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Example sentences for "jelly"

Lexicographically close words:
jejune; jejunum; jell; jellied; jellies; jellyfish; jellyfishes; jellylike; jen; jene
  1. When baked and cooled, jelly the side with fine currant jelly or any other good jelly.

  2. Bake in thin sheets and proceed as with layer cake, using jelly and cocoanut between layers.

  3. This jelly is made so good and costs so little that it can be sold at a profit.

  4. Leave them open for one day, then take thick paper soaked in rum, put over the top of jelly and close down tight.

  5. When the jelly is boiled enough, pour into the pails.

  6. You can color this jelly as you like, make it dark currant jelly, red currant jelly or any other color you like by using artificial colors.

  7. No jelly should be put on cakes or tarts to be baked in the oven, for it will cook and run all over the cake.

  8. When baked and cool and dry stick two together by putting jelly between them.

  9. The jelly on all four was by this time liquefied, and rendered very acid.

  10. The undried jelly was next tried, and as a control experiment small cubes were left in water for four days and retained their angles.

  11. Then turn out your jelly on a dish, and put in the middle a sauce remoulade (cold, Art.

  12. Strain your jelly through a flannel until perfectly clear, and add three sherry-glasses of rum.

  13. Take out the skewers, garnish with water-cresses, and serve some currant jelly separately.

  14. Pour the rest of your jelly into the mold, which put on the ice until sufficiently stiff to turn out of the mold.

  15. The receipt for this jelly is given as it is generally made in this country, where gelatine is much used.

  16. I shall make her some jelly directly," said Miss Deborah, "and put in plenty of Madeira; the poor thing needs strength.

  17. There wasn't much room to walk about, and when I stepped over the jelly to reach the cheese, which seemed to tempt my appetite more than anything, my long tail switched the roses out of the bowl in the middle of the table.

  18. Miss Patricia rose to go down and prepare the lemon jelly that Phil had asked for, saying, as she moved toward the stairs: "Well, I love Phil and Stuart dearly.

  19. Indeed, it seems to rain guava jelly in Cuba.

  20. And mamma said I might have some jelly and some sago for him--and there is nobody to take it.

  21. Here was this lady, taking jelly with her own hands to a sick man.

  22. The accompanying sketch shows how a stand can be made from a few pieces of boards that will help jelly makers and prevent the old-time dangers and disadvantages.

  23. When all is done, put up the gooseberries and the jelly together in glass jars.

  24. Send currant jelly to table with them, and have heaters to place under the plates.

  25. Garnish the hare with slices of currant jelly laid round it in the dish.

  26. Try the jelly by taking a little in a spoon and holding it in the open air to see if it congeals.

  27. When they are quite done, put quince jelly or marmalade into the holes from whence you took the cores; put the quinces into glass jars and pour the syrup over them.

  28. Always have some currant jelly on the table to eat with roast mutton.

  29. When it has all dissolved, set it over the fire, put the gooseberries into it, and let them boil twenty minutes, or till they are quite clear, and till the jelly is thick and congeals in the spoon when you hold it in the air.

  30. If the gooseberries seem likely to break, take them out carefully, and let the jelly boil by itself till it is finished.

  31. Put those that you intend for the jelly into a stew-pan, allowing to each quart of gooseberries half a pint of water.

  32. White raspberry jelly may be prepared in the same manner.

  33. A few grains of saffron boiled with the jelly will improve the colour without affecting the taste.

  34. Black currant jelly is excellent for sore throats; and if eaten freely on the first symptoms of the disease, will frequently check, it without any other remedy.

  35. Now Mrs. Carlyle's throat was very bad, and Miss Jewsbury took some of her jelly to her.

  36. Miss Jewsbury had unlimited faith in black currant jelly for a cold.

  37. So Miss Jewsbury sat by the head of the bed and kept her black currant jelly well out of sight.

  38. He was small and lean and of a nervous nature, so he quivered like a jelly in his wife's tremendous grip.

  39. I will have some jelly instead, and a slice of bread.

  40. He constantly moistened my lips with slices of pineapple, only occasionally leaving me, to go in search of the jelly cocoa-nut, which in an unripe state has but a thin skin, but contains more liquor.

  41. Jean pulled herself together with a frantic effort, and clutched the dish she was holding so fiercely that the jelly on the summit of the cranberry pie shivered and shook.

  42. The jelly and the cranberry pie look rather nice,' said Angela, her own mouth watering for them, as she passed them out to Jean.

