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Example sentences for "dangers"

Lexicographically close words:
danger; dangereux; dangerous; dangerously; dangerousness; dangle; dangled; dangles; dangling; dank
  1. Two dangers beset the voyager on the Ohio.

  2. Thus the young and delicate girl newly married is full of vague alarms in regard to the pains and dangers of her untried path to maternity.

  3. To guard against the dangers of this epoch, those general rules of health which we have throughout insisted upon should be rigidly observed.

  4. Hence the great, the unspeakable, importance of women being made aware of the dangers to which they are exposed, and being fully informed how to avoid them.

  5. The dangers she runs at this critical epoch are carefully noted, and the rules to prevent and remedy them clearly set forth.

  6. The chiefest difficulty hitherto has been, that while women were warned against the evils of abortion, they were offered no escape from the exhaustion and dangers of excessive child-bearing.

  7. My hearts prayer for you is, that you may be as safe from the dangers that await you, in the passions of others, and in the tenderness of your own heart.

  8. She was not ignorant of the dangers of her voyage.

  9. It appeared to her that, as a member of any reputable family, she should be sheltered from the dangers which her father had most taught her to dread.

  10. His opportunity of revenge had now come, and he remembered his old dangers of ruin and assassination.

  11. Dangers were now hemming in the Dutchman and his band.

  12. The Spanish prisoners had succeeded in alarming them by rumours of the dangers and intricacy of the road, and the ambuscades that had been two months in preparation.

  13. They feasted here plentifully, and without fear of enemies, for the few Spaniards who were on the island were friendly, and past dangers grew mere dreams in the distance.

  14. Through all the dangers that can siege The life of man.

  15. She loved me for the dangers I had passed.

  16. Figuratively: To guide, as through dangers or difficulties.

  17. It is not yet advisable to discuss dangers peculiar to girls or dangers peculiar to boys in mixed classes.

  18. I told of certain dangers to be avoided, of results that had always followed certain remedies, of motives to be sought and used, of community ends to seek.

  19. Knowledge of the ingredients and dangers of patent medicines should be a prerequisite for the practice of medicine or pharmacy.

  20. In cities oculists can be found who will be glad to explain to teachers, individually or in groups, how the cards should be used and what dangers to avoid.

  21. They can all be solved by appeals to Nature Fore, which holds up an ideal of mankind physically able to enjoy all the benefits and to conquer all the dangers of civilization.

  22. Rejection of candidates showing excessive or long-continued use of tobacco and alcohol, with explanation of condition, causes, and dangers of continued use.

  23. Not until we turn our attention from definition and official to things done and dangers remaining can we learn the health progress and health needs of any city or state.

  24. Teaching mothers about the care of babies will bring better results than giving them a false sense of safety, because only one of many dangers has been removed by pasteurization.

  25. Because we have been unwilling to teach school children the evils of violating sex hygiene, we have been unsuccessful in combating evils justly attributable to ignorance on the part of girls as to the duties and dangers of motherhood.

  26. All these were dangers well worth considering; but now a new, and much greater danger began to show itself.

  27. The dangers connected with your calling are very great, and the public interest, as well as your own, requires that they should be reduced to the minimum.

  28. Dangers have been in frequent ambush along our path, but we have uncovered and vanquished them all.

  29. It organized armies, it fed them, and it fought them through those years of war with an undying and persistent faith that refused to be appalled by any dangers or discouraged by any difficulties.

  30. No woman would ever wish to see her husband or brother stand by and submit to insult and wrong, Deerslayer, however she might mourn the necessity of his running into the dangers of battle.

  31. I write this to you, my friends, that you may know the dangers in which we live.

  32. His object was to indicate the difficulties and dangers which then beset the traffic of the mercantile world with the East.

  33. Thus, day by day, the dangers to soul both in clergy and in people multiplied.

  34. Do not despair," said the Hermit, who was looking closely at me; "the dangers you have encountered may perhaps have saved you from still greater perils.

  35. She had learned at one and the same time of the dangers he had encountered, and of his present safety.

  36. But soon the wind arose, and for thirty-six hours we were exposed to all the dangers of a storm on the Atlantic.

  37. The Vicar also persuaded them, for they were about to visit an unknown land, where enemies and dangers would not be wanting.

  38. They said that he should give thanks for having been delivered from the dangers in which he was, and that he should be grateful to his sponsors for the good intercession they made.

  39. The Adelantado's person and that of his wife were in the same place where they all were, and all would share the dangers together.

  40. Without stopping to consider the dangers of this course, let us see what answer Rousseau gives to the greatest questions that perplex mankind.

  41. What, then, were the dangers threatening France?

  42. On his feet, and possessed of this weapon, he already found himself half delivered from the dangers which beset him.

  43. Lord help me, I should have had such lectures about the dangers of love and the night air on the lake, the risk arising from colds and fortune- hunters, the comfort and convenience of sack-whey and closed windows!

  44. These illustrate the particular customs and dangers of Christians in different nations and centuries.

  45. Weeks and months amid all kinds of dangers and uncertainty were required to reach even those places that lay near the shores of the Mediterranean.

  46. The next day he fell into a passion of tears, and prayed to be released from his promise; for he feared the dangers of the journey, and the false reports and suspicions it might give rise to among his subjects.

  47. What were the dangers of the sea to the passions amongst which I was launched--with my high fortunes in my hand, and, like all those who live and love, with a sword suspended above my head?

  48. I saw that she erected* herself not into a judge, but into a guardian, against the dangers of our youth and our romance.

  49. I understood the point of honour in her constancy, and she never doubted the scruples of my true devotion, which had brought so many dangers on her head.

  50. The conflicting fury of the elements, the darkness of night, the disasters of the sea, and the dangers of the adjacent shores, but too frequently combine to place the unhappy mariner beyond the power of human relief.

  51. The position, for these two reasons alone, was utterly wrong, but it was the sole possible alternative, and had to be accepted, and its difficulties and dangers dealt with as might be possible.

  52. It is hardly necessary to point out the dangers in, and objections to, the occupation of the City, as they are self-evident, the first and chief one being the vastness of its size in comparison with the force at our disposal.

  53. I must here describe the route I had to follow, as its peculiarities added much to the difficulties and dangers of the enterprise.

  54. It must not be supposed, however, that the muskrat's life was one continual round of sudden dangers and narrow escapes.

  55. When the wild geese returned to their northern breeding places and food grew more abundant, the lynx, too, turned his face to the vast solitudes, far from the dangers of the settlements.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dangers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.