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Example sentences for "paste"

Lexicographically close words:
passyd; passyng; passynge; passyon; past; pasteboard; pasteboards; pasted; pastel; pastels
  1. Make a paste of one teaspoonful of the flour and an equal amount of water; mix with it one-quarter of a teaspoonful of the logwood solution; follow this immediately with one-quarter of a teaspoonful of the ammonium carbonate solution.

  2. If alum is present, the paste will show a lavender or blue color; if absent, the mass will become pink, fading to a dirty brown.

  3. Wet a piece of white wool cloth or yarn thoroughly with water and place it with the paste in an agate saucepan.

  4. If the result is doubtful, set the paste aside for several hours, when the colors will show more plainly.

  5. After the openings have already been closed up the disinfectant is applied and the disinfector quickly leaves the room, being careful to close the door behind him and to paste gummed paper over the door cracks.

  6. When paste is to be cut into fancy shapes with vegetable cutters it should not be over A1/4 in.

  7. Turn the paste into a shallow pan covered thick with corn starch, leaving it 1 inch in thickness.

  8. Put a strip of paste around the edge of a shallow pudding dish or deep pie pan, fill dish with prepared fruit, sugar and flour, cover with a lid of paste, press on to the strip and bake.

  9. Nut Meal Crust= 2 cups flour 1 cup home made peanut meal salt cream Mix flour, meal and salt, pour enough moderately rich cream over to make a paste to roll out.

  10. To blend flour and liquid for thickening, add only a little liquid at a time, stirring with a fork or batter whip until a perfectly smooth paste is formed, then add liquid to make of the consistency of rather thin cream.

  11. Water Icing= The simplest of icings is granulated, powdered or xxxx confectioneraEuro(TM)s sugar formed into a paste so that it will run just smooth, by the addition of hot or cold water.

  12. Small patty pan shells of pie paste may be used.

  13. A positive pressure of the teaspoon in pressing the paste up on the edge of the pan will remove the extra portion there.

  14. Perhaps the greatest objection to pies occasionally, is the length of time it takes to make them, for paste that will make a tender crust cannot be rolled out in a hurry.

  15. Fill the dates with marshmallow paste for Marshmallow Dates.

  16. Hard boiled eggs may be rubbed to a paste in a mortar, with butter and salt.

  17. I often tint parts of paste with vegetable or fruit colors, spinach green, parsley, carrots or cranberries.

  18. He still wore his paste diamonds, his silk hat and patent-leather shoes.

  19. The streets were greasy with a thick, black paste of mud, and the smoke was down on our heads in a dark slop.

  20. Cry to it, nuncle, as the cockney did to the eels, when she put them i' the paste alive] Hinting that the eel and Lear are in the same danger.

  21. And of the paste a coffin will I rear] A coffin is the term of art for the cavity of a raised pye.

  22. Eight of these double layers of paste with the composition above mentioned between them are placed one upon another, making the whole about an inch thick.

  23. All they will do as a rule is to paste down to the inner surfaces of the boards the loose ends of the tapes on which the sewing is done.

  24. So that, although it may last a long time if not much used, a "cased" book is likely to slip out of its cover as soon as the paste fixing it perishes.

  25. When in 2nd position the book drops to level of paste box.

  26. As he entered, he was struck for the first time by a smell of paste that seemed past bearing.

  27. All day long, in the back-shop where the penetrating smell of paste mingled with the fumes of the cabbage-soup, he lived a life of his own, a life of incomparable splendours.

  28. If I had listened to you I should never have invented the Paste of Sultans nor the Carminative Balm.

  29. Vauquelin accordingly patronized the perfumer, and allowed him to call himself the inventor of a paste to whiten the hands, the composition of which he dictated to him.

  30. This Paste is named the 'Paste of Sultans,' because the discovery was originally made for the Seraglio by an Arabian physician.

  31. Monsieur Cesar Birotteau, to avoid counterfeits, informs the public that the Paste is wrapped in paper bearing his signature, and that the bottles have a stamp blown in the glass.

  32. In point of fact, this Paste and this Lotion possess amazing properties which act upon the skin without prematurely wrinkling it,--the inevitable result of drugs thoughtlessly employed, and sold in these days by ignorance and cupidity.

  33. The profit is as sure as that of the Paste of Sultans.

  34. The price of a cake of Paste is three francs; that of the bottle six francs.

  35. I shall carry with me placards in all languages, paste them everywhere, in villages, on doors of churches, all the best spots I can find in provincial towns!

  36. This cosmetic will not be less successful than my Paste or my Lotion.

  37. Paste and the Balm are solid property,--worth as much as a farm!

  38. Ought that tenacious, paste like substance, adhering to the skin of a new-born babe, to be washed off at the first dressing?