  43. And I'm afraid we never will-- Poor Jelly Jake and Butter Bill.

  44. To make blackberry jelly get the first fruit of the season if possible, and see that it is ripe or it will yield very little juice.

  45. To make the jelly use the same recipe as for blackberry jelly.

  46. In the absence of the fresh fruit a tea made of blackberry jelly and hot water (a large tablespoonful of jelly to half a pint water) will be found very useful.

  47. Strain through a jelly bag, or fine clean muslin doubled will do.

  48. It is made by pouring half a pint of boiling water on to a large tablespoonful of the jelly or jam.

  49. To test, put a little of the jelly on a cold plate, and if it sets when cold it is done.

  50. Dora took the cake, declined the plate, and began eating eagerly, smearing her lips with the jelly and licking them with an encircling tongue.

  51. It has icing on it, and jelly between the layers.

  52. Boil as many large white perch as will be sufficient for the dish; do not take off their heads, and be careful not to break their skins; when cold, place them in the dish, and cover them with savoury jelly broken.

  53. It may also be roasted, the skin taken off and frothed nicely, serve it up with good gravy, and garnish with current jelly cut in slices.

  54. Make calf's foot jelly not very stiff, freeze it, and serve it in glasses.

  55. The idea of Ricossia in conjunction with the glass of jelly and the grapes upset me for the moment, that is all.

  56. I'll--I'd like to take him a glass of jelly and some grapes.

  57. These living parts consist of minute masses of that living jelly to which the name of protoplasm has been applied.

  58. The next two forms, a and c, look much more like plants, for the cells arrange themselves on a jelly stem, which by and by disappears, leaving only the separate flint skeletons.

  59. In the larger Sertularia the whole branched tree is connected by jelly threads, running through the stem, and all the thousands of mouths are spread out in the water.

  60. The last form, d, is something midway between the other forms, the separate cells hang on to each other and also on to a straight jelly stem.

  61. These tentacles are feelers, which lash food into a mouth and stomach in each cup, where it is digested and passed, through a hole in the bottom, along a jelly thread which runs down the stem and joins all the mouths together.

  62. So the two halves of the last cell open, and throwing out their flinty skeletons, cover themselves with a thin jelly layer, and form a new cell which grows larger than any of the old ones.

  63. We sent him soup and jelly made by our cook, and Fred went to see him before we started.

  64. That's the reason I didn't pound the brute to a jelly on the bed, for it would have made such a mess on the sheet.

  65. At the end of another twenty-four hours a perfectly transparent jelly of the most satisfactory flavor will be formed, which will keep as long as if it had been cooked.

  66. Bake in a moderate oven in layers like jelly cake, and, when done, spread custard between.

  67. Mix this with the juice, put the jelly into a mold and set the mold on ice.

  68. Take another and prepare it likewise; fill the shells with currant jelly or jam; join two together, cementing them with some of the mixture; so continue until you have enough.

  69. A little lemon juice added to the strawberry juice improves the flavor of the jelly, if the fruit is very ripe; but it must be well strained before it is put with the other ingredients, or it will make the jelly muddy.

  70. When the custard is cold heap this on top; if in cups, put on a strawberry or a bit of red jelly on each.

  71. Orange jelly is a great delicacy and not expensive.

  72. This cake is baked in layers like jelly cake.

  73. Add the jelly and stir over the fire until it is melted.

  74. The juice of apples boiled in shallow vessels, without a particle of sugar, makes the most sparkling, delicious jelly imaginable.

  75. Put the sheets of cake together, while warm, with jelly between.

  76. I won't see him, and you two can laugh at me and my jelly as much as you like.

  77. Meg is a great comfort to me and lets me have jelly every night at tea its so good for me Jo says because it keeps me sweet tempered.

  78. The jelly won't jell and I don't know what to do!

  79. It was too bad to laugh at the poor little jelly pots.

  80. One edition of jelly was trickled from pot to pot, another lay upon the floor, and a third was burning gaily on the stove.

  81. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jelly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    albumen; batter; butter; cake; candy; churn; clabber; clot; clump; cluster; coagulate; comfit; concrete; confection; confectionery; congeal; conserve; cream; curd; curdle; dough; emulsify; frosting; gelatin; glaze; glue; gluten; gruel; gumbo; honey; icing; jam; jell; jelly; knot; lump; marmalade; meringue; molasses; mousse; mucilage; mucus; pap; paste; porridge; preserve; pudding; pulp; puree; size; soup; spread; starch; sweet; sweetmeat; syrup; thicken; treacle; whip

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    jelly making; jelly roll