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Example sentences for "feather"

Lexicographically close words:
feastings; feasts; feat; feate; feates; featherbed; feathered; feathering; featherless; featherlike
  1. He is feather in cap, and sometimes cap, and even at stress head within the cap!

  2. They drew their own feather to them, promising evil knows what freedom for rapine.

  3. Aunt Pen was shopping at that very moment trying to find the gayest feather duster in the city with which to decorate her.

  4. So that when Aunt Pen returned with a feather duster made of the biggest, brightest feathers that had ever grown to grace a young Indian princess, Pat didn't care whether or not she even went to Keineth's party!

  5. I have a stunning new hat, henna and turquoise blue and a feather you'll want to eat.

  6. She was soon joined by Cloppy, who had scrambled out of the feather nest and followed in his young mistress's steps.

  7. The day was warm, and the dimity curtains, the feather bed, and the night-cap all combined to stifle a little girl who was fond of fresh air.

  8. Quilts and feather beds were shaken and beaten; trunks and chests were emptied of contents which were unrolled, inspected, rolled up again, patted and punched, and returned to their places.

  9. These were looped back at one side with huge rosettes, and with Martha's assistance the little girl stepped on a chair, and so up on the high feather bed.

  10. If he saw anything but Miss Avery and a feather duster it is a wonder.

  11. She laid herself down on cousin Abby's sofa, and shaded her face with a big feather fan that lay at hand.

  12. As it was he took her up like a feather in his arms and carried her down to the cabin.

  13. An enormous black feather nodded above her "picture" hat, and with one hand she held up her skirt, revealing a white embroidered petticoat deplorably stained with mud.

  14. Twould be a great thing to convince John Carter," she said, "and a feather in your cap.

  15. The heart must weigh the feather exactly, for to be over-righteous was as bad as being wicked!

  16. We see a pair of scales with the heart of the dead man in one balance and a feather in the other; a monkey sits on the top and adjusts the weight.

  17. You'll see a great Highlander in his kilt and feather bonnet arm in arm with one of these little chaps, hobnobbing as if they had known each other all their lives.

  18. The wings of the bird were fluttering, as if it were in pain; a feather dropped here and there upon the road, and there was blood at its beak.

  19. His head was still under his wing, but not a feather stirred; Cocktail was dead, and frozen hard.

  20. Every feather of Jubilee’s wings and tail had to be painted separately, and washed before it was painted; and the poor worn-out bird had to lie there on the table all that day with his legs tied, and was given nothing to eat.

  21. I fancy the Latin expresses the sinking down of the wearied limbs, or rather, whole person, into the soft and deep feather bed.

  22. Of that feather is Monsieur Prosper Mérimée.

  23. Those voyageurs, as they are called, had each been supplied with a feather in his cap, in honour of the occasion, and evidently expected to produce a sensation on shore.

  24. All the strength of all his generations is to it as a feather before the whirlwind; and all the noise of his commerce, and all the thunder of his navies, it can hush in a moment within the silence of its impenetrable abysses.

  25. Then far away to the South uprose A little feather of snow-white smoke, And we knew that the iron ship of our foes Was steadily steering its course To try the force Of our ribs of oak.

  26. Worst of all, two immense feather pillows lay across its middle.

  27. And when he was spied approaching, with a cock's feather in his hat and supporting himself authoritatively on his big stick, a chorus of acclaim greeted him, for craving appetites were now to be satisfied.

  28. In his hand he held the feather Demo had previously taken from the floor, only to toss aside.

  29. Finally he noted a white feather lying in an open space near the temple's center.

  30. Your bleeding heart has caused you to fail this simple task, bringing the white feather to the temple.

  31. For the feather I carried was stolen away by the wind.

  32. Moss mattresses also were used under the feather beds and slaves did not need to have as thick a feather bed on that account.

  33. Every slave family could rest his tired body upon a feather bed for it was allowed him after the members of the master's family were supplied.

