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Example sentences for "trifle"

Lexicographically close words:
trierarchs; triers; tries; trieth; trifid; trifled; trifler; triflers; trifles; trifling
  1. She was hugged and kissed and handed from one to the other in a very ecstasy of reunion, until Mr. Payton spoke, a trifle huskily.

  2. The beauty and grandeur of the great Marble Arch sobered them a trifle and they were enthusiastic in their admiration.

  3. Well, we've had to get along without her for almost six months," Ruth broke in, a trifle pettishly.

  4. You have the right idea," said Jack Turnbull, with perhaps a trifle more emphasis than was necessary, and with a glance toward Lucile, who had gone forward to meet her hostess.

  5. When Lucile, pale of face and lips and a trifle shaky and trembly on her feet, stepped from her cabin into the full beauty of a cloudless night, she turned to her friends with the first smile they had seen for ages--or so it seemed to them.

  6. Lucile flew up the winding stairs and came to a standstill before Jeanette a trifle uncertainly, not quite sure what was expected of her.

  7. The girls laughed a trifle shakily and Evelyn added, "But there's our guardian, you know.

  8. The incident related was a trifle rank for any one to swallow raw, when the same party who had interrupted before sang out, 'That's another damn lie.

  9. McCann, I'll take my carne fresco a trifle rare to-night, garnished with a sprig of parsley and a wee bit of lemon.

  10. She was a trifle demure at first, but her amiable shyness soon wore off, and she was most kind to Mr. Roscorla.

  11. Yes, it is time that I interfered," Mabyn said, still quite calm and a trifle pale.

  12. The trifle sent comes from a higher source; and the august hand so dear to both of us, deigned to preside over the arrangement.

  13. Oh, a trifle unworthy of her who is now the mistress of his warmest love; only a purse containing a hundred louis, and a suit of emeralds worth a similar sum.

  14. An interview was next solicited and granted; for a visit was such a trifle to refuse.

  15. The situation of my family requires it, but it is only a trifle for the king to grant.

  16. The way is to get ready a plug measured a trifle larger than the aperture you are going to make; then drill a round hole and force in the plug.

  17. She is brighter like, now he is in the house, and she reads all her friends' letters to him ever so lovingly; and I do notice she leans on him out walking, a trifle more than there is any need for.

  18. But this tax upon the receipts, though inconvenient, was a trifle compared with the series of heavy engagements that were impending.

  19. It may be very little that we can give; a word, a look, a smile, a kind offer to go for some little trifle that is needed, will often cheer and gladden a heart that is heavy with its secret burden.

  20. It required a second command to get him headed in the right direction, and he was a trifle dazed when he got outside.

  21. A rustle in the alley made her peer through the fret-work, for the veriest trifle swayed her; but it was only a dog seeking garbage in the gutter.

  22. Easy work also: a woman could do it with no more exertion than would make the bosom rise and fall a trifle quicker, or send a tremble through the arm supporting the bowed shoulder.

  23. An inclination of his head makes me free of the temple, and says, as plainly as words, "You are one of us, albeit a trifle young.

  24. Little Madame Plumet was a trifle upset at having to receive us in undress, before she had tidied up her rooms.

  25. Why keep pottering about every trifle of no moment, sir?

  26. If you trifle with Heaven's mercy, the world, or hell, or heaven itself, has no narcotic for the horrors of conscience.

  27. He even felt a trifle shamed and foolish, pretending that the vanished mood had not existed.

  28. He saw the faces of nurse and doctor bending over him, eager, amazed, surprised, a trifle frightened.

  29. Yet not a man to trifle with; behind his gentleness lay something very stern.

  30. If this is sewn a trifle nearer the front of the hat than usual, it will hold the hat better than if sewn exactly in the middle.

  31. Bode perhaps is a trifle credulous," he said in an offended tone.

  32. About them, his new tone was no doubt a trifle patronising, but still, quite tolerable.

  33. Reader, not quite understanding why he felt himself a trifle snubbed.

  34. They would not be moved, and at every fresh appeal they concentrated their attention upon their cold beef in a manner which I thought most noble, if a trifle ferocious.

  35. Lady Bandobust, I perhaps you think my terms a little high--just a trifle more than you expected, perhaps.

  36. He visited the shops to find some trifle for Maria, and then went through the town down to the shore.

  37. They are in a rut, just the same as the others, only the rut is a trifle wider.

  38. Serious business was a trifle to him, and trifles were his serious business.

  39. When men are in such a frame of mind, any trifle is sufficient to give occasion for dispute.

  40. For the wrong done to Cheyte Sing, even had it been as flagitious as Fox and Francis contended, was a trifle when compared with the horrors which had been inflicted on Rohilcund.

  41. The patronage of the Church and of the Bar he left to the Pelhams as a trifle unworthy of his care.

  42. She was a trifle taller than he had thought.

  43. He was a trifle drawn about the mouth, and irritated.

  44. Afterward we weighed it, upstairs, and found that the trifle weighed over half a pound.

  45. He was a bit unsteady, a trifle uncertain of his power.

  46. He has been a trifle estranged from Madame Roger since his marriage to Maria, but he sometimes takes little Maurice to see her.

  47. Hold on, my friend, ain't you a trifle in a hurry?

  48. Milly Roseveldt was her exact contrast--a milky-complexioned little blonde, shy and sweet; she was also a trifle dull.

  49. In pre-war days it was occasionally hinted that bazaar prices were a trifle high.

  50. There's too much shadow and oak panelling to trifle with that.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trifle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandon; bagatelle; bauble; bean; bit; button; caress; cent; cipher; clown; copulate; cut; dabble; dally; damn; dash; diddle; doodle; dummy; farce; farthing; feather; fiddle; fidget; fig; flirt; fool; fribble; frippery; gimcrack; hair; hint; hoot; idle; jest; joke; jump; junket; leave; loiter; mess; mockery; modicum; molehill; monkey; mousse; neck; nobody; nonentity; nothing; novel; novelty; nullity; omit; pastry; pasty; pate; pet; picayune; piddle; pie; pin; play; potter; procrastinate; pudding; puff; puppet; putter; rap; rosette; rush; scattering; shirk; shit; skip; slack; snap; sou; spoon; straw; strudel; tart; taste; thought; timbale; tinker; toy; trace; trifle; trinket; triviality; tuppence; turnover; twiddle; wanton; whiff; zero

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    trifle astonished; trifle difficult; trifle grim; trifle less; trifle more