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Example sentences for "leaving"

Lexicographically close words:
leavens; leaves; leavest; leaveth; leavin; leavings; lebe; lebt; leche; lecher
  1. And, leaving there, the Sieur sailed for Port Royal, the place of his residence.

  2. You can see that, when he spoke on his fingers, Jack's way was to make his sentences short by leaving out all the little words, much as children do when they first begin to talk.

  3. And leaving soon the sultry strand Where his fair vessel lay, He travelled o'er the neighbouring land To trade in peaceful way.

  4. Then, when the tears came at the sight of his grief, she added, "It is only leaving you all; but Jesus will be there.

  5. Behind the hills of Naphtali The sun went slowly down, Leaving on mountain, tower, and tree A tinge of golden brown.

  6. The departure from dear old Brighton, the saying of farewells that might be final, the leaving of scenes that would always be reminiscent of happy days and worthy efforts with benefits for life, came all too soon.

  7. But however ill the wind that had blown those raiding Huns to the attack of the gun pit, leaving death and suffering in their wake and many more of their own to care for, it was indeed ill if it blew no good.

  8. The girls brought the garments to the stream, and leaving them in the shallow parts trod them with their bare feet.

  9. Leaving the ship he came to the dwelling of the servant he most trusted--to the dwelling of Eumæus, the swineherd.

  10. Like fire falling upon a wood and burning up the underwood went King Agamemnon through the Trojan ranks, and when he passed many strong-necked horses rattled empty chariots, leaving on the earth the slain warriors that had been in them.

  11. When entering and leaving the garage during the course of your preparing dinner, to your recollection, was there any light on at that time?

  12. And he put it in terms of leaving New Orleans to go to Houston, or what was the other town?

  13. Did it occur to you that that might have been in the nature of a leave-taking of some kind by Lee Oswald, leaving his wedding ring for Marina?

  14. In this particular barrel the manufacturer's marks are caused by the drill which drills out the barrel, leaving certain marks from the drilling tool.

  15. But when she was leaving the room, was it her tendency to turn off the light?

  16. Were you physically kept from leaving the building when you got downstairs?

  17. That is leaving your kitchen entering the garage it is on your right side.

  18. She was desirous of attempting to do so though still leaving open the possibility that in time she would have to conclude that she couldn't.

  19. The design is in all cases inclosed by two parallel border lines, leaving a plain belt from one-fourth to three-fourths of an inch in width around the edge of the disk.

  20. The outer case of the shell being somewhat fragile it is probable that the sea has very frequently broken it away, leaving the dismantled columella to be washed ashore in a shape convenient for manufacture or for inland trade.

  21. The hinge, teeth, and ligaments have been ground down and a portion of the postero-dorsal margin removed, leaving the posterior point and basal margin projecting for a handle.

  22. The design has apparently covered the entire tablet, leaving no space for encircling lines.

  23. Whereupon Martha was called a saint and an angel and a brick, all in three breaths; and she went off, well pleased, to pack the basket, leaving great joy behind her.

  24. I am afraid I did wrong in leaving Boston," said Peabody gloomily.

  25. I have spoken to him about leaving home, and seeking my fortune; but I have not mentioned going to California, because I thought it impossible to raise the necessary money.

  26. Soon after leaving St. Joe, the emigrant train which Tom had joined, entered the territory of Kansas.

  27. They have gone on without me, leaving me to my fate," he said to himself, and the reflection gave him a pang.

  28. I have never traveled any to speak of before leaving home on this journey," replied Tom.

  29. Not knowing what to do with Tom, who was also under arrest, the officer paused an instant, then, leaving our hero, hastened in pursuit.

  30. My friend," said Ferguson, "I hear that you are soon leaving here with a party for California.

  31. If you were quite well, I might feel rather afraid of leaving the camp in your charge.

  32. His father died two years ago, leaving him two hundred thousand dollars.

  33. Leaving Gaston at length, Froissart assisted at the wedding of the old duke of Berry with the youthful Jeanne de Bourbon, and was present at the grand reception given to Isabeau of Bavaria by the Parisians.

