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Example sentences for "wall paper"

  • This relation was maintained uninterruptedly until 1884, when Mr. McArthur withdrew from the firm and established the present business, that of Colin McArthur & Company, wall paper manufacturers.

  • He was educated in St. Enoch’s school of Glasgow and for sixteen years was associated with the firm of Wylie & Lockhead, wall paper manufacturers, acting as manager of their interests most of the time.

  • Holland & Son Company, dealers in wall paper, established by him in 1843.

  • Occasionally the restrictions of local boards of health provide in such events for proper fumigation, but too often no precautions are taken to destroy the disease germs which are caught in the dust which collects on wall paper.

  • There seems to be no question, however, that the use of wall paper is steadily decreasing, and that the art of interior decoration is undergoing a transition to the almost universal use of paint.

  • Illustration: Heavy Colonies of Bacteria Developing in Agar Jelly Treated with Washings from Wall Paper Practically no Development of Bacterial Colonies in Agar Jelly Treated with Washings from Sanitary Wall Paint] =Hospital Practice.

  • Defn: To coat with flock, as wall paper; to roughen the surface of (as glass) so as to give an appearance of being covered with fine flock.

  • A definite portion or quantity, as of goods or work; as, a piece of broadcloth; a piece of wall paper.

  • Figure or style of decoration; design; as, wall paper of a beautiful pattern.

  • Very often a design that has been made for this purpose would have been better suited to a wall paper, a panel of tiles, or a woven pattern.

  • Its place has been taken by what after all is but a substitute for it, namely, wall paper.

  • A more elaborate and costly kind of wall paper is that which is stamped and gilded, in emulation of stamped and gilded leather, which it resembles in effect and quality of surface.

  • To coat with flock, as wall paper; to roughen the surface of (as glass) so as to give an appearance of being covered with fine flock.

  • Block cutters prepare blocks of wood for the coloring of wall paper.

  • Each color, and even shade, in wall paper, requires a separate block.

  • The largest class of wood engravers is in the school of New York; the largest for designing on wall paper, in Philadelphia.

  • To-day the "Citizen" is printed on wall paper; therefore has grown a little in size.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wall paper" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another player; books bound; calling them; civilized society; dear girls; each woman; express herself; great author; greatly obliged; internal security; like leaves; may seem; minutes west; much wind; nearly circular; nursery governess; quick fire; return them; special creation; three days; wall paper; walled cells; walled city; walled town; will secure