  34. They were comfortable though and Randall remembers how he and the other children used to fall down in the middle of the bed and become hidden from view, so soft was the feather mattress.

  35. Willis saw his first bedspring about 50 years ago and he still thinks a feather mattress superior to the store-bought variety.

  36. Patience remembers saving the feathers from all the fowl to make feather beds.

  37. They stood in diagonally opposite corners of the room, and upheld the hugest of feather beds, with gay, home-made worsted coverlets and valances that shamed the hues of the rainbow.

  38. A filmy white feather from some passing bird dropped before my face.

  39. I was just writing a report in the Yard when I was sent for by the Chief, and you could have knocked me down with a feather when I heard the reason.

  40. In it was seated a lady, closely veiled; but a large feather hat and the grotesque pattern of a black veil could not wholly conceal the pretty, determined face of La Belle Chasseuse.

  41. He pointed to a tall, well-dressed female, wrapped up in a fur cloak, and wearing a large feather hat.

  42. Speaking of her present quarters, she said she loved Uledi's wife very much, thinking birds of a feather ought to live together.

  43. Sally Folsum, burning to wear a long silk gown and a feather in her hair.

  44. They are eternally poking into corners with a feather duster.

  45. If you choose to use a feather duster instead, as the lazy woman does, you only chase the dust and the germs from one corner to another, and in doing so you afford yourself the opportunity of swallowing a few germs in the passing.

  46. This feather was of great importance to the Flying-Fish, which thanked Fritilla many times and swore to serve her always.

  47. One of the Rats, who wore a long red feather trailing from its helmet, was mounted upon a Hare whose pads were wrapped in linen.

  48. There was also some feather cloth, and several pieces of matting of various types.

  49. A wrapping of feather cloth enveloped the entire body, and there had been an equally extensive outer covering of rush matting.

  50. Frequently the bodies were wrapped in mantles of fur or feather string, and sometimes wrapped again in the tanned skins of deer or mountain sheep.

  51. The body had been wrapped in an excellently woven cotton cloth, which in turn, had been covered by a mantle of feather cloth and finally, with a mat of plaited rushes.

  52. And so when, on a bright, cold Saturday afternoon, Hammond crossed the river for the third and deciding contest, Ferry Hill was in high feather and was looking for a victory.

  53. Roy and Chub had it out on the next bed and Chub eventually begged for mercy from beneath a feather pillow.

  54. The boy stood in the burning block, Whence all but him had fled; He smashed the china on a rock, But saved the feather bed.

  55. Tis only the wave of a feather fan, That ruffles the creamy lace, Loose gathered about the bosom fair, By rhinestones held in place.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feather" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    air; bagatelle; bank; bauble; bead; bean; bit; blood; brand; breed; bubble; button; cast; cent; chaff; character; chip; clan; class; cobweb; color; cork; covert; crab; crest; cut; damn; denomination; description; designation; dip; down; drapery; dust; engrave; ether; face; fairy; farce; farthing; feather; feathers; fig; figure; filigree; fill; flag; fledge; flight; flounce; flower; flue; fluff; foam; form; fribble; frippery; froth; fuzz; garland; gem; genre; genus; gimcrack; gossamer; grain; hackle; hair; hoot; ilk; illuminate; inlay; jest; jewel; joke; kidney; kin; kind; label; line; load; loop; lot; mail; make; maneuver; manner; mark; mockery; mold; molehill; mote; mould; moulder; mouldy; nature; number; order; pace; pack; pad; paddle; paint; panache; persuasion; phylum; picayune; pin; pinion; plow; plume; pull; punt; quill; race; rap; ribbon; roll; row; rush; scull; secondary; shape; shit; shoot; skid; snap; sort; sou; spangle; species; spin; spiral; sponge; spume; stamp; strain; straw; stripe; stuff; stunt; style; tinsel; topknot; toy; tribe; trifle; trinket; triviality; tuft; tuppence; type; undulate; variety; wad; wainscot; wreathe

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    feathers black; feathers white