  34. But Napoleon was no longer there; leaving Vaubois to hold Davidovich as best he might, and posting only 3000 men in Verona, he had collected the rest of his small army between Albaro and Ronco.

  35. The climax was reached just in time, for on the 17th Vaubois was completely defeated at Rivoli and withdrew to Peschiera, leaving the Verona and Mantua roads completely open to Davidovich.

  36. After leaving school he studied for some years under Louis Cabat, the landscape painter.

  37. Its expenses are met by the duties levied on goods and vessels entering and leaving any port of French West Africa.

  38. For, aware of the danger gathering in his rear, Massena gathered up all his forces within reach towards his centre, leaving Lecourbe to defend the St Gothard and the Reuss valley and Soult on the Linth.

  39. Laharpe with 7000 (it had become clear that the enemy at Voltri would not pursue their advantage) was to join Rampon, leaving only Cervoni and two battalions in Savona.

  40. There had been music in the garden; but now the singers and lute-players had withdrawn, leaving the master and mistress alone in the lingering twilight, tremulous with inarticulate melody of unseen birds.

  41. His old companions came to reprove him for leaving them, to warn him of the peril of apostasy, to entreat him to return.

  42. The unfilled lamp had gone out, leaving a trail of smoke in the air.

  43. He delighted in seating his victims on iron chairs and broiling them to death, or in immersing them in mid-winter in vats of ice-cold water, and thus leaving them to perish in dungeons.

  44. Ouessant and these islands can be reached from Conquet, a steamer leaving there thrice a week.

  45. This artificially prepared antitoxin is injected into the blood of, say, a diphtheria patient, and the poison is at once neutralised, instead of leaving the patient to make his own antitoxin and letting him perhaps fail in the effort.

  46. The vesicles dry gradually, and between the fourteenth and twentieth days the scab falls off, leaving a pitted scar.

  47. Chenet also took his departure, leaving the Caravans alone, face to face.

  48. Bavarian beer, he went to attend to him, leaving Caravan dumfounded at his want of sympathy.

  49. Two waiters, serious, silent, accustomed to seeing and forgetting everything, to entering the room only when it was necessary and to leaving it when they felt they were intruding, were silently flitting hither and thither.

  50. This was his story: When war was declared the son Sauvage, who was then thirty-three years old, enlisted, leaving his mother alone in the house.

  51. No one thought of leaving even for the noon meal.

  52. Deciding they could not have wandered far, I went to my gold washing as usual, leaving Woodruff and his brother to hunt them up.

  53. The breeze thus engendered puffed away the light dust, leaving only the heavier pieces to fall on the canvas.

  54. Men were dying every day; and disappearing underground, leaving no trace of themselves behind.

  55. Roughly speaking some three hundred of us had bought through passage before leaving New York: and it was announced that only fifty-two additional to those already aboard could be squeezed into the first steamer.

  56. Therefore nine of the party crept up afoot, leaving three to lead forward the horses some distance in the rear.

  57. When the evening chill descended, which now was quite early, we scattered to our various occupations, leaving Yank to his rest.

  58. One night Sturtevant went to bed about two, leaving Gobion in the room not much inclined for sleep.

  59. He bowed low to the distant crucifix on the altar on leaving the building, as a man who had tasted a sweet morsel, with shadowy and pleasant thoughts--the sense of a finer glory.

  60. He made five copies, and then got into a cab and drove hard to Fleet Street, leaving his card and an account at the news-office of each of the big dailies.

  61. The fire had gone out, leaving the room dark and cheerless, in sympathy with his thoughts.

  62. Leaving orders, therefore, to the army and navy, which were besieging Utica, as to what they were to do, he started with all his army in light marching order.

