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Example sentences for "row"

Lexicographically close words:
roved; rovers; roves; roving; rovings; rowan; rowans; rowboat; rowboats; rowdies
  1. Let not my readers go away with the idea that the great bookselling firms, proud of their traditions, plant themselves down in Paternoster Row waiting for customers to come.

  2. That first row on the Speaker's right contains the ministers.

  3. The tellers go to the bar, and thence in a row march up to the table, at which they are met by the clerk, to whom they give the result of the division.

  4. You may meet them at all hours between Paternoster Row and the West.

  5. Paternoster Row is a short, dark, narrow street, running parallel with Newgate Street and St. Paul's Church Yard.

  6. In an old map of London, by my side, dated 1560, I see it marked as a street with but one row of houses on each side, and the five windmills in Finsbury Fields not far off.

  7. The three then strolled through the streets of the little village Lindsey had built for his laborers and their families, a double row of neat bamboo huts, grass roofed, of which he was very proud.

  8. The breeze freshened, gently stirring the potted plants which flanked each row of tables; the hot stillness of the noon gave way to the sibilant murmur of the cocoanut palms whose bases were lapped by the quickening ripples.

  9. Noticing the glint of fire upon a nearby row of long-shafted spears which reared their vicious barbs eight feet above the ground into which they had been thrust, the Major spoke to Terry.

  10. He balanced a great two-handed kris that gleamed like a row of stars where the headlight struck its polished corrugations.

  11. Five minutes, and she recovered sufficient reason to catch the significance of Ellis' vehement gestures toward the second of the row of four bedrooms that opened off the sala.

  12. The men stopped rowing and backed water as the boys drew their automatics and stood in a row at the edge of the bar.

  13. A large or long building divided into separate houses or shops, or a number of houses or shops built in contact with each other so as to form one building; a row of houses or shops.

  14. On either side a double row of trees shaded the footpaths; between the trees bushes or vines, all fruit-bearing, now and then seats and little wayside fountains; everywhere flowers.

  15. He used to make all kinds of a row because there was nothing left to explore now, only patchwork and filling in, he said.

  16. He made a tremendous row about their separate establishments, tried to keep her in his rooms, tried to stay in hers.

  17. The same thing was done in the case of each stake, and thus the displacement of the whole row of stakes was ascertained.

  18. After a tough struggle we reached the narrow row of crags which form the crest of the pass, and looked into the world of mountain and cloud on the other side.

  19. I had descended with extreme slowness and caution for some time, when looking over the edge of the cornice I saw a row of pointed rocks at some distance below me.

  20. The station chosen for this purpose was on a grassy platform of the promontory, whence, on the 28th of July, a row of stakes was fixed at right angles to the axis of the glacier.

  21. Where the curve of the roof met the curve from the bottom a little projecting bench had been utilized as a foundation for a row of houses.

  22. The holes placed in a row encircling the forehead and coming down as low as the ears, were once filled with pearls.

  23. In this wood-cut the front wall, as in the palace, presents more the appearance of a row of piers than any thing else.

  24. A row of these ancient pits, now slight depressions, indicate a vein.

  25. The next circle contains a row of glyphs not unlike kernels of corn.

  26. It is surrounded, as we see, by a row of palisades, and contains seventeen joint tenement houses, besides the council house.

  27. One wall seems to have consisted of a row of apartments; the other walls served to simply inclose the square, near the center of which was another large estufa.

  28. On each side of the stairway is sculptured, on stucco, a row of grim and gigantic figures.

  29. In the restoration the court is seen to be closed by a straight row of small buildings, but in most cases the wall inclosing the court was more or less circular.

  30. In this a row of minute houses had been built.

  31. There remains only to explain the outer row or band.

  32. This statue had sculptured upon its forehead a row of pearls, worn in the same manner as is represented in this pipe.

  33. One case was observed where either the will has entirely disappeared, or else it was left unfinished, and so we have a row of these standing stones, as seen in this illustration.

  34. But an inclosure of this kind, even with the ditch on the inside, if surmounted by a row of pickets or palisades, would prove a strong position against Indian foes armed with bow and arrow.

  35. At B, along the south end of the terrace, there was a long, low mound of ruins, and arranged along its base was a row of broken columns about five feet high and nearly five feet in circumference.

  36. From each of these figures extend in a semicircle a row of figures of this shape, ending with pointers at the top, between which is a year-date.

  37. Meanwhile there sat in the bureau of a large factory ex-Sergeant Schmitz, busy at his desk with a row of figures.

  38. From the barracks row upon row of lighted windows glimmered like stars from the distance.

  39. The infection is undoubtedly taken in with the food or water, infection being spread by the eggs of the parasite, and being expelled with the feces of an infected animal.

  40. The outer surface of the womb becomes swollen and inflamed, discharging sticky, stringy, transparent mucus.

  41. Good results are also obtained by feeding food that is easily digested, as bran mashes, steamed rolled oats and vegetables.

  42. Constipation or Diarrhoea may be connected with the disease.

  43. The United States Bureau of Animal Industry regulates the disinfectants to be used and the strength thereof, and as these are subject to change from time to time, I must refer you in this matter to the proper Government authorities.

  44. These worms affect and live in the trachea (windpipe) and bronchial tubes.

  45. The sow should receive a dose about eight times the size of that of the pigs.

  46. He'll frame things up to suit himself, then pick a row with you.

  47. She glanced about with faint curiosity, but the interior of the cabin showed nothing out of the ordinary, consisting as it did of one room with a cot in the corner, upon which were tumbled blankets, and above which was a row of pegs.

  48. The Queen shall see us fell down her enemies this day, before her face!

  49. He'll play like the mischief, and a great deal better for the row and the fright over that old racket.

  50. And they sat two or three rows deep; and those in the front row had to pass the things, of course, to the back-row girls.

  51. So Davie, smothering his longing, got into a front row with several boys of his set, and bent all his attention to the game just beginning.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "row" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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