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Example sentences for "cheat"

Lexicographically close words:
chearefull; chearful; chearfully; chearfulness; chears; cheate; cheated; cheater; cheaters; cheating
  1. Three oddnesses are in that dream: that it is true to life in that I in my lightning Mary-Mac-Lane-ness would manage to cheat a gallows.

  2. But to be told I seemed a weir-woman to a hard-headed business man who could doubtless cheat a client out of four thousand dollars easily in a half-day's maneuvering is oddly inspiriting.

  3. To cheat strongly in the life-game gets me more than does Weak easy honesty.

  4. It is evident that both the Greeks and Romans took peculiar pleasure in seeing a witty slave cheat a covetous master, and that the ingenuity of the fraud was always thought sufficient atonement for its knavery.

  5. We must get a good start to cheat the rascally red-skins.

  6. In time all are deceived by the cheat to which all contribute.

  7. Capricious Fortune ever joys, With partial hand to deal the prize, To crush the brave and cheat the wise.

  8. Man, according to philosophers, dies in detail; at the same time he may be said even to cheat death; for that which his withered hand has laid hold upon, can it be called life?

  9. I dare say he doesn't cheat more than most Christians," said Annie, jumping from her chair.

  10. There is no good; there is no God; And Faith is a heartless cheat Who bares the back for the Devil's rod, And scatters thorns for the feet.

  11. Is this a plot to cheat a dying man, Or cheat a wife who, if it be no plot, Is worthy death?

  12. Then let not an hour's delay Cheat you of your due; But, while it is called to-day, Paddle your own canoe.

  13. Who make religion's sacred tie A mask thro' which they cheat and lie.

  14. Proteus could not change his shape, Nor Jupiter commit a rape With half the ease those villains can Send prayers to God and cheat their man!

  15. Now then, doctor, you are such a busy man, and you are so wrapped up in your fads about natural history and that sort of thing, that anybody artful could take you in and cheat you as easy as swallowing a gooseberry.

  16. Well, I'd pretend to be him so as to cheat them, and make them take me instead.

  17. You come to France to cheat the poor Frenchman.

  18. Money supplied not only the necessities of life but also its luxuries, everything the material desire craved for, and so long as money had this magic purchasing power, so long would men lie and cheat and rob and kill for its possession.

  19. The Honourable Mr. Trick At cards can cheat or steal:-- These are the friends that suit us now, For oh!

  20. We imagine the rest of the world is out to cheat us, and I presume Josephus Baxter is no exception.

  21. I'm sure they're trying to cheat me out of my dye formulae.

  22. I was declared a brazen cheat who had concocted the most colossal lie of ages whereby to hoax an entire world for gain.

  23. I will not cheat you with preludings of pleasure, (36) but I will relate to you the things that are according to the ordinances of God in very truth.

  24. Hence the conclusion to which I have come, as already stated: good and upright you may be, since you do not cheat people from pure selfishness; but wise you cannot be, since your knowledge is not worth a cent.

  25. Bugaboos and hob-goblins may serve for a time to frighten the ignorant into obedience; but if they get a chance to cheat the devil, they will be sure to do it.

  26. But Warren did not cheat his customers, nor practice "an imposition under fair pretences.

  27. I have not the least fear that you will cheat me out of my half; and, as you see, I thus place myself confidently in your hands.

  28. Some are only to cheat you out of money, and others offer in return for money some base gratification.

  29. Now send me $10 and I will cheat the lottery-man by altering the post-mark of your letter so that the money shall seem to have been sent before the lottery was drawn.

  30. And he had indeed a troublesome office, for coal-carts without number were passing by, and the drivers seemed to do their utmost to cheat him.

  31. I am informed that it is the boast and glory of these people to cheat strangers, that when a feat of this kind is successfully performed the man goes from the shop into his house, and triumphantly relates it to his wife and family.

  32. Men lie and cheat for it as they lied for their lords in a feudal conspiracy, or cheated for their chieftains in a Highland feud.

  33. He might still be as wrong in thinking Jefferson Brick a charlatan and a cheat as was that great disciple of Lavater, Mrs. Wilfer, in tracing every wrinkle of evil cunning in the face of Mrs. Boffin.

  34. I won't cheat you," said Sasha reassuringly.

  35. And yet he would sometimes be civil, hoping to cheat me into inadvertencies.

  36. The room where I am lodged is a ground floor level with the earth in the garden and floored with brick, and is so wet after every rain that I cannot guard against taking colds that continually cheat my recovery.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cheat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    adventurer; beat; beguile; blackleg; burn; bustle; caricature; cheat; chisel; clip; con; counterfeit; cozen; crib; crook; deceive; deception; defraud; delusion; diddle; dishonesty; dodge; doodle; dummy; dupe; euchre; evade; extort; fake; falsify; feint; fiddle; fleece; foist; fool; forgery; fraud; fudge; gimmick; gouge; graft; gull; have; hoax; imitation; imposition; impostor; imposture; indirection; juggler; junk; lie; mace; mock; mountebank; mulct; paste; phony; pigeon; pinchbeck; prey; racket; ramp; ride; rob; rogue; rook; screw; sell; sham; sharper; shave; shift; shoddy; simulacrum; skin; slicker; spoof; stick; sting; string; subterfuge; swindle; swindler; take; thief; tinsel; trick; trickery; trickster; twister