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Example sentences for "sham"

Lexicographically close words:
shalots; shalt; shalte; shaltow; shaly; shaman; shamanistic; shamans; shamba; shamble
  1. She remembered the chase of the sham Indians, and its ending.

  2. Love could do three things to perfection--dance on his hind legs, sham dead, and jump for the king!

  3. Sham ill, and send my wife to say as I'm laid up in bed at home, and can't come to work.

  4. It was strange that my father, himself a ruined gamester, should have become the dupe of a man whose reported wealth was as great a sham as his own.

  5. And I caught the sham doctor talking to Mr. Rawdon, the ironmonger, the man that was on the jury, and I saw him go into his shop.

  6. What about the sham diamond stud in your dickey, and your three inches of pinned on cuff?

  7. A sham tortoise-shell hairpin dropped from her untidy hair on to the floor with a little clatter.

  8. Truth was a great and marvelous thing, but the last person who had need of it was surely an auctioneer engaged in the sale of sham articles of every description!

  9. Everything was done with a view to sending up the shares two hundred francs during the first six months by the payment of a sham dividend.

  10. Desroches or Cochin junior, a notary or a lifeguardsman, or a sham English lord,--any husband would have suited her.

  11. Meta laughed, for Ethel's sham was not too successful; she continued, "Dear Dr.

  12. I cannot think how he can help seeing what hard work it is, and how he can be contented with those dreadful sham smiles; but as long as she can give him pleasure, poor Flora will toil for him.

  13. Sham sleeves to put over a dirty shift or shirt.

  14. Cheats, who by sham pretences, and wonderful stories of their sufferings, impose on the credulity of well meaning people.

  15. A lie, or sham story: also a single stroke on a drum.

  16. A sham collar, to be worn over a dirty shirt.

  17. A sham sore above the elbow, to counterfeit a broken arm by a fall from a scaffold.

  18. The file kidded the joskin with sham books, and his pall capped; the deep one cheated the countryman with false cards, and his confederate assisted in the fraud.

  19. The jump, or dining-room jump; a species of robbery effected by ascending a ladder placed by a sham lamp- lighter, against the house intended to be robbed.

  20. Sham leggers; cheats who pretend to sell smuggled goods, but in reality only deal in old shop-keepers or damaged goods.

  21. A term of ridicule applied to convicts, who sham illness, to avoid being sent to Botany Bay.

  22. All those who have not the sham sores or clymes.

  23. A sham attack on one part, when a real one is meant at another.

  24. Seneca tells us of the meridiani, a class of slaves who were kept on purpose to fill up the midday leisure hours with sham fights, and ludicrous pranks played upon the bodies of those killed or half killed in the previous fights.

  25. Critics betray their arrogant temper under the most courteous phrases; a gentleman is still a gentleman, and a puppy a puppy, on paper as in life; the sham and the true are equally discernible in print and in society.

  26. Rogay would like it all pulled down, and built up again in rows of sham Gothic houses.

  27. The ship they saw was a mere sham of boards and sails, built upon firm land, only a pistol shot from the port.

  28. On arriving there he made much search for her aunt's husband, but he found no one in Sham Bazar named Binod Ghosh.

  29. In order to see the formation of the rock properly it is well worth the climber's while to descend for a few yards and mount the Sham Rock on the other side of the east scree.

  30. This is why it is called the Sham Rock; but it is only from below that it would be recognised as part of the Pillar mass, for from above it is wholly insignificant.

  31. Accordingly, as the plain pattern work approached the margin of the painted work, he replaced the leads by paint, which sham leads, of course, could be made to disappear as seemed good to him.

  32. Your plan is a good one, but you will find no one to aid you in a sham marriage!

  33. Your valet de chambre Rietz is willing to stand with me in a sham marriage.

  34. To make dead sure, we had sent word to Billy the Boy (and some money too) to raise a sham kind of sticking-up racket on the other side of the Turon, towards Bathurst way.

  35. I was well aware he was as treacherous as a dingo, and could sham dead or anything else to gain his ends and throw people off their guards.

  36. We'd got up a sham horse-stealing case the day before, through some chaps there that we knew.

  37. There is to be a sham war, you know, and the militia of this State and the neighboring State, with some help from the regular army, are to take part in it.

  38. Somehow reading about those battles doesn't give you as much of an idea of how it must have been as even a single morning of this sham war.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sham" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    sham fight; shame and; shameful death