  39. A paste of honey and flour, spread on linen rag, is another popular and good application for a boil.

  40. Take the first and the last leaf and paste them over the tapes, to the inside of the cover.

  41. Stretch the tapes down on the cover and paste (1-3).

  42. A PASTE Mix until perfectly smooth one cup of flour with one cup of cold water.

  43. For four quarts of soup a tablespoonful of flour and a tablespoonful of butter; mix the flour and butter to a smooth paste just before the soup is done.

  44. Then wet the mixed flour and butter with just enough cold water to form a paste which you can roll out.

  45. After the flour and the first half of the shortening have been mixed to a paste roll it out, about half an inch thick, and put the rest of the shortening in flakes on it.

  46. Prevent that by adding to the soup, just before it is dished, a little paste made of flour and butter.

  47. To these may sometimes be added a pot of paste with a dead cockroach in it, or a hound dog either scratching fleas or snapping at flies.

  48. It's not big enough, though you could make it a handy sort of brick to paste him in the eye with, if you aim straight and pitch hard enough.

  49. Brush the hair down and if it persists in rough spots, paste them and then smooth down.

  50. The paste is equally good on skins of birds, except, perhaps the smaller ones, when freshly skinned, and some of the smaller mammals.

  51. The brain may be removed with a hooked wire, the skull well rinsed inside and out and given a good coat of arsenical paste or other preservative.

  52. Some taxidermists prefer to use in place of the paste some form of Arsenical Soap.

  53. Of course the operator will see that the entire inner surface of the skin is treated liberally with some preservative, arsenical paste preferably, before the filling process.

  54. When dry the comb and brush will remove the scales of paste readily along with any dirt from the hair.

  55. The artist had portrayed him wearing a long loose coat of crimson colour with large paste buttons; in his hand he was holding some unlikely-looking flower.

  56. Pavel Afanasievitch suddenly became exceedingly pale, hurriedly took off his dressing-gown, put on a reddish coat with big paste buttons.

  57. This done, the paste or dough is pulled and made into small loaves like pancakes, and clapped on the hot sides, until all the surface is covered, the little cakes sticking on with great tenacity.

  58. When the paste was finished, the barley-meal was attacked, and when this was gone, the greater part lived on biscuits sopped in water.

  59. An Arab will live three months on barley-meal paste dipped in olive oil.

  60. With the work in place, it should be well covered with the paste of flux and water, then heated until this flux boils up and runs over the surfaces.

  61. This mould may be made by mixing the fire clay into a stiff paste with water and then packing it against the piece to be supported tightly enough so that the form will be retained even if the metal softens.

  62. It is absolutely necessary to use flux of some kind and a part of whatever is used should be made into a paste with water so that it can be applied to the joint to be brazed before heating.

  63. Prepare paste and bake the same as Custard Pie (see No.

  64. I have had a leather covering made to keep safe the old, paste frame.

  65. There she was, with the rose in her dress, smiling at me out of the old paste frame.

  66. After drying, tamarind paste is applied to the flesh side of the skin, and the latter is then rolled between the hands, so as to produce a coarse graining on the outer side.

  67. At festivals, and other ceremonial occasions, sandal paste is distributed to guests along with betel leaves and areca nuts (pan-supari).

  68. The paste made by rubbing sandal (Santalum album) wood on a stone with water is widely used in connection with Hindu ceremonial observance.

  69. A wooden plank is furnished by the carpenter, and an impression of the foot of the deceased smeared with sandal paste is made on it.

  70. We must find the rest of this scrap of paper, and paste it together.

  71. Now we'll paste them together, and see what it says.

  72. The best results will be obtained by using heavy black printer's ink, a paste which should not be thinned before using.

  73. Concerning the small wanted notices inserted in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, a suggested procedure would be to paste each individual notice on a blank 8- by 8-inch white card.

  74. Then volcanoes burst forth; the igneous rocks sent up mountains of liquid flame, and the paste of the streaming porphyry and basalt began to congeal.

  75. They went to Falaise for a jujube, and, even under the apothecary's own eyes, they submitted his paste to the test of water.

  76. A number of things excited in their breasts a longing to possess them--a tin pot, a paste buckle, printed calicoes with large flowerings.

  77. Have we not the playhouse, its paste diamonds, its paste feelings, and the loud applause of fops and sots--hearts?

  78. Paste some on Mr. Switzer, if you can, Mr. Bunn.

  79. As they went in they saw Carl Switzer, the German comedian, climbing a high step-ladder with a pail of paste in one hand, and a roll of wall paper in the other.

  80. Spatter that paste all over Mr. Bunn while you're at it, Mr. Switzer.

  81. Down he came on top of Wellington Bunn, in all his dignity and the glory of the tall hat, and paste flew all over, liberally spattering both actors.

  82. Why, then, you put it in bottles, and paste labels on, and take it all around and sell it to people.

  83. She had no new things to paste in, nor had she any paste.

  84. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "paste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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