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Example sentences for "valedictory"

Lexicographically close words:
valde; vale; valeant; valeat; valedictorian; valen; valency; valent; valentines; valer
  1. The valedictory match on the river on May 27 proved the best racing test, and furnished the most stirring sport of the trio.

  2. There was really not a semblance of racing on the second day of the Royal Clyde Regatta, which was the valedictory fixture in the so-called 'Clyde fortnight.

  3. I found myself again delivering valedictory addresses, and to an audience more moved than the first.

  4. On the afternoon before it was intended we should sail, a valedictory party came on board: nine of our particular friends equipped with gifts and dressed as for a festival.

  5. Taipi, on the other hand, remained standing and facing us with gracious valedictory gestures; and when Captain Otis dipped the ensign, the whole party saluted with their hats.

  6. A more delightful valedictory it would not be easy to find in the swan song of any journal.

  7. An item in his host's valedictory remarks took him back into the room again, and he stood holding the door-handle as he spoke.

  8. The following morning, having discarded his chauffeur's attire and departed from Broadoak Manor, after listening to an eloquent and most enjoyable valedictory address from its tenant, Pip returned to London.

  9. The valedictory service was held at Surrey Chapel on the 30th of September.

  10. Valedictory services of a most enthusiastic character were held in Scotland, Newcastle, Manchester, and London.

  11. He said, in his valedictory remarks, “Perhaps I thought my name was better known than it is.

  12. Before an immense assemblage I delivered, on that bright Sabbath, the Valedictory discourse which closes the present volume, and which gives in condensed form the history of the Lafayette Avenue Church.

  13. Henry, you may remember, delivered the Roosevelt valedictory at the Chicago Republican convention in 1912, when he kidded the standpat crowd out of every Republican state in the union but two at the election.

  14. The gestures were the well-known gestures of his valedictory to the Republican party at the Chicago Auditorium in 1912--beautiful gestures and impressive.

  15. CLAY In the month of March, of this year, Mr. Clay resigned his place in the Senate, and delivered a valedictory address to the body, in the course of which he disclosed his reasons.

  16. Such is the valedictory of our Secretary--his sorrows over the fate of McLeod.

  17. They were his valedictory to that delusive cheat.

  18. Benevalete was also employed as the appreciation in early deeds; but in Merovingian diplomas and in papal bulls this valedictory salutation becomes a mark of authentication, as will be noticed below.

  19. All these diplomas are technically letters, having the superscription and address and, at the foot, close to the seal, the valedictory benevalete.

  20. A valedictory oration or address spoken at commencement in American colleges or seminaries by one of the graduating class, usually by the leading scholar.

  21. One who pronounces a valedictory address; especially, in American colleges, the student who pronounces the valedictory of the graduating class at the annual commencement, usually the student who ranks first in scholarship.

  22. Helena came down, and they all drank the coffee as in a mystic farewell rite--a valedictory communion.

  23. The memory of that farewell in Halifax was still vivid, and he hoped, ere he sailed for Porto Rico, that he would be fortunate enough to have such another delightful valedictory moment with the girl of his heart.

  24. Defn: One who pronounces a valedictory address; especially, in American colleges, the student who pronounces the valedictory of the graduating class at the annual commencement, usually the student who ranks first in scholarship.

  25. Defn: Bidding farewell; suitable or designed for an occasion of leave-taking; as, a valedictory oration.

  26. Defn: A valedictory oration or address spoken at commencement in American colleges or seminaries by one of the graduating class, usually by the leading scholar.

  27. M42) His valedictory address was both graceful and sincere: "After an arduous connection of eighteen years, I bid you respectfully farewell.

  28. Delivers valedictory address before Edinburgh University on 'The Place of Ancient Greece in the Providential Order of the World.

  29. Sidenote: General Washington's valedictory address to the people of the United States in which he declines being considered as a candidate for the presidency.

  30. The propriety in the opinion of the public, so far as that opinion has been expressed in conversation, of my appearing again on the public theatre, after declaring the sentiments I did in my valedictory address of September, 1796.

  31. General Washington's valedictory address to the people of the United States.

  32. This valedictory strikes with stern hammer-stroke the subject of his thoughts.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "valedictory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    address; adieu; allocution; debate; diatribe; eulogy; exhortation; farewell; filibuster; final; harangue; inaugural; invective; last; leave; oration; parting; peroration; philippic; pitch; reading; recital; recitation; salutatory; say; speech; talk; tirade; valedictory