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Example sentences for "leaving their"

  • Most of the men accepted the alternative of throwing in their lot with Wyatt and his company, leaving their leaders to return without them to London.

  • His troops melted away, leaving their captain at the mercy of his enemies.

  • When they came near the men alighted, and, leaving their horses in care of the dwarf, they walked towards the castle-gate.

  • This done, Tristram and Dinadan departed, leaving their opponents in surprise that such valor and might could come out of Cornwall.

  • Leaving their horses in the stables, they sought to enter the castle, but Balin's companion was refused admittance, as he had no lady with him.

  • They captured two or three others, and carried them all off to Ticonderoga, leaving their families to shift for themselves.

  • The Germans who fled at his approach, finding the assault general, threw down their arms and retreated to the interior of the camp, leaving their commander, Colonel Breyman, mortally wounded.

  • Generals Logan and Blair had gone home to assist in the political canvass, leaving their corps, viz.

  • We invariably did this in all our recent campaigns, and it had no ill effect, though sometimes our troops were a little too slow in leaving their well-covered lines to assail the enemy in position or on retreat.

  • After a successful assault upon Hood's men in their intrenchments the enemy fled in disorder, routed and broken, leaving their dead, their artillery and small arms in great numbers on the field, besides the wounded that were captured.

  • About this time they left to take part in the presidential election, which took place that year, leaving their corps to Osterhaus and Ransom.

  • The thirty frontiersmen withdrew from the city, and soon followed the example of their companions, who had begun to move homeward, leaving their leaders, Smith and Gibson, to adjust their differences with the government.

  • Leaving their rendezvous at the crossings of the Juniata, about the first of October, they arrived on the sixth at the Great Island, high up the west branch.

  • Leaving their horses in the forest, they separated into small parties, and advanced on several sides at once.

  • Baldwin still continuing to discharge his gun, Hamor, with twenty-two others, withdrew to his house, leaving their own in flames.

  • The enemy, encouraged by this, pushed on with redoubled fury, and Whaley was deserted by his other five barges, who fled ingloriously, leaving their commander to his fate.

  • As we were talking, more porters ran away, leaving their loads on the ground.

  • The next morning he came with the news that several of the porters had run away, leaving their boxes in the path, and that he had been compelled to go back and fetch more porters.

  • At this the culprits got frightened for fear of punishment from me, and, leaving their loads in the road, fled into the jungle.

  • The birds suddenly became silent, and, leaving their nests, went to the foot of the trees, where they timidly concealed themselves in the grass, while the frogs croaking on the nymphaeas dashed into the water.

  • Cavalier thanked the general; and then, leaving their officers, the two went on one side, and conferred together alone.

  • They happened to strike it in the center of a long stretch of desert, extending sixty miles without either water or pasture; and many animals had perished here, leaving their bones to bleach upon the plain.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leaving their" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    breadth escapes; certain pleasure; definite amount; divine inspiration; falling water; few hundred yards away; inner bark; leaving behind; leaving her; leaving him; leaving home; leaving school; leaving the; leaving their; leaving them; lemon juice; many quarters; more pleasing; open sepulchre; salt fish; silver certificates; spiritual substance; thine only; this cause; why not; word against