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Example sentences for "allocution"

Lexicographically close words:
allocate; allocated; allocating; allocation; allocations; allodial; allois; alloit; allon; allone
  1. It occurs only in Matthew; and we may readily agree that, if such an allocution were really delivered by the alleged Founder, it could not conceivably have been left to one collector to preserve it.

  2. This last suggests an earlier allocution to the Twelve which has had to be turned into a "private" speech to them to distinguish it from the reply to the Seventy.

  3. Nay, if we are to elide the miraculous, how are we to let the allocution stand?

  4. In the brief interval between the mass and the allocution to the corpse, while Father Vassily was donning his black velvet cassock, the deacon smacked his lips and said: "A little ice would come in handy, for he smells rather strong.

  5. Even from the short allocution to the troops on the Plaza (which only the first ranks could have heard) he had not been able to keep out his fixed idea of an outraged Church waiting for reparation from a penitent country.

  6. The Minister of War, in a barrack-square allocution to the officers of the artillery regiment he had been inspecting, had declared the national honour sold to foreigners.

  7. Great dissatisfaction was manifested by Russia, and the incidents that ensued drew forth from his Holiness an allocution (November, 1866) condemnatory of the course of that government.

  8. A] [Footnote A: Close of "A Comment by Pio Angelo Fierortino on the Allocution of Pius IX.

  9. He drew them up in two ranks facing each other, and began very deliberately with an allocution on the art of the bayonet.

  10. Not one word of the allocution was lost; scarcely was it seen that a lieutenant of the artillery was going to speak before everybody kept silence.

  11. A threatening papal allocution of 1841 only increased the violence of the Cortes, and when Gregory XVI.

  12. But the allocution directed against this robbery by Gregory XVI.

  13. But even this diatribe was cast in the shade by the Christmas allocution of that year, in which he was not ashamed to characterize the procedure of the German statesmen and their imperial sovereign as “impudentia.

  14. The papal nuncio of Vienna protested, the pope in an allocution denounced the new Austrian constitution as nefanda sane and the three confessional laws as abominabiles leges.

  15. On the following Easter Sunday the allocution relating thereto was read in all Catholic churches in Scotland.

  16. Middleton waked up for judicial allocution in a trice.

  17. Binder, later Director of the Board of Studies at Stuttgart, was the friend who delivered the funeral allocution at the grave of Strauss.

  18. In this same allocution the Holy Father deplores the miserable state of the illustrious Ruthenian nation, which, dispersed throughout the vast countries of Russia, is, from various causes, exposed to great dangers as regards salvation.

  19. The allocution briefly enumerates the several acts of aggression successively committed by the Piedmontese.

  20. The cannonade had scarcely ceased to be heard at Ancona, when the Holy Father raised his voice in a consistorial allocution of 28th September, which, although addressed to the cardinals, is intended for the whole civilized world.

  21. The insertion here of the allocution which he delivered on the occasion cannot but prove acceptable to all English readers: “Great is the authority with which the Supreme Pontiff is invested.

  22. The allocution already alluded to, dealt by anticipation with the chief points of this publication.

  23. This allocution is perhaps the greatest doctrinal utterance of the Pontificate of Pius IX.

  24. The Holy Father recovered, and was able to hold a Consistory and deliver an allocution on the 28th of December.

  25. The reply of the assembled bishops to the fatherly allocution of Pius IX.

  26. M90 The Pope’s consistorial allocution to the assembled bishops.

  27. The bishops now desired, before leaving Rome, to present an address to the Holy Father, as well in reply to his allocution of 26th June as to express their gratitude for the great kindness which he had shown them.

  28. After this ceremony, the Holy Father, as was expected, delivered an allocution to the bishops.

  29. So placed, he delivered to the pupils of Propaganda a feeling allocution on the high career which lay before them as preachers of the true Faith.

  30. I refer you to the allocution of Bacbuc, the priestess of the Bottle, at large.

  31. And I confess, that at first sight, this matter of Bacbuc and her allocution looks rather like an exception to the rule, a proof that Rabelais, at all events, understood clearly what he was doing.

  32. The Pontifical Allocution unmasked the falsehood, but did not change the condition of affairs.

  33. You have read the recent allocution of the Pope.

  34. Again, as on the famous occasion before the rupture of the peace of Amiens, he uttered a public allocution in the form of a conversation; this time it was with Metternich, the Austrian ambassador, and he was calmer and more courtly.

  35. On the other side, far richer in poetic imagination and religious fervour, is the Allocution of the Archbishop of Madrid-Alcalá published in Madrid on the day hostilities commenced.

  36. This Allocution calls to mind Spain's last struggle with Mexico.

  37. Allocution of the Archbishop of Madrid to the Spanish army.

  38. The elder begins a fresh allocution by citing Matt.

  39. I have given away eighty copies to make my allocution known.

  40. The Pope felt obliged to protest against the organic articles in an allocution to the Consistory, and to address his claims to the First Consul, who took no notice of them.

  41. The allocution of his holiness shows that this consequence has not escaped his penetrating intellect.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "allocution" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    address; allocution; debate; diatribe; eulogy; exhortation; filibuster; harangue; inaugural; invective; oration; peroration; philippic; pitch; reading; recital; recitation; salutatory; say; speech; talk; tirade; valedictory