  63. On their leaving the speakers’ platform, Proandrus stood forward and desired leave to mention certain services performed by himself to the Romans, and to denounce those who accused him.

  64. When they got near the besiegers they stopped up the space all round the rim of the jar, leaving only two holes on each side through which they thrust spears to prevent the enemy coming near the jar.

  65. The fact is that he had made minute inquiries, before leaving Rome, both about the treason of the Celtiberians, and the separation of the two Roman armies; and had inferred that his father’s disaster was entirely attributable to these.

  66. He said therefore that “He would not say another word on his own concerns, but would adhere strictly to his resolution of leaving the decision as to them entirely in the hands of the Romans.

  67. The commissioners return in the spring, leaving instructions with Polybius to explain the new constitutions.

  68. Chapter 9 These doubts fretted and harassed him, growing weaker or stronger from time to time, but never leaving him.

  69. He felt that the love that bound him to Anna was not a momentary impulse, which would pass, as worldly intrigues do pass, leaving no other traces in the life of either but pleasant or unpleasant memories.

  70. Of late his mother, incensed with him on account of his love affair and his leaving Moscow, had given up sending him the money.

  71. Levin had not been at the club for a very long while--not since he lived in Moscow, when he was leaving the university and going into society.

  72. The reality of his suffering crushed all hopes in Levin and Kitty and in the sick man himself, leaving no doubt, no memory even of past hopes.

  73. And so in spite of the friendliness and directness of their relations, Konstantin felt an awkwardness in leaving him alone.

  74. She was generally a mistress of the art of dressing well without great expense, and before leaving Moscow she had given her dressmaker three dresses to transform.

  75. At home for sure," said the peasant, shifting from one bare foot to the other, and leaving a distinct print of five toes and a heel in the dust.

  76. He had been just as rude with the Sviazhskys, leaving them without saying good-bye.

  77. Madame Stahl had now been living more than ten years continuously abroad, in the south, never leaving her couch.

  78. Chapter 28 After the ball, early next morning, Anna Arkadyevna sent her husband a telegram that she was leaving Moscow the same day.

  79. Dolly will think I'm leaving my second husband, and so I certainly must be in the wrong.

  80. And now when he had learned to know her, to love her as she should be loved, he had been humiliated before her, and had lost her forever, leaving with her nothing of himself but a shameful memory.

  81. There go the inseparables," Yashvin dropped, glancing sarcastically at the two officers who were at that instant leaving the room.

  82. On leaving the Algenquins, they insisted on his taking one of their young men with him as hostage for a young French lad whom he left with them, at his own desire, to learn their language, etc.

  83. Leaving the island of St. Domingo, we continued our route to New Spain.

  84. Leaving the said port of Cartagena, I returned to the Havanna, to meet our general, who gave me a very good reception, having visited by his command the places where I had been.

  85. Cumberland, deceived in his hopes, returned to England, leaving the command to Sir John Berkeley.

  86. They paid for the food and presented a lira apiece to the children, leaving them silhouetted against the sky in a bobbing row shouting musical farewells.

  87. He turned the letters over to Gustavo with a five-franc note, leaving Gustavo to decide with his own conscience whether the money was intended for himself or the steward of the Regina Margarita.

  88. He had not been content to take a general interest in the property to which he was one day to succeed, riding or walking about the place and leaving details to the agent and the estate staff.

  89. Then he turned his back and rode off, leaving Virginia and Miss Dexter looking at each other with horrified faces.

  90. The men had been shooting, the women playing bridge, for the weather was too raw for them to care about leaving the warmth of the house.

  91. He marched out of the room without further words, leaving Walter with the feeling of a man who has just passed through an earthquake.

  92. He knew well enough his ostrich-like habit of burying one fact in a Sahara of words and leaving a dozen for all the world to see.

  93. He was now only anxious, while having his own way, to avoid the unpleasantness of leaving a grudge against himself in Dick's mind.

  94. The Squire and Dick went into the library to go over their farm papers together almost immediately after dinner, leaving Humphrey with his mother and the girls in the morning-room.

