil.

  14. This faith is neither a mere fantasy of future glory, nor a vague ebullition of feeling.

  15. Tom Tell-truth, a most malignant ebullition of disloyalty, which the author must have risked his neck as well as ears in publishing.

  16. If a thermometer is introduced into the flask, however rapid may be the ebullition or boiling of the ether, it is found to be invariably at 96 deg.

  17. If violent ebullition takes place, the aroma of the coffee is dissipated, and the beverage is spoiled.

  18. I sent out for a fresh supply, and mixed the draught; the ebullition followed, and the first change of colour, not the second; I drank it and it was without efficiency.

  19. As a general rule, this ragout should be cooked in a stewpan, rather broad than deep, and of thin metal, in order to the ebullition proceeding quickly.

  20. Very little, indeed; and with this simple regulator you may manage the ebullition to a nicety, even in the open air.

  21. At the former place it is exceedingly probable that the event would have been passed over without any disturbance, but for the indecent and insulting ebullition of joy manifested by a party of those who were opposed to the Reform Bill.

  22. But ebullition ceases when there is no longer a sufficient supply of heat from below, and then a crust of lava may form on the top, and showers of scoriae may then descend upon the surface, and remain unmelted.

  23. During the rise of the boiling water in the pipe, especially when the ebullition is most violent, and when the water is thrown up in jets, subterranean noises are heard, like the distant firing of cannon, and the earth is slightly shaken.

  24. This allows the next subjacent stratum, which is much hotter, to rise and flash into a gaseous form; and this process goes on till the ebullition has descended from the middle to near the bottom of the funnel.

  25. If the internal heat be raised again, ebullition will recommence, and soon fuse the superficial crust.

  26. Sensitive to tone and manner as he was, his ebullition of paternal feeling was frozen.

  27. George Osborne's arms with all her soul, to the astonishment of everybody who witnessed that ebullition of sentiment.

  28. You may think this outrage was an outbreak--a sudden ebullition of feeling that the governor could not control; but who was it that did this deed?

  29. Burke's talk is the ebullition of his mind; he does not talk from a desire of distinction, but because his mind is full.

  30. This grotesque ebullition of ungovernable gaiety was not perceived by Dr.

  31. No great stress should be laid on this ebullition of mortified self-love; but it occurs oddly enough at the very time when, according to Lord Macaulay, she was labouring to produce the very feeling that irritated her.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ebullition" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ado; agitation; bluster; boil; boiling; brawl; broil; bustle; cacophony; chaos; churn; commotion; decoction; discomposure; disorder; disquiet; disturbance; ebullition; effervescence; embroilment; excitement; fanaticism; ferment; fermentation; fever; fidgets; fizz; fizzle; flap; flurry; fluster; foment; fomentation; frenzy; fume; furor; fury; fuss; hubbub; hurry; inquietude; maelstrom; malaise; moil; nervousness; pandemonium; passion; perturbation; racket; rage; restlessness; rout; row; ruckus; ruffle; rumpus; seething; sparkle; stir; swirl; swirling; trepidation; tumult; turbidity; turbulence; turmoil; twitter; unrest; uproar; upset; vortex; whirl; zeal