  95. She would have made an excellent commercial traveller, taking it cheerfully for granted when she entered a shop that she was going to get an order, and not leaving it until she had got one.

  96. Old Aunt Laura is going to give him another five hundred, and she's consulted me about leaving him the bulk of her money when she goes.

  97. After leaving the printing frame, the plate is immersed in cold water.

  98. The plate is slightly warmed upon a slate slab, underneath which is a water bath; it is then flooded with the above mixture of bichromated gelatine, leaving only sufficient to make a very thin film.

  99. A six-celled destructor kiln burns about 42 tons of refuse in twenty-four hours, leaving about one-fourth of its bulk of clinkers and ashes.

  100. For instance, more emphasis on silent reading may make the reading ability of a whole school 20 per cent better, while leaving the distance between the best and worst reader in the school the same.

  101. Part of his full power of attention is given to keeping himself to the work, leaving only a part to be given to the work itself.

  102. The enemy fled, leaving their camp and all its equipments to French.

  103. But it is typical of French that he found a last opportunity of out-manoeuvring the Boers before leaving Ladysmith.

  104. Leaving a very small force to hold his camp, he formed his main body into a square, in which form it advanced.

  105. French undertook to check them and hold them back, leaving the main army to deal with the surrounded enemy.

  106. One of the first shots told; and the Boers came tumbling out of their shelter, leaving the trainload of British soldiers, captured the previous night, free to join their comrades.

  107. The enemy never got within thirty yards of the square, but with broken ranks and wild confusion the spearmen fled, leaving two hundred and fifty of their dead upon the field.

  108. If apt to flame out suddenly, it quickly burns itself out, leaving no touch of resentment in the scorched.

  109. The stupidity of the enemy, in leaving the telegraph wires uncut, enabled him immediately to acquaint Sir George White with the peril of his situation.

  110. French rested his forces in Barberton for three weeks, leaving the town on October 3.

  111. He looked surprised and wider awake than ever, but nothing shook me, and I walked away, leaving him standing on the hearthrug after the manner of my countrymen, who never dream of opening a door for a woman.

  112. When the parson came to say good-night and good-bye, as he was leaving very early in the morning, I saw at once by his face that all was right.

  113. On the 19th of February, twelve days after leaving Alexandria, he was off Malta, and there for the first time received information that the enemy had returned to Toulon in a very crippled state.

  114. Nelson rightly felt that he himself could not go, leaving Bickerton without any assistant.

  115. A short hour elapsed between Hardy's leaving the cockpit and his returning to it, which brings the time to four o'clock.

  116. A marked symptom of growing alienation was afforded by his leaving her on the 19th of December, in company with the Hamiltons, to spend the Christmas holidays at Fonthill, the seat of William Beckford.

  117. As the ships were beaten, this might not be humane; but between it and leaving them under the guns of both parties, the question of humanity was only one of degree.

  118. Like Nelson dying at Trafalgar, it too would have laid down its life, leaving its work finished.

  119. From the time of leaving he wrote to her practically every day.

  120. Nelson was obliged to detain him until reinforcements arrived from England, because Calder was unwilling to undergo the apparent humiliation of leaving his flagship under charges, and she could not yet be spared.

  121. Had the Hamiltons remained in Palermo, Nelson would have been forced to a choice between leaving her and the Mediterranean, or yielding a submission to orders which to the last he never gave, when fairly out of signal distance.

  122. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leaving" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absence; cessation; cut; default; departure; desuetude; disappearance; disuse; egress; end; escape; evacuation; exit; exodus; farewell; final; flight; furlough; getaway; going; holiday; hooky; jettison; last; leave; leaving; outgoing; parting; passing; removal; retirement; retreat; truancy; vacation; valedictory; withdrawal

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    leaving behind; leaving her; leaving him; leaving home; leaving only; leaving school; leaving the; leaving their; leaving them